In this lesson you ve learned that there are four main
Last updated: 4/24/2023

In this lesson you ve learned that there are four main perspective 1 Psychoanalytic perspective Your personality is based on the unconscious experiences you had growing up 2 Humanistic perspective Your personality depends on your internal drive to reach your full potential and the free will to make accompanying decisions 3 Trait perspective Your personality has certain traits that predict your possible success 4 Social cognitive perspective Your personality depends on your learning and your belief in your abilities Writing Prompt Reflect on which one of the perspectives best fits your beliefs about personality and give an example Respond in at least two or three sentences Sample Learner Response The humanistic perspective best fits my beliefs about personality For example I know that I have internal drive because it s what led me to enroll in high school to earn my diploma after so many years out of school The other theories rely on outside factors to determine who I am but I believe the free will to make decisions and achieve my full potential