
In March 2015, the Public Policy Institute of California

Last updated: 7/8/2022

In March 2015, the Public Policy Institute of California

In March 2015, the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) surveyed 7,525 likely voters living in California. In the survey, respondents were asked about global warming. PPIC researchers are interested in the difference in viewpoints across racial/ethnic groups. PPIC results show that 75% of Latinos view global warming as a serious problem, and 46% of whites view global warming as a serious problem. Using the data from the survey, we calculate the sample difference in global warming viewpoints for Latino respondents and white respondents to be 29% = 0.29. Researchers can use the 29% sample difference to draw a conclusion about which populations? A. Latinos and whites living in the United States who are likely voters B. Latinos and whites who live in California C. Latinos and whites living in California who are likely to vote D. Latinos and whites who live in California and are concerned about global warming