Q3 16 Mar 2021 Shift 2 mathongo mathongo mathongo matho A
Last updated: 6/13/2023

Q3 16 Mar 2021 Shift 2 mathongo mathongo mathongo matho A deviation of 2 is produced in the yellow ray when prism of crown and mathongo mathonge mathongomathongo mathongomatho flint glass are achromatically combined Taking dispersive powers of mathongo mathongo mathonge mathongo mathongo mathongo mathongo matho crown and flint glass are 0 02 and 0 03 respectively and refractive index matho mathongo mathongo mathongo mothongo mat haq for yellow light for these glasses are 1 5 and 1 6 respectively The mathonto mothongo pmathong thongo refracting angles for crown glass prism will be mathongo mathongo Round off to the Nearest Integer mathongo in degree matho mothongo matho