s is a graded discussion 10 points sible eek 2 Discussion
Last updated: 2/4/2024

s is a graded discussion 10 points sible eek 2 Discussion Post A due Feb 4 at 6pm 27 27 cussion Board Posts 25 total a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum ponses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other t In these posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically ect on the readings This can include citing specific photographs and tographers theoretical connections between different dings ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer my separate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due by era A primary function of visual arts originates in the desire to create a likeness of someone or something that society deemed worth com memorating Dating back to cave paintings as well as to Plato s Cave according to Susan Sontag and other critics this human urge to make pictures that augment the faculty of memory by capturing time is at the conceptual base of photography Since ancient times artists and inven tors have searched for ways to expedite the societal desire for an af fordable and repeatable picturemaking process Eventually they con centrated their technical efforts on how to automatically capture a truthful likeness directly formed by light As early as the fifth century B C E the Chinese philosopher Mo Ti dis covered that light reflecting from an illuminated object and passing through a pinhole into a darkened area would form an exact though inverted image of that object offering a prototype of the pinhole lens less camera In the West the first recorded description of the pinhole was made by the Greek philosopher Aristotle who around 330 B C E