Infex Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHow did Thomas Jefferson s actions as president compare to his stated beliefs about presidential power Despite his stated belief in a strict interpretation of the Constitution Jefferson went beyond the powers the Constitution explicitly granted the president by approving the purchase of the Louisiana Territory without congressional authorization Despite his stated belief in a loose interpretation of the Constitution Jefferson gained congressional approval for the purchase of the Louisiana Territory as the Constitution did not explicitly grant the president the power to purchase land from a foreign country Due to his steadfast belief in a strict interpretation of the Constitution Jefferson gained congressional approval for the purchase of the Louisiana Territory as the Constitution did not explicitly grant the president the power to purchase land from a foreign country Due to his steadfast belief in a loose interpretation of the Constitution Jefferson went beyond the powers the Constitution explicitly granted the president by approving the purchase of the Louisiana Territory without congressional authorization

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHow did the conflict between states rights and federal authority manifest during John Adams s presidency Some states claimed the Alien and Sedition Acts violated the Constitution and refused to enforce them Some states believed the president was going to start a war with Great Britain and refused to pay taxes to the federal governmer Some states claimed that limits on slavery violated state police powers and refused to enforce antislavery laws Some states believed the Indian Removal Act violated state authority to govern territory and refused to enforce the act

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich presidential action of George Washington helped establish the principle that federal law is the supreme law of the land stepping down from the presidency after serving two terms relying on the heads of government departments for political advice leading federal troops to put down the Whiskey Rebellion refusing to give Congress documents relating to the Jay Treaty of 1795

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhy was the creation of the cabinet system an important precedent of George Washington s presidency Presidents often require assistance in convincing other members of government to support the president s agenda and policies Presidents often lack expertise in certain areas of governance and can rely on the knowledge of others when making important decisions Presidents often struggle to govern within the confines of constitutional limitations on their power and need to expand their authority Presidents often must challenge the actions of lower levels of government in order to maintain the supremacy of federal law OO

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexConsider the situation from the previous problem Suppose you were studying a plant and found that there were two types of flowers spiky and smooth Suppose you crossed pure breeding spiky with pure breeding smooth and got all smooth flowered F offspring Select the proper terms to complete the following sentences I m sorry that the paragraph is all broken up someday edx will fix this 1 The pure breeding spiky parent has a Select an option genotype 2 The pure breeding smooth parent has a smooth Select an option 3 The F smooth plants have a Select an option genotype 4 The smooth phenotype is

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexcame to Texas to fight for Texas independence including who formed the Mexica

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWrite these words phrases in Spanish as presented in Lesson 4 1 supermarket el 2 shoe store la 3 toy store la 4 movie la 5 mail el 6 pharmacy la 7 office store la 8 open

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHow did industrial and transportation improvements that connected the North South and West of America unify the nation Introduced child labor the opening of Wall Street and the creation of the automobile Increased trade restrictions between states and worker strikes Expanded transportation like the railroads and canals water and steam power developed and faster production in factories The development of air travel the use of speed boats and creation of interstates

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSemitendinosus Gastrocnemius Soleus Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius Semimembranosus Fibularis longus Calcaneal Achilles tendon Reset Adductor magnus Biceps femoris

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexse the correct answer Essays and bibliographies must be O Double spaced O Single spaced O In bold font Copied word for word Complete Later Complete

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexCalculation Time Each calculation is worth 4 points This section is worth 20 points Systolic BP is 180 mmHg Diastolic BP is 110 mmHg Heart Rate is 65 BPM EDV is 120 ml ESV is 90 ml Change in volume is 20 ml Change in pressure is 10 mmHg

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHeart Rate is 65 BPM EDV is 120 ml ESV is 90 ml Change in volume is 20 ml Change in pressure is 10 mmHg 8 00 Biol 2402 Blood Vessel Test Dr Clark Student Name Each of the first 40 questions are worth 2 points each and the last 5 questions are worth 4 points each The total test is worth 110 points A Calculate the mean arterial pressure

