positive pom placed at the through the surface is X units If
Last updated: 6/21/2023

positive pom placed at the through the surface is X units If the radius of the sphere is doubled the changes in electric flux will be a X 2 b 2X distribution Electric field is zero at point a A Q2 Figure shows the variation of electrostatic potential V with distance x for a given charge B C X b B c C d zero Q3 The value of charge q at the centre of line joining two equal and like charges Q so that these are in equilibrium is a Q b Q 4 c Q 4 Q6 In a region of constant potential a the electric field is uniform b the electric field is zero c there can be no charge inside the region d both b and c are correct d None of these Q4 If the force acting on a point charge kept on the axis of an electric dipole is F what will be the amount of force if the distance of the point charge is doubled from the dipole a 2 b F 8 c F 2 d F 4 d Q 2 Q5 A uniformly charged conducting sphere of 1 2 m diameter has surface charge density 8 1 C m The total electric flux leaving the surface a 4 1x106 Nm C b 1 3x104 Nm C c 4 1x106 Nm C d zero Q7 Energy stored in a capacitor and dissipated during a charging a capacitor bear a ratio a 1 1 b 1 2 c 2 1 d 1 3 C R R3 R Q8 A student connects 10 dry cells each of emf E and internal resistance r in series but by mistake the one cell gets wrongly connected Then net emf and net internal resistance of the combination will be a 8E 8r b 10E 10r c 8E 10r d 10E 8r Q9 Constantan wire is used for making standard resistance because it has a high melting point b low specific resistance c high specific resistance d negligible temperature coefficient of resistance Q10 Resistance of voltmeter is R Resistance of Ammeter is R and Resistance of galvanometer is R3 Which of the following is correct a R R R3 b R R R3 d R R R3 Q11 Potentiometer measures the potential difference more accurately than a voltmeter because a It has a wire of high resistance b It has a wire of low resistance C It does not draw current from external circuit d It draws heavy current from external circuit Q12 From the graph between current I and voltage V shown below identify the portion correspondin negative resistance J