Infex Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexCurrent Attempt in Progress Which figure shows tissue found along the developing bones of the embryo Photos Mark Nielsen A OA OB OS G D B E H F C

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn the diagram which particles are ABC C OA B OC All of these choices negatively charged

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAfter reading the story Stone Soup write a paper reflecting on the following areas 1 Description of Experience Describe how you believe this story contributes to a sense of belonging that supports the development of a professional nursing identity 2 Description of Thoughts and Feelings Identify positive and negative thoughts and feelings you had read the story Stone Soup 3 Evaluation Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the positive and negative thoughts you had in the previous section 4 Analysis Identify why you believe the story Stone Soup ended the way it did 5 Conclusion Learning Reflect on how you will apply the lessons learned from this story to support others with feeling a sense of belonging to the nursing profession 6 Action Plan Identify actions that you will take to support learning about the importance of professional nursing identity to support others with feeling a sense of belonging to deliver safe care

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexView Available Hint s riate items to their respective bins More Positive Submit Y Double the concentration of K outside the cell Double the size of the cell without adding channels Previous Answers More Negative Incorrect Try Again 4 attempts remaining Double the number of K leak channels Decrease the concentration of Nat outside the cell by half positive more negative or largely unchanged when Largely Unchanged Reset Triple the number of Na ak channels Double the number of closed channel for K Help toms incorrectly Increasing the number of leak channels will increase the permeability of an ion When ion permeability change

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexon movements at resting potential The diagram below shows the five main transport proteins that control the distribution of Na and K ions across the plasma membrane of an axon Assume that the membrane is at resting potential the membrane potential of the axon remains constant at about 70 mi Drag the arrows onto the diagram to show the direction of Na gray arrows and K red arrows movement through each transport protein at resting potential If no ions move through a transport protein at resting potential leave that target blank View Available Hint s outside cell Ovoltage gated Na channel Na TAHDBAND Na K Na K Na Na K Na K b voltage gated K channel sodium potassium pump Na K Na K d non gated K channel K Reset Help Onon gated Na channel Na K

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFrom the pronator ridge to the lateral anterior surface of the distal radius describes the attachments for which muscle Opronator teres pronator quadratus supinator supinator teres anconieus

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThey are considered voluntary because we tend to be conscious of their effects O They are a division of the autonomic motor system O They tend to speed up body activity They regulate smooth muscle cardiac muscle and glands O They are efferent transmitting impulses away from the CNS Question 29 The sensory division of the nervous system is said to be efferent because it transmits information to the CNS True

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexpterygoid risorius mentalis O platysma Question 19 The semitendinosus inserts at the tibial tuberosity ischial tuberosity pes anserine Ohead of fibula 2 P

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexwas spreading out of Africa O Homo erectus and Homo ergaster Homo habilis and Homo neanderthalensis O Homo neanderthalensis and Homo erectus O Homo ergaster and Homo habilis Question 4 This book published first in 1858 has been continually revised and republished and is still an important anatomical textbook O De Corpus Humani 2 pts McKinley s Human Anatomy

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn Paragraphs 39 43 of April Showers Theodora traveled to Boston to A negotiate payment for her novel with the Home Circle publishers B find out why Home Circle for her story to someone else gave credit C sign autographs and talk about her newly published novel SI

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexOxytocin helps in what process regulation of milk production inducing labor regulating androgen production stimulating glucocorticoid production

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following is incorrect regarding the fast cell action potential below 2 3 4 Ophase 0 is due to Na entering the cell via voltage gated sodium channels O phase 3 is due to K leaving the cell via voltage gated potassium channels Ophase 2 is due a balance of K leaving the cell and to Na entering the cell Ophase 4 is at about 90 mV due to the activity of voltage gated potassium channels

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 The following experimental data were collected during a study of the catalytic activity of an enzyme S mm 1 75 2 5 3 3 75 7 6 13 7 Initial rate mol min 0 1 0 13 0 15 0 18 0 22 0 28 Use graphical analysis to determine the Km and Vmax for this enzyme preparation and substrate

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexName the muscle and the function of each 12 12 Muscle Function 13 Muscle hp 13

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn the movement from the first picture to the second picture what is the action at the ankle None of the included answers is correct Extension Plantar Flexion Flexion Dorsiflexion

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexB Flexion None of the included answers are correct Hyperflexion A Hyperextension Extension

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexD Which of the following is NOT true concerning articulations Interosseus membranes are an example of a fibrous joint There is a trade off between joint mobility and stability The rotator cuff muscles help stabilize the glenohumeral joint The sagittal suture is an example of a cartilaginous joint The knee contains menisci that help stabilize and cushion the joint 2 points Which of the following ligament most likely involved in an ankle sprain Posterior cruciate ligament Anterior cruciate ligament Lateral ligament Deltoid ligament Medial collateral ligament

