
Facebook friends: According to Facebook's self-reported

Last updated: 7/8/2022

Facebook friends: According to Facebook's self-reported

Facebook friends: According to Facebook's self-reported statistics, the average Facebook user has 130 Facebook friends. For a statistics project a student at Contra Costa College (CCC) tests the hypothesis that CCC students will average more than 130 Facebook friends. She randomly selects 3 classes from the schedule of classes and distributes a survey in these classes. Her sample contains 45 students. From her survey data she calculates that the mean number of Facebook friends for her sample is: - 138.7 with a standard deviation of: s = 79.3. She chooses a 5% level of significance. What can she conclude from her data? A. Nothing. The conditions for use of a t-model are not met. She cannot trust that the p-value is accurate for this reason. B. We cannot conclude that the average number of Facebook friends for CCC students is greater than 130. The sample mean of 138.7 is not significantly greater than 130. C. Her data supports her claim. The average number of Facebook friends for CCC students is significantly greater than 130.