Head and Neck Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckPlace the events below in the correct sequence in which they would occur during the act of hearing In the text box below simply write the correct order of events by writing the number of each event in the order in which they would happen for example if i thought 6 was the first event and 1 was the second my answer would start with 6 1 Please note that you will not use all numbers 1 The malleus incus and stapes vibrate in succession causing perilymph in the vestibular canal to develop fluid waves 2 A receptor potential develops which ultimately initiates an action potential 3 The vestibular membrane vibrates causing waves in the fluid of the cochlear duct 4 External sound waves are transmitted through the external auditory canal causing the tympanic membrane to vibrate 5 The basilar membrane begins to move up and down in response causing hair cells to bend against the tectorial membrane 6 The malleus incus and stapes vibrate in succession causing perilymph in the tympanic canal to develop fluid waves 7 An action potential is sent via cranial nerve nine 8 The basilar membrane begins to move up and down in response causing hair cells to bend against the tympanic membrane 9 External sound waves are transmitted through the external auditory canal causing the tectorial membrane to vibrate

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich of the following structures is responsible for refracting incoming light Osclera cornea multiple answers are correct Olens

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckPart A Which is a possible cause of conduction deafness O Damage to the cerebrum s temporal lobe O Damaged or ruptured tympanic membrane O Damage to cochlear nerve O Damage to hair cells

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckA collateral or prevertebral ganglion is found in the Parasympathetic nervous system Somatic nervous system O Dorsal horn of the gray matter in the spinal cord Sympathetic nervous system

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThis crystalline structure with two convex surfaces refracts light and is held in place by the ciliary body Macula lutea Retina

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhat were the consequences of the US engineered military coup on September 11 1973 to overthrow Salvatore Allende the democratically elected socialist president of Chile a Chile became torn for decades by internecine civil war between supporters of Allende and right wing fascists b General Augusto Pinochet seized power and proceeded to confiscate American businesses and liquidate political opponents c the United Nations condemned US interference in internal Latin American affairs and several European countries withdrew from NATO d resenting American imperialism Chile drew closer to the Soviet orbit

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckO nucleic acid O magnesium sulfate O water O bicarbonate sodium chloride Pregunta 28 A substance is highly water soluble if it is O very likely to dissolve in water and is called aqueous O called aqueous O not very likely to dissolve in water and is called aqueous 0 1 F

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckPresident Gerald Ford is known for a winning the war against inflation at home b preventing a Soviet communist takeover of Eastern Europe C issuing a full pardon to Nixon d cheerfully signing all congressional legislation

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckO protein adenosine triphosphate Oglucose deoxyribonucleic acid O fructose Pregunta 40 Cholesterol is a O A and B O dangerous fat that is absent from a healthy body O component of animal cell membranes

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckO MedlinePlus O physiology textbook O a physician O public library Ask com Pregunta 12 0 1 pts Individuals with Type I diabetes mellitus do not make enough insulin Which would be a mechanistic explanation of how insulin is used by the body Cells need insulin because glucose will not cross the cell membrane Since all cells need glucose insulin is required O Without insulin most cells in the body would be unable to produce enough ATP

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckO fatty acids O glycerol and fatty acids O glycerol O amino acids O nucleotides Pregunta 22 Which is a way to recognize a monomeric carbohydrate by looking at its name O It begins with proteo O It begins with nucleo O It ends in ase It begins with lino 0 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckJFK handled the increasing conflict in South Vietnam by a consistently backing the capable reformist South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dihn Diem b paying off the Vietcong to cease their guerrilla strikes against the Diem government C sending money arms and 16 000 advisers i e soldiers to defend Diem d repeatedly expressing confidence both privately and publicly in American ability to defend the South Vietnamese from communism

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich civil rights group began in Oakland California in 1966 with the aim of closely monitoring law enforcement but later engaged in shootouts with the police a the Black Panther Party BPP b the Nation of Islam NOI c the Southern Christian Leadership Conference SCLC

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckIn the wake of the Brown decision many middle class southerners joined the White Citizens Councils which a strongly opposed Harry Byrd s call for massive resistance b grudgingly accepted desegregated education C warmly welcomed integrated schools O d used economic retaliation against African Americans seeking integrated public education

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe TEI offensive January 1968 a was a surprise simultaneous attack by the Vietcong on many cities in South Vietnam b was soundly repulsed by US forces over a period of hours or weeks in the various locales O c led many Americans to question their government s honesty about the Vietnam War d all of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe Black Power movement helped propel Dr Martin Luther King Jr to a endorse militant rhetoric and violent tactics b concentrate more on ameliorating the economic plight of poor urban blacks C focus his efforts on ending the Vietnam War d yield the leadership of the civil rights movement to young activists

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckJFK s domestic program became known as O a The Best Deal O b The New Frontier O c Dynamic Liberalism O d Camelot

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckEisenhower s Secretary of State John Foster Dulles denounced this as a negative futile and immoral policy a containment b liberation of captive peoples O c massive retaliation d brinkmanship

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe portion of the retina with the highest density of cones is the O pupil O optic disk O choroid macula lutea

