Infex Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex3 Measurement of Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity 1 Allow the spectrophotometer to warm up for at least 5 min The wavelength should be set at 600 nm 2 You will be assaying your fractions F S1 P1 S2 and P2 for mitochondrial activity Then you will assay P2 in addition to three controls Malonate azide and succinate controls using a P2 Blank Assay the fractions according to the table below Table 1 All fractions should be kept on ice 3 Gather cuvettes labeling each using the table below To all cuvettes add the various solutions listed across the top of table 1 except for the subcellular fraction sample First add the correct volume of assay buffer to all cuvettes Then in the same manner add the volumes of azide DCIP malonate and succinate indicated in the table on the following page Cover each cuvette with Parafilm and gently invert twice to mix the contents 4 After mixing together the contents of the first five columns thoroughly homogenize the subcellular fraction sample with a Pasteur pipette 5 Add the appropriate volume of the subcellular fraction sample to all of the BLANKS ONLY cover the cuvettes with parafilm and invert twice to mix the contents 6 TIMING IS CRITICAL for this step For each fraction sample you will be measuring the Abs at 600 nm at time zero and at 3 minutes For each sample you will blank the spectrophotometer and then add your subcellular fraction to the sample cuvette invert to mix and then immediately measure the Abs at 600 nm To ensure that all reactions proceed for exactly 3 min start your timer counting up immediately after adding the subcellular fraction to the sample cuvette When the timer reaches 3 min for the sample measure the Abs at 600 nm blanking first Do not invert the cuvette to mix prior to the 3 min Abs measurement Proceed to measure all remaining samples in the same way recording data in your lab notebook 7 Later you will create a bar graph of the velocity of SDH in each fraction and the controls the handout provided by your TA to calculate the velocity or rate at which DCIP is being ced by SDH These data will be used to make a bar graph of your velocities

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex12 For P2 resuspend the pellet same procedure as P1 in 8 mL of Mannitol Assay Buffer The pellet should be brown due to the presence of cytochromes in the mitochondria Keep the fraction on ice 13 With all samples ready proceed to the SDH Assay Mannitol Grinding Buffer 0 3 M mannitol 6 mM KH PO4 14 m M K HPO pH 7 2 Mannitol Assay Buffer 0 3 M mannitol 6 mM KH PO 14 mM KHPO 10 mM KCl 5 mM MgCl pH 7 2

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA Subcellular Fractionation Isolation of Mitochondrial Fraction Tissue Preparation and Fractionation 1 Collect the mortar pestle and a styrofoam tray from your TA Fill the tray with ice and place the mortar and pestle in the ice 2 Use a razor blade to dice 20 g of cauliflower Each group will need 20 g of tissue 3 Place the tissue in a chilled mortar with 40 mL of ice cold Mannitol Grinding Buffer Grind the tissue vigorously with a chilled pestle for 4 min 4 Filter the suspension through four layers of cheesecloth into a chilled 50 mL centrifuge tube Wring out the liquid into the tube This liquid is known as the Filtrate F fraction Save 4 mL of Filtrate into a separate 15 mL falcon tube for later use Place on ice It is essential that all samples and materials be kept on ice at all times 5 Centrifuge the remaining filtrate F at 1000x gravity for 10 min at 0 4 C Make sure the centrifuge tubes are balanced and placed opposite one another in the centrifuge 6 Separate the pellet P1 from the supernatant S1 by pouring the supernatant into a clean chilled centrifuge tube 7 Set aside 4 mL of S1 into a 15 mL Falcon tube for later use Store on ice 8 Use a Pasteur pipette to resuspend P1 and scrape the mitochondrial pellet from the wall of the centrifuge tube and then with a Pasteur pipette thoroughly re suspend the sediment in 8 mL of ice cold Mannitol Assay Buffer Completely disrupt all of the chunks of cell debris Keep the fraction on ice 9 Centrifuge the remaining S1 at 12 000x gravity for 30 min at 4 C 10 During the centrifugation begin microscopy on F S1 and P1 You will create a wet mount for each sample F S1 and P1 using a slide and cover slip Use the instructions guide provided to complete the microscopy using the Zeiss Microscopes Axiocam and Axio Vision software Use the microscope to observe a drop from each of the first three fractions Filtrate S1 and P1 WHAT DO YOU SEE Are there whole cells present that were not disrupted during homogenization Use Azure C dye to stain nuclei by adding a drop of the dye to each slide from above Do you see any nuclei Describe the results in your notebook These images will be used in your report 11 After the centrifugation of S1 separate the supernatant S2 from the pellet P2 by pouring the supernatant into a 50 mL falcon tube Save 4 mL of S2 for later use keep on ice

