11 Of the following structures the one to receive filtrate
Last updated: 5/23/2023

11 Of the following structures the one to receive filtrate last as it passes through the nephron is the a proximal convoluted tubule b ascending limb of the loop of Henle c glomerulus d collecting duct Peristalsis of the ureter is a function of the a serosa b mucosa c submucosa d muscularis 12 13 The trigone and the detrusor muscle are associated with the a kidney b urinary blad der c urethra d ureters 14 The vertical fissure on the medial surface of the kidney through which blood vessels en ter and exit is called the a renal medulla b major calyx c renal hilum d renal col umn 15 Blood is drained from the kidneys by the a renal arteries b interlobar arteries c interlobular veins d renal veins 16 The epithelium of the urinary bladder that permits distention is a stratified squamous b transitional c simple squamous d pseudostratified in ruil 17 How many times a day is the entire volume of blood in the body filtered by the kid neys a 100 times b 5 times c 30 times d 60 times PEOP 18 The average urine capacity of the urinary bladder is a 1000 to 1200 mL b 50 to 100 mL c 700 to 800 mL d 200 to 300 mL DATEN 19 The normal pH of urine is between a 4 6 and 8 0 b 2 0 and 4 8 c 10 0 and 12 0 d none of the above NIG 1106 at aguouli zeng evinarsd112 21 ding 20 Normal urine has a specific gravity of approximately a 1 001 to 1 035 b 1 030 to 1 080 c 1 100 to 1 200 d none of the above to fortobas o ann molt 21 The special chemical that may be used to detect glucose in the urine is a sulfosalicylic acid b Benedict s solution c Lugol s solution d nitric acidum Antunomale in an ad to stoned and all cjuequo e nspor hann taliomoly PART 2 Completion 22 In addition to the urinary system other systems that tegumentary and Coli bolla chaha unnylio 6 Pressly to flogeninit other systems that help eliminate wastes are the respiratory in systems muro d sarlin r 23 The double walled epithelial cup found in a nephron is called a n wifiquen the stoon 9 gamb 24 The special capillary network found inside of this double walled cup is the borulovnos lateib d aliaquo a estudol batovano BU 25 The major blood vessel that enters each kidney is the vallubsmalaus T antremolg on i nottiintado na 26 The nerve supply to the kidneys comes from the autonomic nervous system and is called the habents are vellet ad riguout anece oludui boutovimo lutelb arbeveel tard annu 27 Urine is expelled from the urinary bladder by an act called urination voiding or iliedy ed funicabdu wil to sammil tronothing siis of toration ambiad off to slubi 0 Irunorigorates d leonin goden n anstorbyd hedirasha 28 The small tube in the urinary system that leads from the floor of the urinary bladder to the outside is the 01