
Listed below are amounts of court income and salaries paid

Last updated: 7/8/2022

Listed below are amounts of court income and salaries paid

Listed below are amounts of court income and salaries paid to the town justices for a certain town. All amounts are in thousands of dollars. Find the (a) explained variation, (b) unexplained variation, and (c) indicated prediction interval. There is sufficient evidence to support a claim of a linear correlation, so it is reasonable to use the regression equation when making predictions. For the prediction interval, use a 99% confidence level with a court income of $800,000. Court Income $62 $399 $1591 $1104 $278 $252 $110 $152 $31 Justice Salary $34 $41 $98 $60 $50 $60 $28 $20 $19 b. Find the unexplained variation.