ded discussion 10 points Discussion Post A due Feb 4 at 6pm
Last updated: 2/4/2024

ded discussion 10 points Discussion Post A due Feb 4 at 6pm 27 27 nBoard Posts 25 total ure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum to the readings as well as responding to at least one other ese posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically the readings This can include citing specific photographs and phers theoretical connections between different ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer parate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due by principles to contrive an arrangement of mirrors in order to project images of eclipses as well as street scenes and interior views of his house In Perspectiva communis 1279 John Peckham the Archbishop of Canterbury and a likely student of Bacon made remarks about ob serving a solar eclipse through a pinhole in a dark room The evolution of the camera can be linked to a new Western concentra tion on science with an increased reliance on observation during the European Renaissance a period from about the fourteenth to the sev enteenth century With new discoveries based on experimentation and observation fifteenth century artists and scientists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Nicolaus Copernicus provided a veritable process that meant people no longer had to accept the authority of the unprovable Instead they could look to an open system that was not predicated on belief and magic Science offered an alternative to blind faith and the foundation of belief for educated society began shifting toward objec tiu degumontablo repeatable facts In addition to praying for their