General Questions and Answers

2 27 An element X has its electronic configuration of 87 K shell is n 5 s and it has total no of electrons in its outermost penultimate and antipenultimate shell are 2 8 and 25 respectively than find out no of unpaired e in element X in their ground state 1 5 2 7 3 4 4 3 3 Fe Z 26 ca arft 1 5 4 Co Z 27 2 7 4 344 334344 2 8325 TEL o e n 3 4 4 3
Physical Chemistry
2 27 An element X has its electronic configuration of 87 K shell is n 5 s and it has total no of electrons in its outermost penultimate and antipenultimate shell are 2 8 and 25 respectively than find out no of unpaired e in element X in their ground state 1 5 2 7 3 4 4 3 3 Fe Z 26 ca arft 1 5 4 Co Z 27 2 7 4 344 334344 2 8325 TEL o e n 3 4 4 3
ALLEN 75 5 Correct solubility order is 1 MgF MgCl 2 BaF BaCl 3 LiF LICI 4 Ag 0 Ag S When CuSO is added to a solution of ammonia 76 fol 1 MgF MgCl 3 LiF LICI 2 BaF BaC1 4 Ag 0 Ag S t Char
Physical Chemistry
ALLEN 75 5 Correct solubility order is 1 MgF MgCl 2 BaF BaCl 3 LiF LICI 4 Ag 0 Ag S When CuSO is added to a solution of ammonia 76 fol 1 MgF MgCl 3 LiF LICI 2 BaF BaC1 4 Ag 0 Ag S t Char
Which of the following compound does not give 88 A haloform reaction with alkali and halogen 1 CH C O C H 0 2 CH C CH CI O 3 CH C NH O 4 CH CH OH 2 4
Physical Chemistry
Which of the following compound does not give 88 A haloform reaction with alkali and halogen 1 CH C O C H 0 2 CH C CH CI O 3 CH C NH O 4 CH CH OH 2 4
Which one of the following order represent the 84 correct sequence of the increasing basic nature of the given oxides 1 Na O K O MgO Al O 2 K O Na 0 Al 0 MgO 3 Al O MgO Na O K O 4 MgO K O Al O Na O Alfafaa 1 Na O 2 K 0 3 A1 0 4 MgO
Physical Chemistry
Which one of the following order represent the 84 correct sequence of the increasing basic nature of the given oxides 1 Na O K O MgO Al O 2 K O Na 0 Al 0 MgO 3 Al O MgO Na O K O 4 MgO K O Al O Na O Alfafaa 1 Na O 2 K 0 3 A1 0 4 MgO
Which of following do not gives alcohol with 78 NaBH Tehra to ta NaBH 1 3 J la 2 n b no 3 H Jedn
Physical Chemistry
Which of following do not gives alcohol with 78 NaBH Tehra to ta NaBH 1 3 J la 2 n b no 3 H Jedn
A vessel initially contains two gases A and B in the mass ratio 2 1 respectively If the above gas mixture is allowed to effuse through a hole then the molar composition of the mixture coming initially out of hole is 1 4 Select correct option s Options The simplest whole number ratio of the moles of gases A and B present in the vessel in the beginning respectively is 1 2 The simplest whole number ratio of the moles of gases A and B present in the vessel in the beginning respectively is 1 8 If the mass ratio of gases A and B required in the final concentrated sample is 1 32 then the number of successive steps of effusion to be carried out is 5 If the mass ratio of gases A and B required in the final concentrated sample is 1 32 then the number of successive steps of diffusion to be carried out is 6
Physical Chemistry
A vessel initially contains two gases A and B in the mass ratio 2 1 respectively If the above gas mixture is allowed to effuse through a hole then the molar composition of the mixture coming initially out of hole is 1 4 Select correct option s Options The simplest whole number ratio of the moles of gases A and B present in the vessel in the beginning respectively is 1 2 The simplest whole number ratio of the moles of gases A and B present in the vessel in the beginning respectively is 1 8 If the mass ratio of gases A and B required in the final concentrated sample is 1 32 then the number of successive steps of effusion to be carried out is 5 If the mass ratio of gases A and B required in the final concentrated sample is 1 32 then the number of successive steps of diffusion to be carried out is 6
