Infex Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexEssay Write a few brief paragraphs outlining how the senses of smell and taste operate in ways that help the body to maintain a homeostatic balance Include at least two examples of how each might be involved in a homeostatic feedback loop Use another sheet of paper if you need more space

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAfter reading Lean In and the Letter to John Adams Brainstorm all the similarities and differences you can think of between the two women s ideas go deeper than both are women and both lived in different times Abigail Adams Sheryl Sandberg Ca

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexams and Lean In were written two centuries apart and under very different circumstances You may have noticed differences in the voice and tone of each selection However there are some similarities between the texts as well Review your annotations and notes to find similarities and differences in voice and tone in the two works examples from each text that illustrate tone or voice In the third column note if you think the examples are similar or different Tone Voice Letter to John Adams LEAN IN Comments ANALYZE THE TEXTS Discuss these questions in your group 1 Infer Do you think the two women would agree on what makes an ideal marriage Explain using examples from each text 2 Synthesize How do Adams s comments about the approaching revolution suggest that she would have appreciated Sandberg s advice on pursuing success 3 Compare Though the two writers have different styles they have energy and passion in common Use evidence from the texts such as details related to style or tone that demonstrate their energy and passion 4 Evaluate What do these two works suggest about how involved the writers want to

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe nurse is caring for a patient with diabetes mellitus Match the potential complication with its most likely manifestation retinopathy autonomic nervous system neuropathy coronary artery disease CAD nephropathy peripheral vascular disease PVD sometimes called peripheral arterial disease PAD cerebral vascular disease Choose transient ischemic attack angina blurry vision proteinurea urinary retention bladder is full but is hard to empty numbness in feet Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA patient is admitted to the Emergency Department diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis The patient s arterial pH 7 21 and serum blood glucose 371 mg dL What is the most important action for the nurse prior to administering prescribed insulin check the ABG to determine the amount of respiratory compensation obtain a blood pressure review the patient s complete metabolic profile labs assess the patient s ability to safely swallow

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe nurse is caring for a patient experiencing polyphagia Along with active blood glucose management which intervention is most appropriate for this patient Provide hygiene products and promote perineal care Reinforce healthy dietary habits Contact the provider requesting an order for IV fluids Order a variety of low calorie beverages from dietary lolo

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWe began looking at the movement that is taking place at each joint in Unit 1 and with our muscular anatomy we can examine what muscles are creating those motions Using the sport s skill from Unit 1 create an Excel spreadsheet to breakdown the movement at each joint during each phase of the movement The first column should list all the joints of the body Cervical Lumbar Shoulder Girdle Shoulder Joint Elbow Radioulnar Wrist Fingers Hip Knee Ankle Subtalar Toes while the first row should have the phases of movement Stance phase Preparatory phase Movement phase and Follow through phase In each box list the movement occurring muscles involved and whether the contractions are isometric concentric or eccentric For reference please see page 397 in the textbook

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex18 8pts The decision to undergo glycolysis or gluconeogenesis is controlled in part by the action of hormones The diagram shown below has more than one error Note the errors and draw a corrected diagram Note 1 PFK stands for phosphofructokinase Note 2 an arrow indicates a positive effect activation Note 3 a truncated line 1 indicates a negative effect inhibition Glucose is high Glucose is low insulin glucagon PFKZ A Fructose 1 phosphate PFK glycolysis glacouragenesis Fructose 2 6 bisphosphate fanctose bisphosphatase Fructose 1 6 bisphosphate

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhen he found the eyes of Hester Prynne fastened on his own and saw that she appeared to recognize him he slowly and calmly raised his finger made a gesture with it in the air and laid it on his lips What can be inferred from the given lines O O Hester Prynne and Chillingworth have legally separated Chillingworth expresses his anger on Hester Prynne for her adultery Chillingworth gestures to a man in the crowd to punish Hester for her adultery Hester identifies Chillingworth in the crowd and abides by his command

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDelayed sleep phase refers to a recurring mismatch between the patient s sleep wake pattern and environmental demands causes insomnia or hypersomnolence O True False

