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Supercharge your success with Kunduz: 24/7 homework help from real tutors for your best grades!

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Priced right for students with the most affordable mobile tutors. For $14.99/month, get 24/7 access to expert tutors.

Finally, no more waiting to get the help I need! Sure, my teachers are available, but with five questions popping up every other day, it wasn't exactly convenient. Now, I save their time for the really big questions and turn to Kunduz for everything else.

Finally, no more waiting to get the help I need! Sure, my teachers are available, but with five questions popping up every other day, it wasn't exactly convenient. Now, I save their time for the really big questions and turn to Kunduz for everything else.

Kunduz Student

11th Grade

Wanting to help with homework but fearing I might get it wrong or can’t solve at all was always stressful. Kunduz changed that. Now, I'm reassured that experts are guiding my child, question by question. It's peace of mind in an app.

Wanting to help with homework but fearing I might get it wrong or can’t solve at all was always stressful. Kunduz changed that. Now, I'm reassured that experts are guiding my child, question by question. It's peace of mind in an app.

Kunduz Parent

Mother of a 12th Grade Kunduz Student

I’ve always been shy, and asking questions in front of teachers or my classmates has been incredibly daunting. Yes, Kunduz is super fast and convenient, but what I appreciate the most is the freedom to ask as many follow-up questions as I want. I don’t know the tutor, they don’t know me; that anonymity is a game-changer for me. It lets me focus solely on my questions and not worry about what others think about me for asking those questions.

I’ve always been shy, and asking questions in front of teachers or my classmates has been incredibly daunting. Yes, Kunduz is super fast and convenient, but what I appreciate the most is the freedom to ask as many follow-up questions as I want. I don’t know the tutor, they don’t know me; that anonymity is a game-changer for me. It lets me focus solely on my questions and not worry about what others think about me for asking those questions.

Kunduz Student

10th Grade

Every parent wants to be the hero, but tackling questions you haven't seen in 30 years? Stressful. Thanks to Kunduz, that stress is gone!

Every parent wants to be the hero, but tackling questions you haven't seen in 30 years? Stressful. Thanks to Kunduz, that stress is gone!

Kunduz Parent

Father of 11th and 8th Grade Kunduz Students

I turn to Kunduz whenever I hit a wall - whether it’s test prep or homework. It’s amazing—I can fire off any question, anytime, and get guidance on the spot. It’s totally transformed how I study. It’s like having a tutor on call, day or night.

I turn to Kunduz whenever I hit a wall - whether it’s test prep or homework. It’s amazing—I can fire off any question, anytime, and get guidance on the spot. It’s totally transformed how I study. It’s like having a tutor on call, day or night.

Kunduz Student

12th Grade


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No need to wait in line or get up from your desk anymore! Kunduz's 50,000+ expert instructors are ready to help you with questions from every subject and topic.

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After receiving a solution to a question, when you still have lingering points in your mind, you can connect with an expert instructor and ask additional questions. There's no limit for messages!

One-on-One Approach

By having one-on-one sessions with your tutor, you can receive solutions tailored specifically to you. During these individual sessions, the expert tutor listens to you, grasps the points you don't understand, and engages with you until all your question marks are cleared, just like in a private lesson!

Instant Connection

No need for appointments! Our thousands of expert tutors are ready and waiting for your additional questions. When you encounter a point you don't understand in a solution, you can connect with your tutor within an average of 5 minutes.


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Before we partnered with Kunduz, I was working all the time but could never feel I was on top of things. Now I have full control of my time. I have the best visibility in what’s going on in the class and what I should spend more time on. I make smarter decisions for my students and I feel more present in front of them.

Before we partnered with Kunduz, I was working all the time but could never feel I was on top of things. Now I have full control of my time. I have the best visibility in what’s going on in the class and what I should spend more time on. I make smarter decisions for my students and I feel more present in front of them.

2 years with Kunduz

Teaches Math and Geometry at a partner school

Having all the hands up and not being able to help each of them in that limited class time… That was my nightmare. Now, I have the time to make every timely decision in the classroom. And guess what? I’m still present for my students whenever they need me.

Having all the hands up and not being able to help each of them in that limited class time… That was my nightmare. Now, I have the time to make every timely decision in the classroom. And guess what? I’m still present for my students whenever they need me.

8 months with Kunduz

Teaches Middle School Math at a partner school

Kunduz changed the way we work. Our teachers now have the time to strategize how to best use their classroom time. They make the best use of the dashboard to decide on what topics were well-grasped and what concepts need to be spent more time in the classroom.

Kunduz changed the way we work. Our teachers now have the time to strategize how to best use their classroom time. They make the best use of the dashboard to decide on what topics were well-grasped and what concepts need to be spent more time in the classroom.

3 years with Kunduz

Head of Math Department at a partner school

Students’ engagement on Kunduz is unlike anything else. An ed-tech product actively used by students gives the most insightful and up-to-date information. Kunduz marries it with a smooth dashboard. This gives our teachers the capability to make their diagnosis and act on them before the exams. We haven’t seen them this data-savvy before.

Students’ engagement on Kunduz is unlike anything else. An ed-tech product actively used by students gives the most insightful and up-to-date information. Kunduz marries it with a smooth dashboard. This gives our teachers the capability to make their diagnosis and act on them before the exams. We haven’t seen them this data-savvy before.

1.5 years with Kunduz

Head of Curriculum at a partner private school network

Kunduz brought a major change in my life as a principal. Finally, I have a common frame to diagnose and discuss matters with students, teachers and parents. We all have the common understanding on the efforts of a student compared to the rest of the class or what courses or concepts to be focused on for academic improvement in a class. Sharing this common frame enables us to focus on improving academically, not discussing the facts.

Kunduz brought a major change in my life as a principal. Finally, I have a common frame to diagnose and discuss matters with students, teachers and parents. We all have the common understanding on the efforts of a student compared to the rest of the class or what courses or concepts to be focused on for academic improvement in a class. Sharing this common frame enables us to focus on improving academically, not discussing the facts.

2 years with Kunduz

Principal at a partner school