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe vas deferens is a tube through which urine passes from the bladder to the outside of the body O is located inside the penis is the tube that is severed in a vasectomy is where sperm production takes place

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexa Nixon s crackdown on gay and lesbian activists b a dirty tricks scheme by Nixon s men to spread rumors about the sexual improprieties of the president s Democratic rivals for the oval office c the long lines at US gasoline stations after OPEC embargoed crude oil shipments d the perplexing state of an economy marked by recession and inflation

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThis strap like muscle has its origin in the iliac region its insertion is at the proximal tibia and it allows you to sit cross legged Sartorius Tibialis anterior

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSoleus Gastrocnemius Biceps femoris Calcaneal tendon Semitendinosus Fibularis longus Semimembranosus 0010 0100

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexGene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 Gene 7 Population 1 Heterozygosity Population size 0 14 0 09 0 11 0 21 0 00 0 34 0 00 No of alleles 4 2 3 3 1 5 1 The two populations are found in very similar environments e g similar resources same predators The populations differ in population size as follows Population 1 600 Population 2 Heterozygosity No of alleles 6 12 7 9 7 6 8 0 32 0 37 0 24 0 33 0 36 0 32 0 31 Population 2 420 000 Given this information what is the likely cause of the differences in genetic variation among these populations Natural selection is acting differently on these populations Mating is not random in Population 1 Genetic drift in Population 1 has reduced genetic variation through increased fixation Genetic drift in Population 2 has reduced genetic variation through increased fixation

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexwer for the question 17 OSHA requirements allow a trench for a piping installation to have a sidewall slope of 90 degrees This indicates the trench is cut into what type of material OA Stable clay OB Solid rock O C Compacted modified soil

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex5 We are given phenotype counts of F2 individual genotypes from a F cross The gene is on the X Chromosome and the Po cross consists of an affected father and an unaffected mother who is homozygous for the wild type allele at the gene Specifying Phenotype Male Affected Male Unaffected Female Affected Female Unaffected 0 35 The statistic cannot be calculated 1 013 0 64 0 02 Count 156 139 0 300 2 points Given the following table of observed data for an autosomal disease Observed Number Phenotype Disease Wild type 47 109 What appears to be the most reasonable conclusion The most likely expected proportions for the phenotypes are 1 2 for Disease phenotype 1 2 for Wild type phenotype based on the Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test The disease does not appear to follow an AD AR or ADHL mode of inheritance based on the Chi Square Goodness of Fit The most likely expected proportions for the phenotypes are 1 4 for Disease phenotype 3 4 for Wild type phenotype based on the Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test The most likely expected proportions for the phenotypes are 3 4 for Disease phenotype 1 4 for Wild type phenotype based on the Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test hogod on the Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat is true about Erb s point A It is over the center of the chest B It is where you can palpate the apical pulse C It is where the S1 and S2 are of equal intensity D It is where you would hear a murmur if the was a hole in the atrial wall Question 19 What heart sound does the carotid pulse coincide with A S1 B S2 C S3 D S4

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIdentify the muscle Gracilis MUSCLE Identify 1 action at the knee Action 1 flexion action at the NIP medial rotate THE HIP Where does this muscle attach distally A DO NOT SAY KNEE List ONE A A 2 words DO NOT SAY A DO NOT SAY AT

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThis is the Gluteus Max medius 2 words muscle The POSTERIOR FIBERS are responsible for what actions at the hip Action 1 2 Action 3 HIP Action 4 M I A at the hip DO NOT SAY HIP Action A at the hip DO NOT SAY HIP at the hip DO NOT SAY

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexMatch each muscle to its attacht From the ischial tuberosity TO the posterior aspect of the medial condyle of the From the anterior superior illac spine TO the proximal medial shaft of the tibia at the pes anserinus tendon From the schiall tubersity TO the heat of the fibula 1 Rectus Femoris From the ischial tuberosity 3 SemittendinosUS TO proximall medial shaft of the tibia at the pes anserimus tention From the anterior inffertion illac spine TO the tbal 2 Sartorius 4 Semimembranosus 5 Biceps Fempris LH

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexO temporalis buccinator masseter O medial pterygoid O orbicularis oris Question 9 Which of the following muscles is least important for chewing your food masseter buccinator O temporalis

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexConnectives within a speech include all the following EXCEPT Transitions O Signposts O Tendons and ligaments

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexshowing details contrast or emphasis O True False Question 8 1 pts D W Griffith s techniques helped to develop Classical Cutting and Creative Geography

