18 You are admitting a person to the hospital You tell the
Last updated: 2/28/2023

18 You are admitting a person to the hospital You tell the person that you are a nurse This is 19 Consent is informed when 20 A patient is unconscious The doctor orders intravenous therapy and oxygen How is legal consent for these treatments obtained 21 List three ways in which a person may give consent A B C 22 Abuse is a crime Abuse has one or more of the following elements A B C D E 23 A nursing center resident is allowed to lie in bed in the same position all day The person s son finds her bed wet with urine when he visits The person is crying The staff is guilty of 24 You see a resident s daughter slap him This is od 25 Exploitation is 26 A person refuses to take needed drugs and does not keep doctors appointments The person has weight loss poor hygiene and is wearing dirty clothing These are signs of 27 Child abuse and neglect is the intentional harm or mistreatment of a child under 18 years old It A B C 28 If you suspect intimate partner violence tell 29 Write the meanings of the following abbreviations A HIPAA B OBRA C CDC D IPV MULTIPLE CHOICE 30 The Code of Conduct for nursing assistants states A Take risk when completing a task B Follow the lead nursing assistant s direction C Take drugs that do not belong to you because you are in pain D Keep the person s information confidential 31 Maintaining professional boundaries includes Kissing your resident on the cheek B Balancing your resident s checkbook C Taking a resident to your home for Christmas because they do not have any family D Not using any offensive language 32 A tort is A pastry B A wrong committed against a person or the person s property C A wrong committed against an animal D A criminal offense 33 You tell a co worker a false statement about your nurse You have committed A Slander B Libel C False imprisonment D Abuse 34 You observe another nursing assistant taking a picture of a resident You tell your supervisor because A This is abuse B This is a HIPAA violation C This is fraud D This is defamation