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex14 LUMEN 5 Drawing B 11 13 15 Name the Blood vessels in Drawing B These are blood vessels in the brain The Circle of Willis 37 Number 1 is pointing to 38 Number 2 is pointing to 39 Number 8 is pointing to 40 Number 12 is pointing to

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexQuestions 27 thru 30 are matching Match the most correct formula to describe the main function of the blood vessel type A Arteries B Veins C Arterioles D Capillaries E Mean arterial pressure 27 R 8nl TTr 28 D Ax Dc t Co Ci 29 CAV AP 30 MAP DBP 1 3 SBP DBP

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex15 A person with a blood pressure of 110 60 will have a with a blood pressure of 200 180 A Same B Lower C Higher D Cannot determine E None of the above pulse pressure than a person

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 At his annual physical examination a 15 year old boy reports symptoms of frequent urination and severe thirst A dipstick test of his urine shows elevated levels of glucose The physician orders a glucose tolerance test which indicates that the boy has type I diabetes mellitus He is treated with insulin by injection and his dipstick test is subsequently normal 2 Give explanation of the case 6 points 3 Add a note on treatment of the case 4 points 4 Answer should NOT exceed 450 words Note The explanation should focus on the ymptom of frequent urination and the

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexO An indirect reference to a person place or anything else O An expression that represents a meaning beyond the literal one O Elaborate descriptions that appeal to the senses A person place animal thing or word which has a deeper meaning and stands for something else Re the Que 5

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex25 The cardiac parasympathetic nervous system neurotransmitter receptors are A Nicotinic B Muscarinic C Alpha D Beta E None of the above 26 When the left ventricle ejects blood into the aorta The pressure in the represents the preload and the pressure in the represents the afterload A Right atrium left atrium B Right ventricle pulmonary artery C Left ventricle pulmonary artery D Left ventricle aorta E None of the above 27 If a patient suffered left ventricular failure a good treatment could be to A Reduce left ventricular preload and give the patient a negative inotropic agent B Reduce the left ventricular afterload and give the patient a positive inotropic agent C Increase the right ventricular preload and give a negative inotropic agent D Increase the left ventricular afterload and give a negative inotropic

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA EDV minus ESV B ESV minus EDV C EDV divided by ESV D ESV divided by EDV E None of the above 21 The ejection fraction is determined by A EDV minus ESV B ESV minus EDV C EDV divided by ESV D ESV divided by EDV E SV divided by EDV 22 The atria and ventricles both independently form syncytia due to A Increased amount of mitochondria B Gap junctions C Cardiac muscle branching D Small cardiac muscle cell sizes E Both B and C 23 The heart has considerable endurance because of A More myoglobin B Mainly uses fatty acids for metabolism over carbohydrates C Decreased amount of mitochondria D Large cardiac muscle cell sizes E Both A and B 24 The cardiac sympathetic nervous system neurotransmitter receptors are A Nicotinic B Muscarinic

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex18 Tricuspid valve stenosis can directly lead to A Right atrial enlargement and jugular venous distention B Hyperplasia of the left ventricle C Hypertrophy of the left ventricle D Hypertrophy of the right ventricle 3 Biol 2402 Fall 2023 Heart Test Dr Clark Student Name Each multiple choice question is worth 2 5 points The essay is 35 points Total test 110 points E None of the above 19 Pulmonic artery stenosis can directly lead to mortrophy of the right atrium

