
Link each microorganism with its classification according to its optimal growth temperature.

Last updated: 7/8/2022

Link each microorganism with its classification according to its optimal growth temperature.

Link each microorganism with its classification according to its optimal growth temperature. 1. Bacteria growing in Antarctic ice 2. Bacteria that grow well at refrigerator temperatures 3. E. coli is the most common cause of urinary infections in humans 4. Bacteria living in the hot springs of Yellowstone National Park (930) 5. An Archaea called "Strain 121" (Geogemma barossii) is able to survive and reproduce in an autoclave (121C) 6. Yersinia pestis, the bacteria that cause bubonic and pneumonic plague in humans 7. A green mold that cover food that you left in the refrigerator for too long 8. The bacterium Geo stearothermophilus can be isolated from soil at a temperature higher than 45 and have an optimal growth temperature of 60C