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFor each numbered cell identify the likely phase and use the chromosomes in dark blue cell shape and walls to defend a Cell 1

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexthedvani What should the driver be ready for when this sign is posted A children s playground area A crosswalk thedvan A school zone

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPart A Use directional terms to answer the following question The coxal region is to the inguinal region

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDave Do you think I should invest this extra 10 in the stock market Fred Nah you ll just lose it Dave But I could gain so much fundamental attribution error sunk cost fallacy loss aversion negativity bias

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 Are there other virtues you think important for a counselor to demonstrate 2 Which aspect of the codes of ethics seem most definitive to you Why 3 How would you determine which colleagues to consult about an ethical problem

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexLoose connective tissue has a lot of ground substance In contrast dense connective tissues are mostly made out of a protein fibers b fat cells Oc plasma d minerals 1111

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe simple squamous epithelium sample shown in figure 4 5 is located in the kidney pancreas pleura heart

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexdichloromethane layer into a clean 125 or 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask Avoid collecting any of the aqueous upper layer or emulsion if present Repeat the process with an additional 30 mL of dichloromethane and add the new dichloromethane extract to the previously collected layer Add anhydrous magnesium sulfate or sodium sulfate to the combined dichloromethane extracts to remove traces of water The anhydrous magnesium sulfate sodium sulfate will absorb the small amount of water in the dichloromethane forming clumps Once all the water has been absorbed clumping will stop Gravity filter the DCM layer from the flask into a 100 ml pre weighed clean and dry round bottom flask Remove all dichloromethane by using evaporator Leave the crude caffeine in your drawer to air dry and get the weight of dry crude caffeine

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexYour Aunt Betty believes she knows best about how to raise young children Even though she hasn t read any parenting books or doesn t have a degree in child development she s raised her own four children and has about a dozen nieces and nephews Which pathway to evidence does Aunt Betty rely on the most personal experience interdisciplinary best practices professional experience scientific evidence

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDr Brown studies changes in infants abilities to manage different postures during the first year of life e g moving from sitting to standing from standing to cruising etc Which aspect of development best describes her area of expertise O socio emotional development O cognitive development O none of these physical development

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexYou sit down with the latest copy of the journal Child Development and you notice as you read through the abstracts of the articles that the bulk of the research participants are all from the United States Which shortcoming of developmental science best applies to this situation O Not understanding the life histories of marginalized groups O Ignoring the relevance of art and music in development O History of excluding other countries and cultures Not reflecting on the context around the testing design of the research studies

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDr Bubble does scientific research into the effectiveness of talk therapy for adolescents who suffer from anxiety and depression For his latest research study he writes up the project into an APA style manuscript and sends to a high profile journal for review in the hopes that it will be published What aspect of science best applies to this situation O Need for public scrutinizing of findings Need for replication of studies to form theories Need for data to defend hypotheses O Need for willingness to find new ways to understand behavior

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDr Orange is particularly interested in how there seems to be this unconscious force that pushes us to find ways to become proficient at certain tasks or behaviors at certain times such as insisting on dressing ourselves when we are 3 years old and our success at managing these tasks is dependent on the social support we get Which theorist aligns with Dr Orange s interests O Erik Erikson B F Skinner O Urie Bronfenbrenner Arnold Gesell

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDr Blue studies temperament in young children and his research suggests that one s temperament at 2 years is about the same as it is at 5 years Dr Black however studies any differences that can occur in personality over the course of the elementary school years based on opportunities for extracurricular activities Which meth theory assumption best applies to this situation O stability vs change nature vs nurture O universal vs context specific issue continuity vs discontinuity

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDr Yellow studies how older adults learn to use technology to navigate banking medical care sites and communicating with their grandchildren she has found that they are much more adept at learning how to use technology than most people would believe This finding reflects the lifespan perspective principle of O multidisciplinary study O plasticity multi directions historical and cultural embeddedness

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich measurement of inflation uses the price of a market basket as the basis for calculation O GDP price deflator O Consumer Price Index O Producer Price Index Adiustor for real GDP

