assay show silencer sequence in the regulator region of the
Last updated: 10/26/2023

assay show silencer sequence in the regulator region of the BRCA2 gene in three different types of breast cancer cells MDA MB 231 breast cancer cells type 1 and BT549 cells breast epithelial ductal cancer cells type 2 and MDA MB 468 cells breast cancer cells type 3 PCR was performed with primers amplifying the silencer sequence and run on a gel and stained with ethidium bromide Silencing Complex Silencer SLUG Deacetylated Histones CBP 1 Promoter HDAC 1 Transcription Silencing Input SLUG 1 Based on the data which type of cancer cell has the repressor SLUG bound to the BRCA2 gene CIBP 1 2 Based on the data which type of cancer cell has the other members of the repressor complex bound to the BRCA2 gene HDAC 1 3 Based on the data which type of cancer cell in likely expressing the BRCA2 gene and which is not Why can you only predict a likely hood and not definitive expression Input 4 The input lanes are the results of the PCR using all of the sonicated DNA i e not precipitated with an antibody at all like shown in the schematic Step2 as the template in the PCR step of ChIP What is the role or purpose of the input data in this assay 5 Based on your understanding of cancer biology predeict what would the data look like sketch it if this assay was done on a normal breast epithelial cell Normal Breast epithelial cells 6 Based on the data is the BRACA gene an oncogene or TSG Explain