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex11 The T wave on an EKG tracing represents A Atrial depolarization B Atrial systole C Ventricular Systole D Ventricular Depolarization E Ventricular repolarization 12 The second heart sound is in part due to A opening of the aortic valve B Closure of the mitral valve C Opening of the pulmonary valve D Closure of the pulmonary valve E None of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex7 An example of a negative chronotropic agent is a A Beta blocker B Alpha blocker C Norepinephrine D Epinephrine E None of the above 8 An example of a positive inotropic agent is A calcium channel blocker B Beta blocker C Acetylcholine D Epinephrine E None of the above 9 The cardiac acceleratory center primarily functions using the A somatic nervous system B sympathetic nervous system C parasympathetic nervous system D pineal gland E None of the above 10 The P wave on an EKG tracing represents A Atrial depolarization B Atrial systole C Ventricular Systole

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 The location of the heart is A In the mediastinum between the second rib and fifth intercostal space B On the superior surface of the diaphragm C Anterior to the sternum posterior to the vertebral column D Both A and B 2 Pulmonary gas exchange occurs in the A Pulmonary arteries B Right atrium C Pulmonary veins D pulmonary capillary beds 3 Choose the most correct statement regarding the pathway of blood through the right side of the heart A Lungs pulmonary veins right atrium B Superior vena cava right atrium Tricuspid valve C Left ventricle aortic semilunar valve aorta D Right atrium bicuspid valve left ventricle 4 With a myocardial infarction there is are A Substernal chest pain caused sustained deficiency in blood delivery to the myocardium B Prolonged coronary artery blockage C areas of cell cardiac cell death replaced by scar tissue

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexCase Study 4 Roles for Calcium Blood calcium homeostasis and bone density Part A Markus has a vitamin D3 deficiency How might this affect Markus s blood calcium levels How might this affect Markus s bone density Explain Part B Markus s doctor performs a blood test The test results suggest that Markus has normal levels of calcium in is his blood despite his vitamin D3 deficiency What might account for Markus s normal blood calcium levels What does this suggest about Markus s bone density Part C Calcium is required for strong bones Yet when blood calcium levels fall we quickly remove calcium from bone matrix Thinking ahead to muscle contraction and neurophysiology why are we willing to sacrifice bone density to maintain blood calcium levels Hint Your answer should discuss why calcium is necessary for muscle function and neural communication

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexCase Study 3 Aging Bone Density Part A 45 year old Fabiola has been experiencing osteopenia for the last 15 years Therefore she regularly visits her doctor for bone mineral density BMD tests At her most recent visit Fabiola s doctor tells her that her osteopenia may develop into osteoporosis What causes osteopenia What causes osteoporosis What is the difference between osteopenia and osteoporosis Part B Fabiola s doctor suggests hormone replacement therapy HRT to decrease Fabiola s risk of developing osteoporosis What is HRT How does HRT decrease the risk of developing osteoporosis Part C Fabiola s doctor explains that HRT is not for everyone it has potential side effects such as increased risk of breast cancer Because breast cancer runs in Fabiola s family she should also consider other alternatives Describe at least two other options that can help prevent osteoporosis Part D Fabiola asks her doctor if her husband should also consider preventative measures to decrease his likelihood of osteoporosis Fabiola s doctor suggests that her husband get a BMD test He also states that women are much more likely to develop osteoporosis than men Why is osteoporosis more common in aging cis women than aging cis men

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexCase Stuc Part A 6 year old Jos inherited a disorder that increases the activity of cells in his pituitary gland Therefore Jos experiences an overproduction of growth hormone GH before puberty What effect would you predict this will have on his height Explain Part B Russell enters puberty 5 years later than average age What effect would you predict this will have on his height Explain Part C Explain why adult cis women are on average shorter than adult cis men

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPart A A race between two runners is often used as an analogy to describe the mechanism of endochondral ossification Review endochondral ossification In endochondral ossification who are the two runners Did each runner begin the race at the same time Who is in the lead How does the race end Part B What roles do osteoclasts and osteocytes play in endochondral ossification Part C 8 year old Sandra breaks her left leg in a car accident X rays indicate that her left femur is fractured at the epiphyseal plate The bone fracture eventually heals Years later Sandra begins to notice that her right leg is slightly longer than her left leg What might account for the difference in length between Sandra s two legs Explain Sandra s condition with respect to the race that you described in part A Part D 20 year old Sandra begins to worry about her lopsided legs She wonders if her right leg will continue to grow longer than her left Sandra consults a doctor who takes an x ray of each of her femurs After the x ray the doctor informs Sandra that she has reached full height she should expect no further difference in length between the two legs How did the doctor use the x rays to determine that Sandra had reached full height