Degeneracy of p orbitals remains unaffected in presence of external uniform magnetic field but degeneracy of d and orbitals is affected by external magnetic field why degeneracy of p orbitals remain unaffected in presence of external magnetic field while degeneracy of d and f get affected
Physical Chemistry
Degeneracy of p orbitals remains unaffected in presence of external uniform magnetic field but degeneracy of d and orbitals is affected by external magnetic field why degeneracy of p orbitals remain unaffected in presence of external magnetic field while degeneracy of d and f get affected
When the pressure on a gas is decreased to 1 4 and the absolute temperature is in creased four fold the volume of gas Increases by 16 times 2 Decreases to 1 16 3 Increases by 8 times 4 Remains the same
Physical Chemistry
When the pressure on a gas is decreased to 1 4 and the absolute temperature is in creased four fold the volume of gas Increases by 16 times 2 Decreases to 1 16 3 Increases by 8 times 4 Remains the same
In a solid AB having NaCl structure A atoms occupy the corners and face centre of the cubic unit cell If all the face centred atoms along one of the axes are removed then the resultant stoichiometry of the solid is 1 AB 2 A B 3 A B3 4 A3B4
Physical Chemistry
In a solid AB having NaCl structure A atoms occupy the corners and face centre of the cubic unit cell If all the face centred atoms along one of the axes are removed then the resultant stoichiometry of the solid is 1 AB 2 A B 3 A B3 4 A3B4
for the manufacture of chlorine using mang anese dioxide we do get manganese chlorid e but we also get chlorine gas because the t wo chlorine atoms attract each other and be cause neither of them can lose electrons bu t have equally high electronegativities they t end to attract and this is only because we u sed 4 hydrogen chloride atoms So in other cases we would only get manganese chlori de but not chlorine gas
Physical Chemistry
for the manufacture of chlorine using mang anese dioxide we do get manganese chlorid e but we also get chlorine gas because the t wo chlorine atoms attract each other and be cause neither of them can lose electrons bu t have equally high electronegativities they t end to attract and this is only because we u sed 4 hydrogen chloride atoms So in other cases we would only get manganese chlori de but not chlorine gas
If iron oxide has formula Feo 950 then what percentage of Fe exist as Fe ion U BIRRA CIGUGG 12 Feo 950 al faxan ufagia Fe Fe YRA 35 QU URI GA OPTIONS MARK FOR REVIEW CLEAR SELECTION OA 85 OB 98 5 OC 89 5
Physical Chemistry
If iron oxide has formula Feo 950 then what percentage of Fe exist as Fe ion U BIRRA CIGUGG 12 Feo 950 al faxan ufagia Fe Fe YRA 35 QU URI GA OPTIONS MARK FOR REVIEW CLEAR SELECTION OA 85 OB 98 5 OC 89 5
70 For the reaction 2A B the concentration of reactant A changes from 0 04 M to 0 02 M in 2 min The average rate of reaction is 1 0 01 Ms 3 8 33 x 10 Ms1 2 1 66 100 Ms 4 5 10 Ms 1
Physical Chemistry
70 For the reaction 2A B the concentration of reactant A changes from 0 04 M to 0 02 M in 2 min The average rate of reaction is 1 0 01 Ms 3 8 33 x 10 Ms1 2 1 66 100 Ms 4 5 10 Ms 1
3 Without consulting the provided appendix predict whether the entropy change is positive or negative for each of the following reactions Given reasons for your predictions a CH4 g H O g CO g 3H g b C s 0 CO g c H O 1 H L 1 202 g d N g 2N g
Physical Chemistry
3 Without consulting the provided appendix predict whether the entropy change is positive or negative for each of the following reactions Given reasons for your predictions a CH4 g H O g CO g 3H g b C s 0 CO g c H O 1 H L 1 202 g d N g 2N g
kJ mol to 10 kJ mol 1 The temperature at which uncatalysed reaction will have same rate as that of catalysed at 27 C is OPTIONS CLEAR SELECTION OA 327 C OB 283 C C 445 C MARK FOR REVIEW
Physical Chemistry