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHeavy use intoxication can produce unrefreshing sleep with strong REM suppression and reduced total sleep time Patients may experience terminal insomnia and sometimes hypersomnolence and their sleep problems may persist for years Heavy intoxication can produce unrefreshing sleep with strong REM suppression and reduced total sleep time Patients may experience terminal insomnia and sometimes hypersomnolence and their sleep problems may persist for years use These include barbiturates over the counter antihistamines and Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexParents of children referred to a mental health professional have usually tried the common remedies fluid restriction before bedtime midnight toilet use without success O True False

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following sentences is parallel A Her family usually orders pizza and bakes lasagna on the weekends B Her family likes to order pizza and baking lasagna on the weekends C Her family likes ordering pizza and to bake lasagna on the weekends D Her family usually orders pizza and to bake lasagna during the weekends

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex4 Examine the initial results of Mao s Five Year Plan in the period 1953 55 5 The Gao Gang Affair and the purge of Party cadres that followed was mainly designed to limit Soviet influence in China To what extent do you agree with this statement

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexof culture and science and thus not overly reliant on a technological lite Several CCP leaders were also aware that the problems of under employment in rural areas which had led to peasants moving into towns and so causing unemployment in the cities had not been fully solved by the First Five Year Plan Mao s aim was to turn China into a modern industrial and fully socialist state in a very short time Although the draft Second Five Year Plan was never formally abandoned this is what in practice happened Instead the Great Leap Forward became the new Second Five Year Plan Yet it soon became clear that this Great Leap Forward had no clearly drawn up blueprints for how this transformation was to be achieved in practice Revolutionary romanticism However in order to achieve this transformation Mao did not think merely in terms of financial investments and raw materials he also saw the right political attitudes and determination as crucial Voluntarism and revolutionary utopianism were strong strands within what became known as Maoism The planners began to speak about General Grain and General Steel these two would bring about the changes Mao and his supporters wanted What counted it was said was not so much skill as enthusiasm and commitment People were to be enthused by slogans such as more faster better and cheaper In fact as early as May 1956 Mao had made a speech On the Ten Great Relationships in which he stated his aim of distancing China from the Soviet Union by abandoning the centralised Soviet development model of concentrating on industry Mao began to argue for rapid industrial and agricultural growth via a mass campaign Instead of basing this on greater levels of capital expenditure Mao believed that China s huge population could be harnessed to achieve the necessary surplus funds required for rapid development necessary for For instance as China lacked sufficient mechanical diggers it would be many construction projects such as dams to be built with simple tools and labour intensive manual labour In many respects Mao argued that China s under development and relative poverty would enable it to make this Great Leap Forward His revolutionary romanticism placed great emphasis on revolutionary enthusiasm and called for a concentration on agriculture light industry and small scale induci ponital investment

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe People s Republic of China 1949 2005 The Great Leap Forward saw large communes established across China and the ending of private ownership of land in rural areas These communes were then encouraged to create their own industries and steel furnaces Despite some early successes the lack of clear plans led to increasing problems including some protests As a result of bad weather and poor administration many areas of China experienced famine and 1959 61 became known as the Three Bitter Years Mao s influence within the CCP was reduced and his opponents such as Liu and Deng were able to bring an end to the Great Leap Forward in 1961 3 1 Why was the Hundred Flowers campaign launched By 1956 Mao and other CCP leaders concluded the economic and social reforms that had been carried out since 1949 had put China firmly on the road to socialism So they felt they could allow both Party cadres and intellectuals a term which included teachers and at times anyone with secondary level education as well as writers academics and scientists greater freedom to express their views The Hundred Flowers campaign 1956 57 Zhou Enlai in particular was concerned that since the attack on Hu Feng in 1954 5 China s intellectuals had become estranged from the Party In an attempt to regain their support the Party s Cultural Committee met in January 1956 and decided that ideological controls on intellectuals should be relaxed The clash of ideas that this would encourage was seen as an essential step to ensure the success of the final push to build a fully socialist society which would need a massive development of science and technology

