A Bill known as the Endangered Species Act designates
Last updated: 8/7/2022

A Bill known as the Endangered Species Act designates protection for the critical habitat of an endangered species. The bill defines a species as... any subspecies of fish or wildlife or plants, and any distinct population segment of any species or vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature." Here the term interbreed means to breed with other members of its species, subspecies, or distinct population segment." So which of the following species definitions/concepts would be defining species as closely to the way this law is defining it as possible? Please realize that this law would say that a species could be any population which has breeding taking place between its members, even if it occasionally has members who breed with other populations. None of the answers below is perfect, but one would be closest to this legal definition. A. Phylogenic species concept B. Biological species concept C. General Lineage Species Concept D. Nihilistic species concept