SensorTech Stern Solutions Ltd is a subsidiary of SensorTech
Last updated: 1/18/2024

SensorTech Stern Solutions Ltd is a subsidiary of SensorTech Stern ple result of globalization You are not sure what globalization is so you look for some information online BEFORE YOU READ A Look at the four pictures about globalization and write one or two sentences about each one The letters in picture A stand for The illustration shows how Picture 8 has a map of and there is also B Compare your notes with a partner C Skim the text quickly and match the pictures A D with the four stages of globalization A D www B MADE IN CHINA www The four stages of globalization Stage 1 For many centuries international trade was a slow process European trade with Asia was overland along the Silk Road and with the Americas Africa India Australia and New Zealand it was mainly by sailing ship Only small quantities of goods could be imported and it took centuries for explorers and colonizers to establish the sea routes that were later used by trading companies such as s the East India Company 1600 and the Hudson s Bay Company 1670 Stage 2 In the 1950s when peace came after the Second World War international transport and communications were no longer restricted and soon far larger quantities of goods were traded internationally mainly from east to west Western brands e g fast food or coffee chains and culture e g Hollywood movies or western music also established themselves all over the world Stage 3 As early as the 1970s large western manufacturing companies started moving some of their operations to low wage countries to save on labour costs By the 1990s it was standard practice for companies to manufacture goods cheaply in Asia and sell them at a much higher price on the western market Western countries therefore concentrated on services and millions of manufacturing jobs were lost Stage 4 In the 1990s scientists connected computer networks and produced a huge interconnected metwork the internet covering the whole world Massive advances were also made in computing and ommunications technology resulting in smartphones and tablets with internet access Now in the st century new inventions are changing cogitu