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexT 1 I for emergency services 2 Chair positioning S Chest Pain 3 Drug from Emergency Medical Kit 4 Administer oxygen Yes 5 Additional steps Response steps 1 Call for emergency services 2 Chair positioning Cerebrovascular Accident Response steps 3 Drug from Emergency Medical Kit 4 Administer oxygen Ye 5 Additional steps 1 Call for emergency services 2 Chair positioning Immediately Upright Hyperventilation Response steps Immediately Upright 3 Drug from Emergency Medical Kit 4 Administer oxygen Yes 5 Additional steps 5 Additional steps Immediately 1 Call for emergency services 2 Chair positioning 3 Drug from Emergency Medical Kit 4 Administer oxygen Upright Wait Supine Immediately Wait Notes Upright Supine Yes No Wait Notes Supine No No Wait Notes Supine No NO Notes Van Serate AG W Subsupine www pic Subsupine Subsupine Subsupine Mpbsm

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA combination of positive broad and bilateral transfer is preferred in motor skill acquis Seled an option True

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA combination of positive broad and bilateral transfer is preferred in motor skill acquisitic Select an option True False

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn the laboratory a coffee cup calorimeter or constant pressure calorimeter is frequently used to determine the specific heat of a solid or to measure the energy of a solution phase reaction Thermometer Water Metal sample 2003 Thomson Brooks Cole Stirring rod Since the cup itself can absorb energy a separate experiment is needed to determine the heat capacity of the calorimeter This is known as calibrating the calorimeter and the value determined is called the calorimeted cs One way to do this is to use a common metal of known heat capacity In the laboratory a student heats of iron to 99 15 C and then drops it into a cup containing 83 40 grams of water at 22 38 C She measures temperature to be 30 54 C Using the accepted value for the specific heat of iron See the References tool calculate the calonitrieter 1 C

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex46 47 48 49 50 1 2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 53 54 55 56 47 48 49 50 51 52 45 46 57 58 59 60 74 75 Superficial veins Deep veins Car LE

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 qu 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 23 22 24 25 26 27 26790 310 28 29 30 42 43 44 31 33 34 35 20 36 37 38 39 40 00 100 LEX

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexQuestion 14 Points 3 Based on the Information presented in this lesson all of the following was true of Mexican workers EXCEPT They were hired to do agricultural and mining work in the Southwest O They were often hired by the Southern Pacific and Santa Fe Railroads They had their own independent communities and established churches newspapers schools and social welfare institutions to help their communities They were willing to accept lower wages than any other ethnic group Complete Later

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSequence Number the following items in order from 1 to 8 A Fujimori is successful at fighting the economic problems and terrorism in Peru B President Fujimori tries to solve the economic crisis but runs into too many obstacles C Former President Alberto Fujimori is serving a 31 year sentence D Fujimori dissolves Congress and says the Constitution can be ignored E President Fujimori flees to Japan but he eventually returns to South America where he is tried and convicted of acts against humanity F Fujimori is elected the president of Peru G Fujimori uses tanks and tear gas to stop Congress from meeting H Scandal breaks out when people learn what Fujimori has done Weigh it out What were the positives of total control What are the negatives Fill in the boxes below to help you decide which side is more important Positive Give one reason that President Fujimori was successful when he had total control Negative Give two bad things that happened because President Fujimori had total control 1

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexRemember that adaptations are shaped by natural selection and as such require the 3 conditions inheritable variable and lead to differential reproductive success see textbook readings from chapter 5 Match the selection pressure with the trait hint heat and solar radiation are NOT the same thing It can be hot in a tropical rainforest but still in the shade Similarly you can get sunburnt in the snow lower solar radiation and a trade off between the need to protect folates and cell DNA with the need to produce enough vitamin D higher solar radiation and a trade off between the need to protect folates and cell DNA with the need to produce enough vitamin D heat stress cold stress Choose Choose Choose Choose shorter limbs and less surface area relative to body mass

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexONSTRUCTION RESOURCE 3 THE FIRST COLDBED SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVES the 427 Congress of the United States I BLACK CONGRESSMEN Revels R MS and Reps Turner R AL Elliott R SC Allen R TX R SC Walls R FL Cain R SC all elected between 1870 1875 Dems were starting the KKK at that time esides being the first African Americans in Congress how did these men assist the Frican American community by their elections to Congress SEE OR KEY DATA PROVIDED PERSPECTIVE WHICH REGION WAS THE AUTHOR MOST LIKELY FROM DESCRIBE 3 DETAILS THAT SHOW THE PURPOSE OF THIS RESOURCE 000

