The individual represented by the shaded symbol in the
Last updated: 2/28/2023

The individual represented by the shaded symbol in the pedigree has Down s syndrome trisomy of chromosome 21 VNTR A markers for chromosome 21 were analyzed for each member of the family to test which variants of the marker they carry on chromosome 21 and are indicated on the pedigree below The marker test could only detect the presence or absence of the variants of the marker The test could NOT detect multiple copies of the variants A2A5 A4A5 A2A5 A2A4 A2A5 A5A4 a Could the nondisjunction that led to the trisomy have occurred in meiosis II in the mother Explain 2 marks b Could the nondisjunction that led to the trisomy have occurred in meiosis II in the father Explain 2 marks