5 1 Types of Discontinuity Let f be a function defined as f
Last updated: 9/13/2023

5 1 Types of Discontinuity Let f be a function defined as f X R and let xeX and let left hand limit right hand limit limit of the function and the value of the function at xoare denoted by lim f x lim f x lim f x and f x respectively Then I Removable Discontinuity at x at have th The function f X R is said to have the removable discontinuity at x EX if the limit of the function exist at x but not equal to the value of the function at x i e lim f x f x X 40 ata II Discontinuity of the First Kind at x The function f X R is said to have a discontinuity of first kind at x if both the left hand limit and right hand limit exist at x but are not equal to each other i e 799 lim f x lim f x DL