C B D AGA E AO 36 template DNA strand GG PPS F H CC cell
Last updated: 5/13/2023

C B D AGA E AO 36 template DNA strand GG PPS F H CC cell What is this location 77 What is the specific name of the entire molecule indicated by B 78 What do we call the process that is creating B 79 What is the large structure indicated by the letter C 80 The letter D refers to a specific molecule that is exposing the bases CCA What is the name of this entire molecule First base U UJUU UUC UUA UUG G CUU CUC CUA CUG AUU phenylalanine phe leucine eu GUU GUC leucine ou UCU UCC UCA UCG ACU AUC isoleucine de ACC AUA ACA A methionine met start ACO CCU COC CCA COG vaine val GCU GOC C GCA GOG Second base senine ser proline pro threonine thr alanine ala LAU LAC UAA stop UAG stop CAU CAC CAA CAG A tyrosine tyr AAU AAC AAA AAG histidine his glutamine gin asparagine asn lysine fys UGU cysteine cys UGC GGU GGC GAU GAC GAA GAG GUA GUG GGA GGG he codon chart to determine the identity of the amino acids indicated by E F and G on the picture above aspartic acid asp glutamic acid glu UGA stop UGG tryptophan trp G CGU CGC OGA COG AGU AGC AGA AGG arginine carg serine ser arginine arg DOAG UUR SOAG UCAG Third base glycine gly