ticia has a waist circumference of 33 inches Her blood
Last updated: 3/4/2023

ticia has a waist circumference of 33 inches Her blood pressure and all of her lab values are in the normal range She doesn t smok nd no one in her family has had heart disease oes she need to lose weight to improve her health Hint Use the decision tree provided 6 Reevaluate at least annually Yes Healthy BMI 18 5 but 25 Is BMI in a healthy range No Overweight BMI 25 but 30 Are there obesity related risk factors High blood pressure Manage weight to avoid weight gain Is waist 35 inches in women or 2 40 inches in men No Abnormal blood lipids Elevated blood glucose Sleep apnea Cigarette smoking Physical inactivity Family history of premature heart disease Fertility problems Depression No Yes Yes No Obese BMI 30 Weight loss recommended to reduce health risks Measure height and weight and calculate BMI Measure waist circumference Assess for obesity related risk factors Develop a personalized weight management plan once it is determined that weight loss is recommended and the individual is ready to make changes