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPromotional tools List at least two different methods tools you will use to advertise your products and services Be specific For example if you want to use social media as an advertising took don t just say social media List the specific social media tools that will be using Explain why you chose these tools Yearly Marketing Budget Do an internet search for average advertising budget for your industry or company For example average advertising budget for a marijuana dispensary Or average advertising budget for a food truck It is OK to make up numbers for this section if you can t find anything Just use your best guess

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexQuestion 5 Points 3 In Kiss Me Kate why is Fred dressed in Shakespearean attire while Lilli wears modern clothes None of the choices O In this adaptation the actors play actors and Lilli refuses to wear her costume O In this adaptation Fred s character is obsessed with Shakespeare O In this adaptation the actors play actors Fred is still in his costume but Lilli is dressed in modern clothes and ready to leave the building

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexRMR can be indirectly determined by measuring Select one O a ATP utilization O b Heat production O c 02 consumption O d Power output during the test

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat transition occurred by the end of the Baroque period Multiple Choice Dance music had surpassed sacred music in popularity J S Bach established the French overture The madrigal emerged as a prominent vocal form Instrumental music had gradually equaled or surpassed vocal music in popularity

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich statement about Handel s Messiah is accurate Multiple Choice O O O O Messiah was a failure when it was first performed Messiah is a nondramatic opera Messiah was composed in 24 days Performances of the Messiah typically involve scenery and other staging elements

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat court case established the power of judicial review that allows the Supreme Court to strike down laws that violate the US Constitution Monroe Doctrine Scott v Sanford Marbury vs Madison

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat was the name of the practice where the British forced many American sailors to join the Royal Navy against their will Abolition Impressment Temperance Universal Male Suffrage

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAfter several tied votes in the House of Representatives what individual eventually had the deciding vote for who would become President in the Election of 1800 James Madison Alexander Hamilton George Washington John Adams

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPresident Jefferson used his powers of the presidency to complete what major deal with France in 1803 The Louisiana Purchase The Western territory purchase The NW Territory Purchase

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn order to stop the newspapers from printing negative comments about him President Adams passe The Fake News Act

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDraw an action reaction pair of forces You can use a situation from the video or make up your own Show the 2 forces with equal and opposite arrows If you want to add forces or sentences to improve your drawing that could help me to understand your drawing

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn a best case but very unrealistic scenario imagine that scientists suddenly discovered an unlimited clean and cheap fuel source that emitted no CO into the atmosphere thus bringing fossil fuel use down to zero What would happen Would the carbon cycle naturally bring atmospheric CO levels back to pre industrial levels below 280 ppm 2 1 Press the NONE button next to fossil fuel use to bring CO emissions to zero in the simulation Then run the simulation for a hundred or more years to see what happens Record your data and compare it to your previous entries 3 4 Answer the questions below To Year 2010 2060 2110 Gaseous Carbon Atmosphere 720 652 353 How have atmospheric carbon levels changed Ocean Surface 1000 1010 Ocean water 1007 Without any fossil fuel consumption which parts of the cycle have improved their carbon levels in comparison to previous data Which sections of the cycle have improved from the previous levels you have recorded but still are increasing their carbon levels Deep Ocean 38000 38062 38089 Soil 2000 1999 Biosphere Carbon 1993 Terrestrial Plants 700 697 692

