First step of transcription RNA polymerase identifies the
Last updated: 11/29/2023

First step of transcription RNA polymerase identifies the termination sequence mRNA strand and RNA polymerase are released The correct ranking cannot be determined Submit Previous Answers RNA polymerase identifies the start sequence DNA double helix unwinds to expose the nucleotide bases Last step of transcription RNA polymerase adds bases that are complementary to the DNA template Incorrect Try Again 2 attempts remaining The mRNA is the end product of transcription To synthesize the mRNA strand the DNA should unwind to expose the nucleotides and then the enzyme RNA polymerase recognizes and connects with the control segment in DNA to be tr The mRNA is assembled as the RNA polymerase moves down the DNA template adding complementary nucleotides to the growing RNA strand Transcription ends when the RNA polymerase reaches a termination sequence and the ne