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhat is this an image of what do we call this entire structure seen here D B C A

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhen ascending in an airplane your tympanic membrane bulges allow air to your ear O inwards oval window enter inner and your

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckYou go to the eye doctor and find out you can only see the 20 40 line on the Snellen chart from 20 feet away The doctor tells you that you are need lenses and a prescription of diopters Omyopic diverging negative Ohyperopic diverging negative Ohyperopic converging positive myopic converging positive

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckIn the region a material that is stressed will return to its original length after the stress is relieved In the region the material is permanently deformed Stress strain None of the included answers is correct Plastic elastic Elastic plastic Strain stress

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich is the best paraphrase of the line 9 Keep time from passing Time cannot alter my love My love has beautiful brows Do not make my love look older

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckO diaphragm O external intercostals O abdominothoracic partition O internal intercostals O splenius capitis Question 13 What is the insertion of the muscle of mastication that originates on the temporal bone O zygomatic arch Opterygoid process of the sphenoid bone O maxilla 1

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckShivani and Carol are partners in a new organization They are having a disagreement on the direction of the company Shivani believes that they should be cutting spending and saving as much money as possible so that the company has security Carol believes that they should be advertising and re investing in new equipment so that the company can grow They both want the company to succeed The reason they are disagreeing is that they have different values Instrumental Terminal Bank Account Ethical

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckPlace the following events in the correct order 4 1 32 2 5 V v Acetylcholine Ach binds to integral protein receptors of the motor er plate An action potential arrives at the axon terminal Acetylcholine Ach is released into the synaptic cleft Synaptic vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane ATP attaches to the myosin head causing it to release from actin

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckD Question 19 Identify the muscle shown below labeled 2 1 2 3 4 5 1281 32 50 10

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQuestion 9 0 5 points What is the name of this bone marking c06bob04 inferior portion of skull bone there are two of these structures 765 BONE FEATURES Skull

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck20 arachnoid mater a RAK noid MAH ter arachnoid villus VIL us cerebral ce REE bral cortex dura mater falx cerebri falks ce REE bree Frontal plane Subarachnoid space Falx cerebri Dissection Shawn Miller Photograph Mark Nielsen parietal bone pia PEE ah mater subarachnoid sub a RAK noid space superior sagittal SA jih tahl sinus white matter 2 1 4 2 3 4 5 a Frontal section 5 7 8 9 10 Superior sagittal sinus b Frontal section through skull Skin Parietal bone of cranium Dura mater Arachnoid mater PAYST Pia mater Cerebral cortex Skin 6 10

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckSagittal plane brain stem Cerebellum cer e BELL um cerebrum ce REE brum diencephalon 2 Diencephalon Thalamus Epithalamus Hypothalamus Pineal gland part of epithalamus Brain stem Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata Cerebellum Spinal cord POSTERIOR Spinal cord GURE 20 1 Four major brain regions G AU POSTERIOR a Midsagittal section medial view SUPERIOR INFERIOR b Midsagittal section medial view Cerebrum Pituitary gland ANTERIOR ANTERIOR 3 Dissection Shawn Miller Photograph Mark Nielsen

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckIdentify the structure 147 Palatine tonsil O Sublingual salivary gland O Epiglottis O Submandibular salivary gland O Pharyngeal tonsil 513 Ite

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckO Inferior oblique Question 33 Name the muscle O Depressor anguli oris O Platysma O Temporalis O Orbicularis oculi O Levator labii oris

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQuestion 28 Identify the anatomical feature O Lens O Suspensory ligament Retina O Anterior chamber Posterior chamber

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQuestion 34 Identify the bone indicated by the red arrow O Frontal bone O Temporal bone O Occipital bone O Parietal bone

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckIdentify the anatomical feature O Posterior semicircular canal O Lateral semicircular duct Posterior semicircular duct O Anterior semicircular duct O Anterior semicircular canal

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckD Question 60 Identify the structure O Laryngopharynx O Oropharynx O Hard palate O Oral cavity O Soft palate PAR AN ENHAN

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckD Question 62 Identify the structure O Cricoid cartilage O Thyroid cartilage O Tracheal cartilage O Corniculate cartilage O Arytenoid cartilage

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQuestion 9 Identify the anatomical feature indicated by the red arrow O Vertebral foramen Body O Superior articular process O Transverse process

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckIdentify the anatomical feature O Medial cants O Lacrimal punctum O Lacrimal canaliculus O Lacrimal gland 12 O Nasolacrimal duct

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQuestion 20 Identify the anatomical feature O Inferior oblique O Lateral rectus O Inferior rectus O Superior rectus O Medial rectus

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckIdentify the anatomical feature indicated by the red arrow Supraorbital notch O Magnum foramen O Infraorbital foramen

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQuestion 15 Identify the anatomical feature indicated by the red arrow O Mandible

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQuestion 11 Name the muscle Frontalis OBuccinator O Platysma O Masseter O Temporalis

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckHere to For Pictures of Brain Models nize File Preview Anterior Page 7 of 12 ZOOM Posterior

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neckere to For Pictures of Brainh Mob File Preview Posterior Page 6 of 12 ZOOM Anterior Sagitta