
If you compared the distribution of weights of 20 elite

Last updated: 7/21/2022

If you compared the distribution of weights of 20 elite

If you compared the distribution of weights of 20 elite female gymnasts to the distribution of weights of 20 randomly selected women, you would expect the variation of the weights to be greater for the gymnasts, greater for the randomly selected women, or the same for both groups? Choose the correct answer below. A. The variation of the weights should be greater for the gymnasts. Because female gymnasts tend to be petite and train hard, their weights are all very different. This is not the case for the female population as a whole, whose weights are all very similar. B. The variation of the weights should be greater for the gymnasts. Because there are a greater number of female gymnasts than there are women in the female population as a whole, the variation in weights will necessarily be greater as well. C. The variation of the weights should be the same for both groups. No two women are alike, and this holds for female gymnasts as well as for the female population as a whole. D. The variation of the weights should be greater for the randomly selected women. Because female gymnasts tend to be petite and train so hard, their weights are all very similar. This is not the case for the female population as a whole, whose weights are all very different. E. The variation of the weights should be greater for the randomly selected women. Because there are a greater number of women in the female population as a whole than there are female gymnasts, the variation in weights will necessarily be greater as well.