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn what ways did Sun Yatsen shape the GMD in this period The intense patriotism that the 4 May Movement stimulated proved of major benefit to Sun Yatsen Disappointed by his failure to exploit the 1911 12 Revolution successfully see page 54 Sun had resolved to reform and reinvigorate the GMD Sun Yatsen and Japan Debarred from China for much of the period 1912 20 Sun spent a large part of the time in Japan reorganising his party with Japanese support It is interesting to note that not all Japanese were happy with their country s domination of China A small but significant minority believed that the genuine liberation of Asia from foreign control required that Japan and China should act together in a common anti Western policy Sun felt at home among such Japanese thinkers but they were never numerous enough to influence Japan s policy at national level The prevailing view in Tokyo was that the chronic weakness of China called for a policy of exploitation not cooperation Nevertheless Japan continued to be a haven for exiled Chinese revolutionaries and it was there that Sun had the time to develop further his revolutionary ideas and plans The Guangzhou government Sun returned to China in 1917 and set up a rival government in Guangzhou Canton to challenge the republican regime in Beijing Initially he had only limited success in Guangzhou and moved to Shanghai where in the wake of the 4 May Movement he rallied sufficient support be able to declare in 1919 that the Guomindang had been reformed One of Sun s major achievements was in persuading many expatriate Chinese to contribute funds to his newly formed party A year later Sun returned with renewed hope to Guangzhou in his home province of Guangdong This time his confidence was justified Many of his former revolution 1

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn what sense was the 4 May Movement an expression of Chinese nationalism The most significant consequence of warlordism was the stimulus it gave to the 4 May Movement an intense and sustained outburst of resentment in China against the Japanese in particular and the imperialist occupiers in general The Movement was of central importance in Chinese politics between 1919 and 1927 in preparing the ground for the reorganisation of the GMD in 1919 and the creation of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 It took its name from the first day of the violent demonstration in Beijing which followed the news of China s humiliation at the Versailles Peace Conference of 1919 The origins of the 4 May Movement Anti foreigner reaction was most notable among China s intellectuals who disillusioned by the failure of the 1911 Revolution and the republic to achieve real advances for the country were further dismayed by the refusal of the West in 1919 to extend the principle of self determination to China Western pressures on China 1914 19 To understand China s sense of humiliation in 1919 it is necessary to examine the attitude of the Allied powers France Russia and Britain towards China between 1914 and 1919 At the start of the First World War in 1914 the Allies had urged both China and Japan to declare war on Germany Japan did so but then put pressure on the Beijing government to delay its entry into the war The Japanese motive was to prevent China s improving its international standing In addition Japan obtained from the British a secret promise that they would not press for China s entry without first consulting Tokyo Armed with this guarantee Japan then in the first month of the war seized the German territories in China including Shandong province with its key port of Qingdao At the time the Japanese declared that these possessions would eventually be returned to China but the emptiness of that promise became evident in 1915 when Japan s notorious 21 Demands threatened to reduce China to a Japanese vassal state see page 58 Britain s reluctance to take China s side at this point arose from its concern to avoid offending Japan as a major war ally By 1915 it was becoming clear that the European war would be a protracted one Britain and the Allies simply could not afford to risk losing Japan s support However it was this same reason the mounting demands of the war in Europe that led the Allies in 1917 to renew their appeal to China to join the hostilities against Germany Up to that year the

