
Alexis and Adriana began arguing about who did better on

Last updated: 7/10/2022

Alexis and Adriana began arguing about who did better on

Alexis and Adriana began arguing about who did better on their tests, but they couldn't decide who did better given that they took different tests. Alexis took a test in Art History and earned a 74.7, and Adriana took a test in Math and earned a 69.6. Use the fact that all the students' test grades in the Art History class had a mean of 73 and a standard deviation of 11.5, and all the students' test grades in Math had a mean of 65.1 and a standard deviation of 7.9 to answer the following questions. a) Calculate the z-score for Alexis's test grade. Z= [Round your answer to two decimal places.] b) Calculate the z-score for Adriana's test grade. Z= They did equally well. [Round your answer to two decimal places.] c) Which person did relatively better? O Alexis O Adriana 4