Head and Neck Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckInferior nasal concha Frontal bone Palatine bone Parietal bone Sphenoid Vomer bone Lacrimal b

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck3 What is the diurnal range of temperature How does it vary as one increases in altitude 4 How do clouds affect the diurnal range of temperature

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neckv Des Moines 1969 and Schenck v U S 1919 Schenck v U S 1 ds Flyers circulated tram that the military the 13th Amendme cl a clear and tuled

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck5 05 Copyright McGraw Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display Multiple Choice O Production of speech Understanding written language Hearing Memory consolidation

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckGiven the pattern of crossover in the visual system indicate which visual field would be involved in each of the following Right side of the left eye Crosses from the left eye across the Optic Chiasm Left side of the Thalamus Left side of the left eye Choose Crossses from the right V1 across the Corpus Callosum Right Visual Field Left Visual Field Both T Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich one of the following is not part of the five 5 sections of the Cerebral Cortex A Frontal Lobe OB Prefrontal Cortex OC Occipital Lobe OD Medulla

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckColumn I A Match the term in Column 1 with its location in Column II 1 thyroid gland 2 ovaries 3 testes 4 parathyroid glands 5 pituitary gland 6 pancreas 7 adrenal glands THE 291 200 eview terminology related to the endocrine Column II SYSTEM A Two paired male glands located in the scrotal sac B Organ at the base of the brain in the sella turcica round depression at the base of the skull C Gland in the neck on either side of the trachea D Two glands one above each kidney E Gland adjacent to the stomach F Four glands behind the thyroid gland G Two paired organs in the 235

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckDegeneration of the neurons in which of the following structures leads to the muscle tremors associated with Parkinson disease Multiple Choice O O O Cerebral crus Tegmentum Pons Substantia nigra

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neckich of the following is not a function of CSF Multiple Choice O O O O To regulate the chemical environment of the nervous tissue To rinse metabolic wastes from the nervous tissue To provide oxygen and nutrients to the nervous tissue To protect the brain from striking the cranium when the head is jolted

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neckhoose the correct answer A n is the end or finish of a process O conclusion O component Obeginning climax

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckAmong the 10 Factor of Safety considerations listed in our course material three focussed on uncertainties and one on risk List the four of them i ii

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckLesson Posttest Question 4 Points 2 Read the following extract from the essay Common Sense by Thomas Paine and answer the question that follows Near three thousand years passed away from the Mosaic account of the creation till the Jews under a national delusion requested a king Which prominent idea is developed in the text The connection between two events Creation and Jews request for a king

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Necking Activity Right common carotid Superior mesenteric Gonadal Descending aorta Renal Axillary Left common carotid Inferior mesenteric Left subclavian new of the Major Systemic Arteries 2 Pulmonary trunk Diaphragm

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckExternal jugular Superior vena cava Left brachiocephalic Internal jugular Vertebral Right subclavian Right brachiocephalic Axillary Internal thoracic Calvicle Pearson First rib 000 Copyright 2023 Pearson Education Inc All rights reserved Terms of Use Privacy Policy Permissions Contact U

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckArt labeling Activity Arteries of the Neck and Head 1 of 3 Basilar Ophthalmic Anterior cerebral Carotid sinus Cerebral arterial circle Carotid canal Internal carotid Middle cerebral Posterior cerebral JEJEJENIC Clavicle First rib

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckArt labeling Activity Arteries of the Neck and Head 2 of 3 Thyrocervical trunk Internal thoracic Inferior thyroid Axillary Subclavian Vertebral Suprascapular Transverse cervical IIIHI Second rib UY Clavicle First rib