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFill out the chart below with normal increased decreased to compare and contrast the effects of curare myasthenia gravis botulism toxin poisoning Eaton Lambert syndrome Sarin exposure Guillan Barre Syndrome and malignant hyperthermia Healthy person Curare Myasthenia gravis Botulism Eaton Lambert ACh release NMJ ACh SR Frequency of AChE receptor Ca muscle Activity function release contraction normal normal normal normal Sarin Guillain Barr Syndrome normal Autoimmune antibodies present yes no no

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPectoral Fibular Mental Antebrachial forearm Plantar Deltoid Frontal Buccal 10000 Pelvic KEY Thorax Abdomen Back Dorsum 0000 C

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexrophoblast stem TS cells using embryonic stem ES cells as a control B Nanog Fold enrichment ES TS 2 0 1 5 1 0 0 5 Distal T DMR Input ACH3 AcH4 IgG ES TS ES TS AcH3 AcH4 Fold enrichment Proximal T DMR ES TS 0 5 Input AcH3 AcH4 ES TS AcH3 IgG ES TS AcH4 Oct 4 000 000 000 00 ES TS Fold enrichment 1 0 0 5 T DMR Input AcH3 AcH4 IgG ES TS AcH3 ES TS AcH4 Figure B The ES and TS cells were subjected to ChIP assay using antibodies against acetylated histone H3 AcH3 and H4 AcH4 for the endogenous Nanog gene left sic and the endogenous Oct 4 gene right side The top panels are diagram of the tentat DNA modified regulatory regions T DMRs for both genes Arrows in the top panel indicate the positions of ChIP assay primers Intensity of the bands for AcH3 and AcH was normalized by input indicated as fold enrichment and shown by a histogram in bottom panel Data represent the mean S E in triplicate P 0 01 P 0 05 Student s t test P 0 05 is considered statistically significant White and black bars indicate ES and TS cells respectively Normal rabbit IgG IgG was used as a negative control As a positive control aliquots 0 56 of chromatin fragments were also subjected to PCR without IP input RT reverse transcriptase indicates no RT add

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe impact of James K Polk s presidency is displayed in Polk s presidency was recognized for better conditions for American factory workers and immigrants Polk s economic and domestic policies directly started the Civil War Polk s administration was noteworthy for westward expansion fulfilling the country s Manifest Destiny including negotiating for the Oregon Territory wit Britain and the annexation of Texas which led to war with Mexico Polk s government reduced conflict between North and South through abolitionist policies

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 Read the following paragraph from the section Weaknesses Under the Articles of Confederation each state viewed its own sovereignty and power a paramount to the national good This led to frequent arguments between the states In addition the states would not willingly give money to financially support the national government Adding which sentence to the paragraph would help to explain the meaning of paramount within the context of the article O O O O The states reluctantly agreed to give financial aid to the government The states grew dissatisfied with the Articles of Confederation over time The states viewed their own individual power as more important than anything else The states frequently argued over which state should wield the most political influence

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexBritain Imposes Taxes On Colonists Britain had allowed the Colonies to rule themselves Suddenly Britain began controlling the Colonies The British began charging the American colonists taxes because they needed money War had been expensive for Britain The taxes on American colonists were lower than those on British citizens Money from taxing the Colonies paid to protect them The Americans however saw it differently Americans thought British soldiers were sent only to watch them and they did not want to pay for that Also the colonists did not have elected officials in the British Parliament They had no control over decisions being made the British government They felt that the British were ignoring their rights as Englishmen Stamp Act Is Passed 4 Read the section Britain imposes taxes on colonists Which option do you think BEST describes the structure of this section O problem and solution compare and contrast order of events order of importance