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex3 The rule of Yuan Shikai 1912 16 What problems confronted Yuan Shikai as president of the republici Soon after the Manchu abdication Sun Yatsen s Alliance League declared itself to be a parliamentary party and adopted the name Guomindang GMD Aware of what little power he and his party had in the north of China Sun was willing to hand the presidency to Yuan Shikai This was not an act of generosity Sun s hope was that Yuan Shikai would come south to Nanjing to set up a new government Sun calculated that once Yuan was away from his power base in Beijing it would be much easier to control him and oblige him to honour his commitment to the republic It was precisely for that reason that Yuan was determined to stay put His authority was in the north and he was not prepared to weaken it by an ill judged move A Nanjing delegation sent to Beijing to provide him with a presidential escort for his journey south had to return without him The republicans under Sun Yatsen could do little to restrict Yuan at this stage Their influence was limited to parts of southern China whereas the centre of government and administration was in the north where Yuan held sway Sun Yatsen s republicans had been outmanoeuvred Whatever the GMD s claims to be a national party it had a regional influence only Moreover unused to open political activity it continued to operate as the secret society that it had been before the revolution As Sun Yatsen and some of his more astute supporters acknowledged the GMD s lack of experience of democratic politics restricted it to a minor role in the early years of the republic Yuan was strong enough to overcome criticism and resistance from the GMD A striking example occurred in 1913 when Yuan desperate for means to finance his government completed the negotiation of a large foreign loan To secure the money Yuan Shikai had to accept the demands of a six member international banking consortium which had been originally set up in 1911 in the last days of the Manchu dynasty The USA had been instrumental in the formation of the consortium as part of its dollar diplomacy an extension of the open door doctrine see page 36 In order to further US financial interests President Taft

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe Manchu dynasty survived its defeat in the Boxer Uprising but only just After 60 years of failure in the face of Western demands it had alienated many of its own people and was now living on borrowed time In a desperate attempt to sustain the dynasty s flagging fortunes Cixi was prepared to countenance the reintroduction of the reforms which she had previously so vehemently opposed Constitutional and administrative changes were introduced among the most striking were the creation of provincial assemblies and the ending of the traditional Confucian examination for civil service entrants The intention behind the reforms was clear to rally support for the imperial government but the results were not always as intended The belated attempt of the Manchu to present themselves as reformers was unconvincing Chinese progressives saw the reforms as concessions grudgingly granted by a reactionary government For them the idea of the Manchu dynasty turning itself into a modern constitutional monarchy was too great a stretch of the imagination Moreover the far from negligible cost of the reforms had to be met by increases in taxation which further alienated the commercial and financial interests on whom they were imposed The dissatisfaction of ordinary Chinese in the face of Manchu impotence expressed itself in 1905 when workers engaged in a widespread boycott of American goods The protest was directed primarily against US immigration laws but it was also intended to embarrass the Manchu government over its failure to take the lead in condemning American policy The incident was one of a rash of uncoordinated anti foreigner reactions The frustrated anger of many of China s Nationalists was strongly expressed in the following appeal Source A in which Zou Rong a young revolutionary activist called on his compatriots to assert their independence of both the Manchu regime and the foreigners in China

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex37 Consider the previous question 36 Which of the following statements is accurate about this active transport mechanism a It would be an antiporter and it would be electroneutral b It would be a symporter and it would be electroneutral C It would be an antiporter and it would be electrogenic d It would be a symporter and it would be electrogenic 38 Which of the following accurately describes a difference between biofilm formation and endospore formation a Endospores form when nutrient conditions are low biofilms form when nutrients are plentiful b All prokaryotes are capable of endospore formation but only some are able to form biofilms c Gram negative bacteria form endospores Gram positive bacteria form biofilms d Biofilms are a permanent and once an organism enters a biofilm it cannot leave that biofilm endospores are temporary and can germinate resulting in a vegetative cell 39 The generation time for Vibrio natriegenes is 10 minutes What does this indicate a It takes approximately 10 minutes for 1 cell of V natriegenes to divide into 2 cells b It takes approximately 10 minutes for V natriegenes to complete lag phase c It takes approximately 10 minutes for V natriegenes to transition from lag phase into stationary phase d It takes approximately 10 minutes for V natriegenes to complete lag exponential and stationary phase 40 Cyanobacteria are oxygenic phototrophs that can form heterocysts Heterocysts are a specialized type of cell that a generate oxygen during photosynthesis b fix nitrogen utilizing a nitrogenase c protect genomic DNA under unfavorable environmental conditions d fix carbon dioxide into organic carbon 41 A culture of E coli was grown in tryptic soy broth medium a complex medium pH 7 2 at 37 C for 24 hours Melanie is going to transfer the E coli culture to fresh media after the 24 hour incubation period is complete Below are possible media types that Melanie can use when she transfers her culture Which of these media types if any would result in the shortest lag period for this culture a Fresh tryptic soy broth pH 5 0 b Fresh tryptic soy broth pH 7 2 c Fresh minimal media pH 7 2 d The length of lag time is independent of growth conditions so the lag time of E coli would be the same under any condition 42 Which phase of the growth curve would be used to calculate the growth rate of an organism a Lag phase D Exponential phase Stationary phase Death phase

