Susan has been diagnosed with Primary HYPERCORTISOLISM and
Last updated: 6/15/2023

Susan has been diagnosed with Primary HYPERCORTISOLISM and SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM I have set up two tables for you to fill in with the sources of hormones the names of the hormones and with the term high or low Each box is worth 1 point There are 18 boxes to fill in therefore 18 points total This is graded manually Start at the t have filled in two boxes in each table to help you out so you have 14 points to fill in everyone begins with 4 points given to you You must copy and paste the tables provided below into your answer and then fill in the tables note the one table is for Primary Hypercortisolism and the other table is for Secondary Hypothyroidism This will save you time from needing to set up the ta will keep the response format consistent for all responses FILL IN EACH ROW Row A For Hyper cortisolism what is the name of the hormone from the hypothalamus and is the blood level of this hormone high or low Row B You fill in the what is organ that is influenced by the hypothalamus what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low Row C Finally you fill in what organ is influenced by secretion of Row B what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low TABLE 1 PRIMARY HYPERCORISOLISM You fill in the table with the name of the hormone and whether the hormone is high or low in the blood stream leading to primary hypercortisolism Row A Row B Row C Row A What is the source organ of the hormone Row B Hypothalamus FILL IN EACH ROW Row A For Hypothyroidism what is the name of the hormone from the hypothalamus and is the blood level of this hormone high or low Row B You fill in the what is organ that is influenced by the hypothalamus what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low Row C Finally you fill in what organ is influenced by secretion of Row B what is the name of the hormone from that organ and is it high or low TABLE 2 SECONDARY HYPOTHYROIDISM What is the source organ of the hormone What is the name of the hormone hypothalamus ACTH What is the name of the hormone Is the blood level high or low Is the blood level high or low Low