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexclassical Chinese tradition and works by foreign writers In the second half of 1954 after the Gao Gang Affair had been resolved a clash emerged between the Party and intellectuals involved in cultural and artistic matters In particular the clash revolved round two individuals Feng Xuefeng and Hu Feng The CCP leadership decided that a campaign against bourgeois idealism and individualism was needed in order to establish the Party view that the primary function of literature and art was to serve the revolution and the people rather than just expressing individual thoughts and feelings Feng was dismissed for having published an article by a literary historian whose views were condemned as being too individualistic Feng Xuefeng 1903 76 Feng was a poet literary theorist and translator and for a time was a spokesperson for the CCP In 1952 he became editor of the official literary and art magazine Wenyibao However his criticisms of the Party s attempts to enforce some political control over literature and art led to his dismissal for being a rightist He took part in the Hundred Flowers campaign in 1957 but was again accused of being a rightist and was sent for reform through labour His last years were spent doing manual labour during the Cultural Revolution Hu Feng 1902 85 Hu had been an early supporter of the CCP and had joined its Youth League as early as 1923 In 1933 he had joined the League of Left Wing Writers in Shanghai and by 1949 was an established writer and a respected literary and art critic However in the 1930s he had clashed with Zhou Yang who since 1949 had been vice minister for culture and the Party s propaganda commissar In 1955 Zhou Yang decided to attack him along with Feng Xuefeng Hu was imprisoned for his refusal to subordinate literature to Party views about socialist realism which identified the topics writers should deal with and how they should deal with them

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexBetween January and October 1950 almost 4000 people were arrested as counter revolutionary agents and in July 1950 Zhou signed an order for the campaign which soon became known as Eliminate Counter Revolutionary Elements to be stepped up Mao gave his official support and in February 1951 the government issued the Regulations These were based on the Common Programme and defined counter revolutionary crimes as those which tried to disrupt or overthrow the newly established People s Democracy This campaign was also directed at the secret societies of various religious sects such as the Buddhists and members of the criminal gangs that had long operated in urban areas and had often collaborated with the GMD to eliminate trade union and communist militants Those found guilty faced life imprisonment or execution The harshness of these Regulations reflected in large part the CCP leadership s concerns over the threats posed by Taiwan and the US which openly backed the GMD as the legitimate rulers of China In addition the scale of this campaign is not too surprising given that it followed closely on from an extremely bitter and violent civil war lasting more than 20 years However there were many cases where those accused of counter revolution were released while many others were given short prison sentences or sent to labour camps The campaign involved large numbers of people according to historian Michael Dillon up to 80 per cent of the population were involved in what became a mass movement Factories schools government offices and neighbourhood organisations formed committees to root out counter revolutionaries As Source 2 7 shows mass meetings were held in which people were encouraged to denounce to the security forces and police those who had supported

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHow Would you feel if you thought you deserved to be promoted but instead the organization hired What Would you do Someone from outside and made that person Your boss

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexResearch Paper Proposal Template HI 200 Working Title Canada economic since confederation Topic Economic Development in Canada Brief commentary on why you think this is a topic worthy of study for this course 100 200 words Outline Thesis statement The key idea that will hold your paper together This is how you will determine what to include and what not to include in your paper It is often the case that the thesis you use to begin your project will need to be revised as you learn more There is no problem if this thesis is not the one that appears in your first draft Key points that you will develop to argue your thesis In a 2500 word paper you are likely only able to develop 3 5 key points Annotated Bibliography 8 10 sources beyond class resources This will typically include primary sources as well as books and articles Be sure that most of your secondary sources were published in the last 25 years and none are really stale Tertiary sources do not count Refer to the History Program Writing Guide for proper bibliographic format The annotations are to demonstrate that you have the resources required to write a convincing research paper There should be a connection between your outline and your annotated bibliography It should be clear Example Miller J R Compact Contract Covenant Aboriginal Treaty Making in Canada University of Toronto Press 2009 Miller outlines the central place of treaty making to pre contact indigenous societies as well as to the relationship between indigenous peoples and newcomers Treaties are understood as complex living covenants that define and maintain good relationships Ceremony and gift exchange are central to treaty making locating their significance beyond material circumstances Miller argues that a more fulsome understanding of treaty relations is central to reconciliation with Canada s indigenous peoples This will be key to my argument in section 2 of the outline