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexthrough an independent movement and was led first by William Foster and continued with the work of Lincoln Pictures founded by Noble Johnson and his brother O True O False Question 2 1 pts Oscar Micheaux was the most prolific African American Independent film maker directing in both the silent and sound eras O True

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexTrue False Question 6 D W Griffith s films often featured last minute rescues favorite genres were comedies and fantasies True False Question 7 D W Griffith experimented with the juxtaposition of shots to create meaning through showing details contrast or emphasis True False 1 pts Question 8 1 pts 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex21 24 27 30 33 Question 27 0 5 points Name the bone c06bob21 Spell correctly or the computer will mark you wrong

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexwishful thinking groupthink egocentricity information literacy Question 2 You can figure out the correct answer to any issue if you just consider the evidence presented O True 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexcourses 183479 quizzes 1418231 take Identify the anatomical feature O Ciliary body O Sclera O Choroid 438

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexD Question 24 Identify the structure O Semitendinosus O Semimembranosus O Biceps femoris O Tensor fasciae latae

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following exemplifies the unconditional positive regard component of client centered therapy Natasha is late for her therapy session and her therapist believes she did this because she unconsciously dislikes therapy Boris tells his therapist that that he needs stronger medication and his therapist prescribes it Xavier receives a hug from the doctor when he arrives on time he does not get a hug when he arrives late Abby tells her therapist that she tripped a small child who got in her way and her therapist accepts this information witho judgment

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex8 When does the payload of a malicious program initially activate first instance O When using a password to login a computer O When a file or program is opened When installing a program from a trusted secure site O When a computer is performing its shut down

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 What were the reasons behind Jefferson s decision to explore the West 2 How long were the members of the Corps of Discovery away from their homes How would you describe the nature of the expedition 3 Both Lewis and Clark as well as many of the other men on the expedition were members of the army and had prior military experience How might this experience have helped them during their journey 4 Who were Charbonneau and Sacagawea Why were they recruited to join the mission 5 Considering the goals of the expedition do you think the corps was successful From whose point of view Explain your answer

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexMetatarsals 1 Tarsals Proximal Phalanges Middle Distal 2 a Superior view calcaneus cal CANE ee us distal phalanx II FAY lanx middle phalanx II metatarsals meta TAR suls 3 4 Cuboid Head b Lateral view calcaneus 19 lateral malleolus of fibula tibia 10 11 5 6 phalanges proximal phalanx II talus TA lus tarsals TAR suls 7 FIGURE 10 10 Bones of the right foot 8 Calcaneus 13 Talus 14 Navicular Lateral cuneiform Intermediate cuneiform Medial cuneiform metatarsals phalanges talus tarsals 15 LATERAL Mark Nielsen POSTERIOR VIVE II ANTERIOR a Superior view 10 11 MEDIAL EXERCISE 10 APPENDICULAR SKELETON 12 2 6 7 8 153

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDirections For each of the following situations highlight RENT BUY OR DEPENDS to indicate your opinion related to this person s housing decision Also give reasons for your response in the explanation section 1 Marla age 22 plans to work full time while completing her college degree in a nearby city RENT BUY DEPENDS Explanation 2 Bill age 44 travels out of town frequently for his sales job His company may transfer him to another sales territory within a year or two RENT BUY DEPENDS Explanation 3 Craig age 32 recently completed his master s degree in business while working at the same company for the past six years He has also been able to save nearly 20 000 over this time period RENT BUY DEPENDS Explanation 4 Jess age 19 has just taken her first job as a sales representative trainee for a computer software company RENT DEPENDS BUY Explanation 5 Barb and Frank ages 54 and 57 are planning to retire within the next few years RENT BUY DEPENDS

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexTime Left 1 27 32 Marquis Artis Attempt 1 Please identify the highlighted structure or structures BONE FEATURES Ankle and foot

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexMake the following words plural AND possessive 17 victim 18 company 19 child 20 patient I 21 boss 22 sheep 23 witness 24 money

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat is the correct way to punctuate the underlined portion of this sentence The chefs were told that they would be judged based on several criteria taste texture appearance and presentation several criteria taste A D B C several criteria taste several criteria taste Leave as is

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexUnique Features of the Source New Vocabulary Discuss ahother Important fact about this source Statues on the second floor of the building signs have two languages on them two establishments are grouped together scuss one important fact about this source Big franchises such as KFC and McDonalds are common sites around the world Discuss another important fact about this source Americanization This is an example of Americanization through the usage of fast food brands branching out to other countries The building structure is rounded and different than typical fast food buildings in Americal