kJ mol to 10 kJ mol 1 The temperature at which uncatalysed reaction will have same rate as that of catalysed at 27 C is OPTIONS CLEAR SELECTION OA 327 C OB 283 C C 445 C MARK FOR REVIEW
ALLEN On heating with dil H SO4 which of the 78 A following salt gives out a gas that turns an acidified K Cr O paper green 2 NaHSO 4 BaCl 1 Na CO3 3 Pb NO3 2 Bra 2X 2Br X 79 al K Cr 1 Na CO3 2 NaHSO 3 Pb NO3 2 4 BaCh Br 2X 2Br X
Physical Chemistry
ALLEN On heating with dil H SO4 which of the 78 A following salt gives out a gas that turns an acidified K Cr O paper green 2 NaHSO 4 BaCl 1 Na CO3 3 Pb NO3 2 Bra 2X 2Br X 79 al K Cr 1 Na CO3 2 NaHSO 3 Pb NO3 2 4 BaCh Br 2X 2Br X
For the reaction N2O5 g 2NO2 g 02 9 the value of rate of disappearance of N O5 is given as 6 25 103 mol L s The rate of formation of NO2 and O is given respectively as 1 6 25 x 10 mol L s and 6 25 10 mol L s 1 2 1 25 x 10 2 mol L and 3 125 10 mol L s 1 3 6 25 10 mol L s and 3 125 10 mol L s 1 4 1 25 x 10 2 mol L s 1 and 6 25 10 mol L 5 1
Physical Chemistry
For the reaction N2O5 g 2NO2 g 02 9 the value of rate of disappearance of N O5 is given as 6 25 103 mol L s The rate of formation of NO2 and O is given respectively as 1 6 25 x 10 mol L s and 6 25 10 mol L s 1 2 1 25 x 10 2 mol L and 3 125 10 mol L s 1 3 6 25 10 mol L s and 3 125 10 mol L s 1 4 1 25 x 10 2 mol L s 1 and 6 25 10 mol L 5 1
Select the correct option s for NH4 3PO4 Ratio of number of oxygen atoms to number of hydrogen atoms is 1 3 D Ratio of number of cation to number of anion is 3 1 Ratio of number of gm atom of nitrogen to gm atoms of oxygen is 3 4 Total number of atoms in one mole of NH4 3PO4 is 20
Physical Chemistry
Select the correct option s for NH4 3PO4 Ratio of number of oxygen atoms to number of hydrogen atoms is 1 3 D Ratio of number of cation to number of anion is 3 1 Ratio of number of gm atom of nitrogen to gm atoms of oxygen is 3 4 Total number of atoms in one mole of NH4 3PO4 is 20
Two bulbs of volumes 200cm and 100 cm3 are connected by a short tube containing an insulating porous plug that permits equalization of pressure but not of temperature between the bulbs The system is sealed at 77 C when it contains oxygen under a pressure of 1 bar The small bulb is now placed at 27 C and the large bulb is placed at 127 C Neglecting thermal expansion of the bulbs select the correct options Final pressure inside the system would be greater than 1 bar O Final pressure inside the system would be less than 1 bar Number of moles of O would increase in small container compared to initial Number of moles of O would increase in big container compared to initial
Physical Chemistry
Two bulbs of volumes 200cm and 100 cm3 are connected by a short tube containing an insulating porous plug that permits equalization of pressure but not of temperature between the bulbs The system is sealed at 77 C when it contains oxygen under a pressure of 1 bar The small bulb is now placed at 27 C and the large bulb is placed at 127 C Neglecting thermal expansion of the bulbs select the correct options Final pressure inside the system would be greater than 1 bar O Final pressure inside the system would be less than 1 bar Number of moles of O would increase in small container compared to initial Number of moles of O would increase in big container compared to initial
40 A mixture of gases contains H and O gases in the ratio of 1 4 w w What is the molar ratio of the two gases in the mixture AIPMT 2015 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 4 4 16 1
Physical Chemistry
40 A mixture of gases contains H and O gases in the ratio of 1 4 w w What is the molar ratio of the two gases in the mixture AIPMT 2015 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 1 4 4 16 1
Consider given reaction aMnO42 bH Select correct statements s cMnO4 dMnO2 cH O Above reaction is example of disproportionation reaction 2 n factor of MnO4 is Sum of a c d is 5 Stoichiometric co efficient of H is 6