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe Gross Domestic Product is calculated by adding all but which of the following O Net exports O Investment sector Financial sector O Government sector

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat is the name first and last names of one of the current Senators who represents you in Washington DC from your home state

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexQuestion 19 True or false In the Senate bills are typically referred to the committee whose jurisdiction predominates O True False Question 20 True or false The first action in consideration of a bill may be a hearing where the committee can hear from agenies industries citizens colleagues the public the press O True False 1 pts Question 21 1 pts True or false When a committee markups a bill they consider and vote on amendments to the bill and changes in the text

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexTrue or False Generally speaking we are not privy to the lawmakers rationales for the laws they write and the judges reasoning for their legal opinions True False Question 13 True or False According to the U S Constitution the federal government has limited powers while the states retain most powers not expressly given to the federal government True False Question 14 1 pts True 1 pts True or False Although the federal and state court systems have critically distinctive authority they are not very different structurally

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following is the most dominant historical health perspective in terms of both length of time it held favored status and its effect in the actual shaping of health policy and law Bioethical perspective O Free market perspective O Social contract perspective O Professional autonomy perspective

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexConsider an ability or skill that you have It might be physical or athletic creative or a social skill such as being outgoing or empathic Choose an ability that is important to for self concept Describe that ability skill Think about the 3 types of Gene x Environment Correlations Passive Evocative Active Which type of G x E Correlation explains the development of your special ability skill best

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhen encountering multiple audiences the initial recipient may pass your memo report or essay along to others True False

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHow do you describe the criminal justice system Do you believe that advancing your educational aptitude would advance your career opportunity or not

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSubject 2 The cute fuzzy kitten curled up in a ball on my lap Subject b Verb 3 On the way to Grandma s house we saw a huge flock of geese flying south for the winter b Verb Subject b Verb 4 The dinosaur s bones were perfectly preserved in a pocket of limestone in the cave Subject b Verb 5 read it Label each of the following sentences write S for simple sentence C for compound sentence CX for complex sentence and CC for compound complex sentence My brother wanted to write a letter to the president but he didn t think the president would To make good grades you must always do your work and turn it in on time Last summer we went on vacation Gulf Shores however we will never go back there 6 7 again 8 9 I wish my mom could see me win the award for most outstanding student They wanted to make sure that we were on the right track so they kept calling us and checking our route even though we had GPS in the car Identifying parts of speech for each sentence find the parts of speech listed underneath 10 The dirty horse shook his coat violently to remove the mud Noun Adjective Adverb Verb 11 In the vineyard the red grapes are slowly ripening Noun Adverb Verb Prepositional Phrase 12 I really love eating peanut butter and jelly on crispy crackers Noun Verb li

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn an urban setting dominated by fast food outlets propose one community level intervention or campaign to promote healthier dining choices and raise awareness about the potential neoplasm risks associated with regular consumption of processed and fried foods

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex47 The male bladder sits Posteriorly and Anteriorly Medially and Laterally Anteriorly and Posteriorly Distal and Proximal and the female bladder sits

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex16 The urethra ureters and bladder have a muscle layer made up of smooth muscle tissue True False 17 Which of the following could cause lung tissue scarring O Smoke O Tuberculosis O Both A B ONeither of the Above 18 Urea makes up over 50 of urine O True False

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex32 Which of the following has the biggest impact in changing the pH of blood O Oxygen O Phosphate Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen O Albumins 33 Type Il cells secrete surfactant True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexO Diaphragm contracts and flattens External intercostal contract raising the ribs O Atmospheric pressure forces air into the lungs Alveolar sacs fill with air O All of the above is occurring 71 A by product of protein metabolism found in urine is O Uric acid O Urea Ammonia Water 72 What is the substance called that covers the mucous layer of the bladder protecting it from urine and bacte O Glycogen O Serous Fluid O Glycocalyx Surfontent

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex61 The body produces more O Bases Acids O Amino Acids Proteins O Acids Bases O Nutrients Proteins O Fats Carbohydrates than naturally 62 Which of the following is located at the concave side of the kidney O Hilum O Renal Columns O Renal Pelvis O Renal Sinus 63 The detrusor muscle can be found in the O Ureter O Urethra Kidney

