
Arthur Dent, a 28 year old man living in Wokingham attended

Last updated: 7/8/2022

Arthur Dent, a 28 year old man living in Wokingham attended

Arthur Dent, a 28 year old man living in Wokingham attended an outpatient clinic with his wife. He had noticed gradually worsening tiredness and fatigability making his job difficult to maintain. He had gained weight (approx 3kg) and his wife had noticed that he had started wearing an extra thick sweater during the relatively mild winter months His feet had been cold in bed and his hair and skin dry. His wife had to take time off work to bring her husband to the clinic (because Arthur's car was being repaired following damage to both the near- and off-side wings) and she was naturally keen to see things sorted out quickly. Blood tests showed that serum TSH levels were lower than normal while serum T4 levels were very low. Thyroid auto-antibody tests were negative. What endocrine condition is Arthur probably suffering from? A. Primary hyperthyroidism B. Primary hypothyroidism C. Secondary hyperthyroidism D. Secondary hypothyroidism E. Euthyroidism