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 Identify the structure labeled A 2 What layer of skin is the structure labeled A located in be specific 3 Name the tissue found in this layer

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFor this week s discussion read A Rose for Emily on pg 692 and The Story of an Hour I don t have the page number and answer the discussion questions below D4 Discuss the irony and lessons in The Story of an Hour What symbolism is used What are the internal and external conflicts in this story Your initial post is due by Thursday midnight and should be 1 2 paragraphs long Your response to 2 peers is due by Sunday midnight and should be at least 1 paragraph long for each Simply click Reply below to start your discussion

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDirections Label the figure with the letter of the appropriate callouts from the list provided Directions Click next to the numbers to label the figure TEXT boxes have already been added Then add the description definition function for each structure 15 18 D vein E hair shaft 17 16 14 13 A lipocytes fat cells arrector pili muscle Gepidermis B 4 12 F reticular layer G nerve fibers H sebaceous gland NO sweat gland sweat gland duct 11 K hair follicle Lhypodermis M papillary layer N artery 10 2 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 O pore of sweat gland duct P dermis Q tactile corpuscle R lamellar corpuscle

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex5 The French and Indian War and the 1763 Treaty of Paris A Laid the groundwork for the American Revolution B Encouraged the development of political parties C Inspired slaves to lead a brutal rebellion against plantation owner D Promoted conflict between wealthy elites and poor farmers

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexnate Dehydrogenase Activity SDH Assay 1 Allow the spectrophotometer to warm up for at least 5 min The wavelength should be set at 600 nm 2 You will be assaying your fractions F S1 P1 S2 and P2 for mitochondrial activity Then you will assay P2 in addition to three controls Malonate azide and succinate controls using a P2 Blank Assay the fractions according to the table below Table 1 All fractions should be kept on ice 3 Gather cuvettes labeling each using the table below To all cuvettes add the various solutions listed across the top of table 1 except for the subcellular fraction sample First add the correct volume of assay buffer to all cuvettes Then in the same manner add the volumes of azide DCIP malonate and succinate indicated in the table on the following page Cover each cuvette with Parafilm and gently invert twice to mix the contents 4 After mixing together the contents of the first five columns thoroughly homogenize the subcellular fraction sample with a Pasteur pipette 5 Add the appropriate volume of the subcellular fraction sample to all of the BLANKS ONLY cover the cuvettes with parafilm and invert twice to mix the contents 6 TIMING IS CRITICAL for this step For each fraction sample you will be measuring the Abs at 600 nm at time zero and at 3 minutes For each sample you will blank the spectrophotometer and then add your subcellular fraction to the sample cuvette invert to mix and then immediately measure the Abs at 600 nm To ensure that all reactions proceed for exactly 3 min start your timer counting up immediately after adding the subcellular fraction to the sample cuvette When the timer reaches 3 min for the sample measure the Abs at 600 nm blanking first Do not invert the cuvette to mix prior to the 3 min Abs measurement Proceed to measure all remaining samples in the same way recording data in your lab notebook 7 Later you will create a bar graph of the velocity of SDH in each fraction and the controls e the handout provided by your TA to calculate the velocity or rate at which DCIP is being uced by SDH These data will be used to make a bar graph of your velocities