
Records taken from a hospital show that the times between

Last updated: 7/18/2022

Records taken from a hospital show that the times between

Records taken from a hospital show that the times between arriving patients have a mean of 8.7 minutes with a standard deviation of 8.7 minutes. Based solely on the values of these two parameters, explain why it is unreasonable to assume that the times between arriving patients is normally distributed or even approximately so. Select the correct choice below. ***** A. It is unreasonable because the standard deviation must be greater than the mean for a variable to be normally distributed. The given standard deviation is equal to the mean. B. It is unreasonable because the time between arriving patients cannot be less than 0 minutes and all the values between 0 and the mean lie within one standard deviation. C. It is unreasonable because the standard deviation must be less than the mean for a variable to be normally distributed. The given standard deviation is equal to the mean. D. It is unreasonable because the time between arriving patients cannot be less than 0 minutes and all the values between 0 and the mean lie within two standard deviations.