PTC or phenylthiocarbamide is a chemical that to humans
Last updated: 6/9/2023

PTC or phenylthiocarbamide is a chemical that to humans either tastes bitter or has no taste at all The ability to taste the bitterness of PTC is controlled by a single gene that codes for a bitter taste receptor on the tongue Tasters or individuals that can taste the bit terness of PTC have at least one copy of the dominant allele T Nontasters or individuals who cannot taste the bitterness of PTC must have two copies of the recessive allele t The numbers of tasters and nontasters in the human population are shown in the table below A B Phenotype n Tasters Select all that apply There are 2 correct options D Nontasters Total If the population is in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium which of the following identifies the correct genotype frequencies for the population Number of Individuals 1 762 338 2 100 A total of 2 56 percent of the population are homozygous dominant A total of 13 44 percent of the population are heterozygous A total of 48 percent of the population are heterozygous A total of 36 percent of the population are homozygous dominant