
You are walking along a beach and your toe hits something

Last updated: 7/10/2022

You are walking along a beach and your toe hits something

You are walking along a beach and your toe hits something hard You reach down, grab onto a handle, and pull out a lamp! It is sandy. You start to brush it off with your towel Poof! A genie appears. He tells you, "Thank you for freeing me from that bottle! I was getting claustrophobic. You can choose one of these purses as a reward." • Purse A which contains $1,000 today. If you leave it alone, it will contain $1,200 tomorrow (by magic). The next day, it will have $1,400. This pattern of $200 additional dollars per day will continue. • Purse B which contains 1 penny today. Leave that penny in there, because tomorrow it will (magically) turn into 2 pennies. The next day, there will be 4 pennies. The amount in the purse will continue to double each day. 1. How much money will be in each purse after a week? After two weeks?