4 There is a special type of RNA called siRNA silencing RNA
Last updated: 5/14/2023

4 There is a special type of RNA called siRNA silencing RNA that can complementarily bind to an mRNA transcript and create a short double stranded segment of RNA This unnatural dsRNA is marked for destruction with the result being an interruption of the central dogma and pre translational removal of an RNA transcript In an experiment several genes 1 2 and 3 suspected of being transcription factors of Gene X were targeted using specific siRNA molecules The effect on the transcript levels of Gene X was measured by RT qPCR Transcript abundance after siRNA knockdown Transcript abundance 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 none 1 2 a Briefly describe the processes of transcription and translation and explain how they contribute to the flow of genetic information from genotype to phenotype b Explain how eliminating mRNA transcript for one 1 3 2 3 Downregulating siRNA Figure 1 Abundance of Gene X mRNA transcript after application of siRNA targeting Genes 1 2 or 3 in individually or in pairs c Protein 1 is added to a cell Predict the effect on the levels of Protein X d Justify your prediction using specific information from the experiment