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neckinter Fechado Muni work out Sebr 13 ponds Costa despite the fact that shi Batam d was Then un red Betish and dan wah Hialer is the Cusmann of doon A and French leaders king Mob Cinderen n avt w to hand over the western part of Cashoslovakia to unsay this policy of giving in to the dumands fa ptial enemy has einer becom kaown as appeatment Noville Chamberlain the Brish Pome Minuter Landes proming his countryman pouce in our te However hus policy of appeasement only ansonged Hitler te make further donands Fler eached the conclusion that Britain and France wire weak and would do almost anything avoid war Kristal November 1938 a Geman Jewish refugee assassinated a German diplomat in Paris The German govemment used this event as an excuse to attack Jewish synagogues houses of worship and stores throughout Germany Jews were attacked Jewish businesses were closed and Jewish communities were forced to pay a large fine for the assassination Thousands of Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps So much broken glass fell into the streets that the event became known p We ar Begins The Kermes Deveneman The ansatte ditontanut licht and defuniak persuaded t independen what was tel without khi ph Cherman Towary Cons Hider ab ugon making ne en Poland He claimed the Free Cay Dining Gidant which speaking ordents Mon Blitzkrieg The German army had developed new tactics for waging warfare based on the use of airplanes tanks motorized troop carriers and communications by radio German planes bombed Polish cities and troops from the air German tanks and motorized artillery invaded Polish territory followed by infantry forces During World War I troops had remained stationary in trenches unable to advance without being mowed down by machine gun fire In this new type of warfare planes tanks motorized artillery and motorized troop carriers all applications of the internal combustion engine were used to make rapid advances The advantage in combat shifted back to the offense Because of the speed of the German advance this new form of warfare became known as Blitzkrieg or lightning warfare The Fall of France and Britain had declared war on Germany but did little to help Poland During the first months of 1940 PAGE 254 HIGHLIGHT UNDERLINE KEY EVENTS Poland By now Bush and headers had wached the conclusion that Hitler s got was the o They therefore resisted his new demands sed produd t protect Poland Hitler responded by watingas treaty with the Soviet dictator Joseph Sulin Under the of the Nazi Soviet Pact signed in Aug 1929 Hide and Stalin agreed to divide Poland betwoun themselves in September 1939 Germany invaded Poland from the west while the Soviet Union invaded from the cast fun and France responded by declaring war on Germany and World War II began in Europe Cotisipy Pragaen henk Eastern Czechoslovakia becomes Slovakia a German satellite Germany and Soviet Union invade Poland play the French chose not to attack Germany and Germany s Western Front remained quiet In April Germany Germans attacked the Netherlands Belgium suddenly invaded Denmark and Norway in May the Luxembourg and France German troops avoided the strong defensive French barrier known as the Maginot Line by marching through the Ardennes Forest and across through Belgium but farther north and a large part of Belgium French leaders had expected a German invasion marched directly west to the coast By June 1940 the their army was trapped when the Germans surprisingly French were forced to surrender A British expeditionary force cornered in the coastal town of Dunkirk withdrew across the English Channel The British sent fishing boats pleasure craft and everything else they could to ferry their soldiers back home Place these events in order from 1 first to Last 7 and the year it happened Hungary annexes border areas Kristallnacht Germans defeat French army and occupy France Dunkirk evacuation Battle of Britain Germany annexes Austria World War II begins in Europe Valerie Be

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckNext complete the following survey https uquiz com quiz wJcHmx dandelion vs orchid child Share with us the following Are you an orchid or dandelion Note feel free to add any additional thoughts to help us learn more about your

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckSonia Ramos a medical assistant working with Sylvia Thompson MD an otorhinolaryngologist at Fulwood Medical Center You are communicating with Mr Ernesto Santiago a 44 year old man who was referred to Dr Thompson Mr Santiago complains of recurrent attacks of nausea vomiting a sense of spinning or whirling and ringing in his ears The attacks last about 24 hours and are getting more frequent He has been having trouble hearing quiet speech on his left side Your role is to document his examination diagnosis and care and to act as translator between Mr Santiago and Dr Thompson The recurrent attacks that Mr Santiago suffered are called M ni re disease The disease involves the destruction of inner ear hair cells but the etiology is unknown and there is no cure Dr Thompson prescribed medication to control Mr Santiago s nausea and vomiting nsert medical terms to answer each question or complete the statement 1 Which medical term is used in documentation for Mr Santiago s ringing in his ears 2 Which medical term is used in documentation for Mr Santiago s spinning or whirling 5 Because the attacks come and go they can be described as being Will the medication correct the disorders of the inner ear yes or no

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe visual blind spot is present because of the anatomy of the retina. It is the location on the retina where...
where the optic nerve exits the retina
where there are no blood vessels
light is focused
where the peripheral vision is strongest

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckName the structure pointed at below.
none of the above
macula lutea
vitreous (chamber) body

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich of the following is NOT a function of skeletal muscle?
Select one:
a. body movement
b. maintenance of posture
c. Dilating and constricting the pupil of the eye
d. Carry out breathing movements
e. production of heat

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe lens
floats in the vitreous humor.
is attached to the retina by suspensory ligaments.
is biconcave.
is normally opaque.
focuses light on the retina.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckAs an object moves closer to the eye,
the diameter of the pupil increases.
the ciliary muscles relax.
the eyes rotate medially.
the eye blinks.
the lens flattens.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckArrange the following structures in the order in which they vibrate when a sound wave enters the ear.
(1) eardrum
(2) endolymph
(3) ossicles
(4) oval window
(5) perilymph
1, 3, 4, 5, 2
3, 1, 5, 2, 4
1, 3, 5, 2, 4
1, 3, 2, 5, 4
1, 4, 3, 5, 2

