Which Career Pathway is right for you THE RIASEC TEST Follow
Last updated: 8/26/2023

Which Career Pathway is right for you THE RIASEC TEST Follow these easy steps to see where your interests are 1 Read each statement If you agree with the statement fill in the circle There are no wrong answers 1 I like to work on cars 2 I like to do puzzles 3 I am good at working independently I like to work in teams 4 5 6 I like to organize things files desks offices 7 8 I am an ambitious person I set goals for myself 9 I like to build things I like to read about art and music I like to have clear instructions to follow 10 I like to try to influence or persuade people 11 I like to do experiments 12 I like to teach or train people 13 I like trying to help people solve their problems I like to take care of animals 14 15 I wouldn t mind working 8 hours per day in an office 16 I like selling things 17 I enjoy creative writing 18 I enjoy science 19 I am quick to take on new responsibilities 20 I am interested in healing people 21 I enjoy trying to figure out how things work O Total Total O O O OO O 2 Add up the number of filled in circles in each column and then add the two columns together for a grand total Using your grand total scores from above transfer the scores for each letter into the appropriate column below R Realistic I Investigative A Artistic Total S Social Total E Enterprising Total C Conventional Total O R Realistic These people are often good at mechanical or athletic jobs Good college majors for Realistic people are Agriculture O O O O Which Career Pathway is right for you RESULTS OF THE RIASEC TEST I like putting things together or assembling things I am a creative person 24 I pay attention to details 25 I like to do filing or typing 22 23 26 I like to analyze things problems situations 27 I like to play instruments or sing I enjoy learning about other cultures 28 29 I would like to start my own business Total 30 I like to cook 31 I like acting in plays 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 I am a practical person I like working with numbers or charts I like to get into discussions about issues I am good at keeping records of my work I like to lead I like working outdoors I would like to work in an office 39 I m good at math 40 I like helping people 41 I like to draw 42 I like to give speeches R A Grand Total Total Take the three letters with the highest scores and record them under My Interest Code MY INTEREST CODE O O C C O C S Social These people like to work with other people rather than things Good college majors for Social people are O O O O EIC 5 Turn the page to see what this means