5 points Save Answer Mark is excited to share the details of
Last updated: 4/26/2023

5 points Save Answer Mark is excited to share the details of his new surprisingly successful diet He forwards some supportive articles about the diet to a group of fitness minded friends who are skeptical of fad diets Later on Mark is distressed to learn that his friends are even more skeptical than before Based on your understanding of group decision making what is the most likely explanation a The articles Mark sent were actually credible in support of the diet however they also contained information that could contradict the diet which was likely the main source of the group s position b The group had likely already reached a decision about this diet before Mark sent the articles and conformity kept them from re evaluating this decision c The group correctly assessed the diet as a fad by synthesizing their individual knowledge whereas Mark had no one to help him make his decision d The articles Mark sent were inflammatory or insulting toward the other side of the argument making the group dig their heels in and strengthen their position