12 For P2 resuspend the pellet same procedure as P1 in 8 mL
Last updated: 9/19/2023

12 For P2 resuspend the pellet same procedure as P1 in 8 mL of Mannitol Assay Buffer The pellet should be brown due to the presence of cytochromes in the mitochondria Keep the fraction on ice 13 With all samples ready proceed to the SDH Assay Mannitol Grinding Buffer 0 3 M mannitol 6 mM KH PO4 14 m M K HPO pH 7 2 Mannitol Assay Buffer 0 3 M mannitol 6 mM KH PO 14 mM KHPO 10 mM KCl 5 mM MgCl pH 7 2