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexRead Edgar Allan Poe The Black Cat and Nathaniel Hawthorne The Birth Mark Answer the questions at the end of each story for Discussion 1 Your initial discussion is due by Thursday midnight and yc responses are due by Sunday midnight You can combine the answers from both stories into one discussion or vico vorra

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAfter watching the video Addiction is a Disease answer the following questions Discuss two main points that provided deeper insight for you as it relates to addiction being a disease What were some reasons the speaker discussed which may have led to his addiction

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexExplain the three C s courts cops and corrections from your understanding Provide one key area or issue with each component Review the supplemental course textbook American Criminal Justice System

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following is a general word that can apply to a disease condition or event Incidence Prevalence O Morbidity Mortality

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexTrue or False Disease frequencies can be compared between different populations or between subgroups within a population True False

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 at birth This pedigree illustrates the occurrence of neurofibromatosis in a small human family filled symbols represent people with neurofibromatosis Match individual II 2 in this pedigree to their most likely genotype at birth in adult tumor cells and adult somatic cells that are not part of any tumor Genotypes may be chosen more than once and not all genotypes need to be chosen NF1 denotes a wild type allele i e NF1 NF1 is homozygous wild type NF1 denotes a loss of function mutant allele NF1 denotes a gain of function mutant allele 2 3 adult tumor cells adult somatic cells not in a tumor Choose NF1 NF1 NF1 NF1 NF1 NF1 NF1 NF1 NF1 NF1 Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex100 75 50 25 O 12 Control Diet BPA Diet H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CG site number CG site number p 0 05 p 0 01 ne viable yellow allele has provided a valuable tool for investigating the impact of diet on epigenetic gulation of obesity since the Agouti gene also has a poorly understood role in body weight egulation A study published in 2007 Dolinoy et al Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 104 13056 13061 vestigated effects of BPA bisphenol A a chemical used in the manufacturing of plastics which is ssociated with elevated body weight and other adverse health outcomes in humans on methylation the IAP insertion in the viable yellow allele The figure above shows that mice with the viable ellow allele whose mothers were fed a BPA containing diet during pregnancy had significantly lower evels of methylation at multiple CG dinucleotides within IAP compared to mice whose mothers were ed a control diet What difference in fur color would you expect to see between mice in the two groups above mice whose mothers were fed control diet vs BPA diet Provide one sentence of rationale for your nswer based on what you know about the impact of CG methylation on gene expression including clear prediction regarding the expression level of the Agouti gene in the two groups

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex33 The skeletal system is made of Muscles and tendons Bones and cartilage Vitreous humor Minerals and fat 34 The prefix tri means 01 OOOOO 2 345 35 Long bones enable body movement by acting as a O Counterweight O Resistive force O Lever Fulcrum

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex76 A fracture can be both Open and closed Open and transverse Transverse and greenstick Greenstick and comminuted 77 Which of the following are found in compact bone and cancellous bone O Haversian systems O Haversian canals O Lamellae O Lacunae 78 Which component forms the superior part of the hip bone Ollium O Pubis O Ischium

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex11 The structures that are responsible for detecting external pressure applied to the skin are O Keratinocytes O Free nerve endings O Pacinian corpuscles O Tactile meissners corpuscles 12 Ion pumps and phagocytosis are both examples of O Endocytosis O Passive transport Active transport O Facilitated diffusion

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich letter indicates the epiglottis O A OB OC OD OE E 27 B D C A Camie Mend

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex2 Consider a 64 bit architecture and the following variables to be stored in a struct Variables char fairfax long weho float larchmont double losfeliz union int silverlake float echopark dtla Struct struct Neighborhoods InLA TODO optimally order variables here

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexE D In the diagram which structure allows for passage of nerves and blood vessels F

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex2 The gene for coat color in a species has three alleles The B allele codes for brown coloring The Wallele codes for white coloring The B allele codes for black coloring Examine the illustration of the gene pool for a population of this species

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex2 The shift nurse brings ailing eighty year old Gertrude her dinner As Gertrude eats a small amount of her food she comments that she isn t hungry and that hospital food just doesn t taste good The nurse gives Gertrude a menu so she can choose her morning breakfast Gertrude complains that she is having trouble reading the menu and asks the nurse to read it to her As the nurse begins to read Gertrude loudly asks her to speak up and turn off the buzzing What does the nurse know about aging and the special senses that help to explain Gertrude s comments DENGA gunste d metro Smouck de Yem R 2004 MAX