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexKr 2 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan pemasangan terlalu banyak plag pada satu soket The diagram below shows too many plugs which are installed in one socker K SMAKOLY a Apakah kesan daripada tindakan yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah di atas What is the effect of the action shown in the above diagram b Apakah kesan lain kecuaian pengendalian peralatan elektrik What are other effects of mishandling of electrical appliances 1 markah mar c Kamala menggunakan pengering rambut elektrik di dalam bilik air untuk mengeringk rambutnya selepas mandi Dia mengendalikan alat tersebut dengan tangannya yang mas basah Kamala uses an electric hair dryer in the bathroom to dry her har after bathing Sa handles the appliance with wet hands 1 Apakah kemungkinan bahaya yang boleh terjadi What is the probable danger that may occur I markah ma ii Nyatakan cara untuk mencegah kejadian di 2 c daripada berlaku State the way to prevent the incident in 2cKi from happening 1993 1 markah 1 mars 11 markahll mark d Rajah di bawah menunjukkan seorang budak perempuan membiarkan pintu peti seju AT terbuka untuk jangka masa yang lama The diagram below shows a girl leaving the refrigerator door open for a long time 500

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexEach weekday morning you might purchase a caffeinated beverage from your favorite coffee shop As you wait to receive your order you notice some customers adding cream and or sugar to their coffee You read somewhere that 65 of coffee drinkers add cream and or sugar How was that fact determined Sociologists use a variety of research methods surveys interviews focus groups observation content analysis and so forth when they study human behavior In this assignment you will select a research method for doing a small sociological research study For example you might use a 10 question survey to determine attitudes about texting while driving You will conduct your research and summarize your findings 1 Identify the research method used 2 In a 50 word paragraph write your survey questions or other indications on the topic that you are researching Be sure to explain the sociological purpose of your brief research study

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA culture of the bacterium Salmonella enteritidis initially contains 50 cells When introduced into a nutrient broth the culture grows at a rate proportional to its size After 1 5 hours the population has increased to 925 a Find an expression for the number of bacteria after t hours Round your numeric values to four decimal places P t b Find the number of bacteria after 4 hours Round your answer to the nearest whole number P 4 bacteria c Find the rate of growth in bacteria per hour after 4 hours Round your answer to the nearest whole number P 4 bacteria per hour d After how many hours will the population reach 250 000 Round your answer to one decimal place t hr

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex2 Being our whole selves First read the chapter Los Intersticios Recasting Moving Selves from the book This Bridge We Call Home Posted on Canvas Then read the following excerpt from Crip Kinship by Shayda Kafal page 22 The Roots of Disability Justice Sins Invalid grew out of the gaps of the mainstream Disability Rights Movement out of its lack and out of a desire to create what bell hooks calls a community of resistance a place where we as disabled queer of color community are seen as our unapologetically beautiful whole selves This community of resistance grounds itself in affirmation crip love and remembrance Thinking about both this excerpt and the book chapter from This Bridge We Call Home what do you think it means to be able to create spaces or movements where we can be our whole selves What is the importance of having spaces or movements in which we can truly be ourselves and have our identities be I understood What kind of impact do you think that these kinds of spaces and movements where individuals can be their whole selves can have on health 350 500 words

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexBelow are the names of three central figures in the Second Great Awakening Match each name with the causes he or she is primarily associated with Horace Mann Frederick Douglass Abolitionism Education Reform

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat issue was at the heart of the Nullification Crisis of 1832 the rights of American Indians the power of Congress the rights of states the spread of slavery

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following was one effect the Industrial Revolution had on the development of the United States Mill workers returned to their lives on the farm The price of manufactured goods increased The United States became the center of international commerce Cities grew as laborers left rural areas in search of work

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHenry Clay s American System attempted to protect American businesses from foreign competition and to increase trade within the United States through all of the followin measures EXCEPT by improving the nation s infrastructure through the construction of new systems of roads by offering tax incentives to businesses and individuals that refused to purchase foreign products by establishing a tariff on imported goods to make them more expensive than American made products by promoting the use of a single currency through the establishment of a national bank

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following was NOT a belief that was central to Jacksonian Democrats O the necessity of establishing a national bank expanding US borders to the Pacific increased voting rights among white males a hands off approach to the US economy

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPer the Monroe Doctrine what did the United States agree to do in exchange for promises by European leaders to stay out of Latin American aff grant independence to all US colonies in Latin America remain neutral in conflicts between European nations enter into free trade agreements with European nations provide economic support during a global depression