
40 metabolic reactions must be balanced the flow of energy

Last updated: 12/16/2022

40 metabolic reactions must be balanced the flow of energy

40 metabolic reactions must be balanced the flow of energy connects living things to their environments energy cannot be created nor destroyed d systems tend to become more disorderly a a b 42 pairs C 38 substrates b products a 39 a provide a phosphate group to ATP b capture light energy and transfer it to the electron transport chain c provide electrons to the chlorophyll d combine with carbon dioxide CO to make glucose The role of water in photosynthesis is to a cartilage b bone In the reaction C6H12O6 6 02 6 CO2 6H O the 6 CO molecules are examples of C enzymes d reactants Osteocytes are specialized cells found in skin b tendons 41 a hydrogen b amino acid c skin d ligaments Which of the following is a type of epithelial tissue C bone d neurons The two strands of a DNA molecule are held together by C phosphate d protein bonds between their base