of ADH from C intestini and calculate various properties The
Last updated: 9/13/2023

of ADH from C intestini and calculate various properties The website for Expasy Protparam is https web expasy org protparam Click on the link and paste the sequence of the ADH into the box Click Compute parameters ADHCommensalibacter intestini MSTTFFIPSINVVGENALNDAVPHILGHGFKHGLIVTDEFMNKSGVAQKVSDLLAKSGINTSIF DGTHPNPTVSNVNDGLKILKANNCDFVISLGGGSPHDCAKGIALLASNGGEIKDYEGLDVPKKP QLPLVSINTTAGTASEITRFCIITDEVRHIKMAIVTSMVTPILSVNDPALMAAMPPGLTAATGM DALTHAIEAYVSTAASPITDACALKAATMISENLRTAVKDGKNMAARESMAYAQLLAGMAFNNA SLGYVHAMAHQLGGFYGLPHGVCNAVLLPHVQEYNLPTCAGRLKDMAKAMGVNVDKMSDEEGGK ACIAAIRALSKDVNI 1 What is the molecular weight of the ADH Be sure to include units in your answer PANLTELKVKAEDIPTLAANALKDACGVTNPROGPOSEVEAIFKSAM 2 4pts What Absorbance value do proteins absorb light based on their amino acid sequence 3 Which amino acids absorb light at this value 4 What is the extinction coefficient of the ADH determined by Expasy Protparam accumin