
The Ancestry Society of North Carolina is compiling records

Last updated: 7/4/2022

The Ancestry Society of North Carolina is compiling records

The Ancestry Society of North Carolina is compiling records so they can learn about the history of African Americans in North Carolina from 1820 to 1980. They have compiled records of all 15,125 gravestones in cemeteries across all 15 counties. They want to choose a sample of 600 records to check their accuracy by visiting the actual gravestones. a) Using the hat method explain how they could gather a simple random sample of 600 gravestones to visit. Here the sample is taken from the setof 15125 gravestones spread accross 15 countries. so the populationt they can infer about this sample is the population of records of all 15125 gravestones spread across 15 countries. b) Explain why it would be better to take a sample 40 gravestones from all 15 counties. |