The figure below shows the number of chromosomes observed in
Last updated: 1/27/2023

The figure below shows the number of chromosomes observed in an actively dividing cell at each stage of cell division number of chromsomes per cell A B 100 C 90 D 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 04 prophase A bar graph comparing the number of chromosomes at different stages of cell division metaphase Which of the following best explains the change in the number of chromosomes between metaphase and anaphase 110 anaphase telophase cytokinesis stage of cell division During metaphase a cell contains identical copies of each chromosome and then trans forms into sister chromatids DNA replication occurs between metaphase and anaphase doubling the number of chromosomes During anaphase the chromatids are separated each becoming independent chromo somes in its respective new cell New chromosomes formed during prophase are doubled during anaphase