
(1 point) According to a recent marketing campaign, 120

Last updated: 7/14/2022

(1 point) According to a recent marketing campaign, 120

(1 point) According to a recent marketing campaign, 120 drinkers of either Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi participated in a blind taste of the drinks was their favorite. In one Pepsi television commercial, an anouncer states that "in recent blind taste tests, more the surveyed preferred Diet Pepsi over Diet Coke." Suppose that out of those 120, 43 preferred Diet Pepsi. Test the hypothes a = 0.05 that more than half of all participants will select Diet Pepsi in a blind taste test by giving the following: (a) the test statistic (b) the critical z score The final conclusion is 1.65 A. We can reject the null hypothesis that p ≤ 0.5 and accept that p > 0.5. B. There is not sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis that p < 0.5.