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe round window
allows for compression of the organ of Corti.
vibrates the basilar membrane.
reflects sound waves.
acts as a mechanical release for waves within the cochlea.
increases the pressure of the perilymph.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckRhodopsin is found in the
pigmented retina.
amacrine cells.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe malleus, incus, and stapes
are located in the inner ear.
are parts of the cochlea.
are surrounded by endolymph.
transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the oval window.
are surrounded by fluid.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckDiscussion Question 1: Choose 4 of the 9 intelligences.
In your own words, define and provide examples for

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckProlactin is unique in that the main ventral hypothalamic
hormone regulating its secretion,______________ inhibits its release.____________ (hormone) increases prolactin release. Very high levels of this hormone during pregnancy actually block the effect of prolactin on milk production.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQuestion 8
A winged sculpted figure appears as though she were alighting on the prow of a war ship. A remarkably sculpted stretch of apparently saturated material across her stomach and open wings indicate that the wind and ocean mist are blowing up against her. Her open right hand may be held high. How is the sculpture interpreted?
As an angel of mercy
As a goddess of victory
As a goddess of wrath
As an angel of death
As a mother earth goddess from an ancient cult that promoted fertility.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe bronze statue of Poseidon (or Zeus) depicts a god as though he were causing destruction, either throwing his trident or a lightning bolt. What expression on the face of the god is more characteristic of the Greek Classical period rather than the later Hellenistic period?
Fear, apprehension, or anxiety
Joy, delight, or happiness
Calm composure, poise, or self-control
Pain, suffering, or distress.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich gland is found anterior to the ear and superficial to the masseter muscle?

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckA collateral or prevertebral ganglion is found in the:
Parasympathetic nervous system
Somatic nervous system
Dorsal horn of the gray matter in the spinal cord
Sympathetic nervous system

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe ear canal is surrounded by what feature of the skull?
paranasal sinus
foramen magnum
auditory meatus

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckPeople addicted to smokeless tobacco can develop thick, leathery white spots in the mouth. What are these spots called?
A emphysema
B. leukoplakia
C. mouth ulcers

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckSteroids can decrease an athlete's ability to perform by causing injuries that are difficult to recover from. This happens because steroids don't foster overall development.
Which of the following DO steroids strengthen?
A. ligaments
B. muscles
C. tendons

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe typical termperature for pasteurization is

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich of the following these causes meningococcal meningitis?
Haemophilus influenzae
Cochidioides immitis
Cryptococcus neoformans
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Neisseria meningitides

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckMatch the following microbial control merthods with appropriate examples
A. ethylene oxide
B. U.V exposure
C. HEPA air filters
D. betadine swab

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckConsider white matter and gray matter in the CNS. Which of the following statements is false?
A). Clusters of neuron cell bodies are located in the gray matter
B). White matter tracts are only found in the spinal cord. They are not found in the brain.
C). The white matter is composed of myelinated axons.
D). Tracts are bundles of axons.
E). The gray matter is the site where synapses occur.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve is:
a)a dermatome, and adjacent spinal nerves supply nearby areas of skin.
b)a dermatome, and the ordering of the spinal nerves is unrelated to the locations on the body that they innervate.
c)a receptive field, and adjacent spinal nerves supply adjacent receptive fields.
d)a somatotopic receptive line whose topography is the same as the vesticular cilia.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhat part of your brain is responsible for taking a stream of sound like "cantaloupe" as said by a little kid and analyzing it into the units "can-ta-loop" and figuring out that it refers to the same thing as the stream of sound "cantaloupe" said by someone with a very deep voice?
a) Wernicke's area
b)visual word form area
c)Broca's area
d) arcuate fasciculus

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich of the following cranial nerves is responsible for transmitting motor information to the superior oblique extrinsic eye muscle?
Cranial nerve IX (9)
Cranial nerve III (3)
Cranial nerve IV (4)
Cranial nerve VI (6)

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckIdentify the area of the brain responsible for alerting you to the light currently around you.
Primary somatic motor cortex
Broca's Speech area
Primary visual cortex
Visual association area

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich of the following muscles is involved in chewing gum?
Splenius Capitus
Orbicularis Oris
Zygomaticus Major

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckA patient has an 80% blockage of his left anterior descending coronary artery. Describe what occurs in terms of myocardial oxygen supply and demand if his sympathetic nervous system is stimulated.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckDiscussion Question 1: Discuss moral and character
development in education. What are the advantages and
limitations of teachers to support this kind of

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckDescribe the Location
Describe the location of the following terms.
1. supra
2. infra
3. superior
4. inferior
5. peripheral

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe left ventricle wall of the heart is thicker than the right wall in order to:
A. Pump blood with a greater pressure
B. Accommodate a greater volume of blood
C. Pump blood through a smaller valve
D. Pump more blood since the left feeds the entire body except the lungs