discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post AV due Feb 11
Last updated: 2/5/2024

discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post AV due Feb 11 at 6p Board Posts 25 total e of your participation you will write 200 word minimum o the readings as well as responding to at least one other post ts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect ings This can include citing specific photographs and ers theoretical connections between different readings ideas or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate tives a day showing his enthusiasm as well as the ease with which calotypes could be made The negative material could be prepared the evening before freeing a calotypist from needing a darkroom before and after each exposure While travel ing on business Talbot would develop his paper negatives each evening and mail the results back to his estate at Lacock Abbey Upon their receipt the negatives were printed by Constance Talbot making her the first woman photographic pro cessor and Nicolaas Henneman Talbot s Dutch valet photographic assistant and business manager Talbot s The Pencil of Nature was the first book to be fully illustrated by calotypes earlier he had issued a pamphlet with a calotype on the cover Published by subscription with fewer than 300 copies released in installments between June 1844 and April 1846 The Pencil of Nature realized Talbot s dream of every man being his own printer and publisher and of poor authors making facsimiles of their works in their own handwriting 7 The progenitor of the photographically illustrated book promoted Talbot s calotype process along with his far reaching commentary on the aesthetics and future potential of the medium The introduc of the process and the succeeding