
Since the year 2005, defense spending (in millions of

Last updated: 7/8/2022

Since the year 2005, defense spending (in millions of

Since the year 2005, defense spending (in millions of dollars) in the country of Warpeas can be approximately represented by the function: A(t) = 1.34e^0.11t Find the amount of defense spending in 2005 and describe (interpret) the change from one year to the next year. 1) Defense spending in 2005 was $1.34 million and changed by a multiple of about $1.12 million each year since 2005, meaning that the spending increased after 2005. 2) Defense spending in 2005 was $0.11 million and changed by a multiple of about $1.34 million each year since 2005, meaning that the spending increased after 2005. 3) Defense spending in 2005 was $1.34 million and changed by a multiple of about $0.11 million each year since 2005, meaning that the spending decreased after 2005. 4) Defense spending in 2005 was $1.34 million and did not change at all each year since 2005, meaning that the spending remained constant after 2005.