Physical Chemistry
Consider given reaction aMnO42 bH Select correct statements s cMnO4 dMnO2 cH O Above reaction is example of disproportionation reaction 2 n factor of MnO4 is Sum of a c d is 5 Stoichiometric co efficient of H is 6
Similar to labelling of oleum a mixture of H PO and P O is labelled as 100 x where x is maximum mass of water which can reacts with P40 present in 100 gm mixture of H PO and P40s Atomic mass P 31 P O H O H PO Label one such sample where mass traction of P O is 0 44 118 4 n 121 50 132 20
Physical Chemistry
Similar to labelling of oleum a mixture of H PO and P O is labelled as 100 x where x is maximum mass of water which can reacts with P40 present in 100 gm mixture of H PO and P40s Atomic mass P 31 P O H O H PO Label one such sample where mass traction of P O is 0 44 118 4 n 121 50 132 20
If the radius of the anion in an ionic solid is 200 pm what would be the radius of the cation that fits exactly into a cubic hole Question Type Single Correct Type 1 2 3 146 4 pm 82 8 pm 45 pm
Physical Chemistry
If the radius of the anion in an ionic solid is 200 pm what would be the radius of the cation that fits exactly into a cubic hole Question Type Single Correct Type 1 2 3 146 4 pm 82 8 pm 45 pm
Topic Syllabus 1 2 46 If 2 mole of hydrocarbon on combustion gives 4 moles of CO and 4 moles of H O Formula of hydrocarbon is 1 C H 2 C H 3 CH 4 C H 46 2 4 1 C H 2 CH 3 C H 4 C H
Physical Chemistry
Topic Syllabus 1 2 46 If 2 mole of hydrocarbon on combustion gives 4 moles of CO and 4 moles of H O Formula of hydrocarbon is 1 C H 2 C H 3 CH 4 C H 46 2 4 1 C H 2 CH 3 C H 4 C H
for each of the following common organic reactions describe the differences in the IR spectra of the reactant and product that would enable you to tell that each reaction successfully took place To justify your answer stay the distinctive signals bond type and approximate stretching frequency of the reactant that you would expect to disappear change and state the distinctive signals of the product that you would expect to appear consider shape and intensity of the signals But there is no need to discuss signals that you would expect to be approximately the same in both molecules NH3 NH
Physical Chemistry
for each of the following common organic reactions describe the differences in the IR spectra of the reactant and product that would enable you to tell that each reaction successfully took place To justify your answer stay the distinctive signals bond type and approximate stretching frequency of the reactant that you would expect to disappear change and state the distinctive signals of the product that you would expect to appear consider shape and intensity of the signals But there is no need to discuss signals that you would expect to be approximately the same in both molecules NH3 NH
Which one is correct about given P V plot for 2 mole an ideal gas s Given CA Is Isothermal process 1 atm P 0 5 atm B C 20 40 Volume litre A WAB 20 L atm B AU for Cycle 0 C AS Cycle 0 D WCA 13 86 L atm
Physical Chemistry
Which one is correct about given P V plot for 2 mole an ideal gas s Given CA Is Isothermal process 1 atm P 0 5 atm B C 20 40 Volume litre A WAB 20 L atm B AU for Cycle 0 C AS Cycle 0 D WCA 13 86 L atm
In chromatography if a solute does not separate and remains on the start line the solute is insoluble in the solvent the solute is soluble in the solvent the solvent is insoluble in the solute the solvent is soluble in the solute
Physical Chemistry
In chromatography if a solute does not separate and remains on the start line the solute is insoluble in the solvent the solute is soluble in the solvent the solvent is insoluble in the solute the solvent is soluble in the solute
A NaCl KCl mixture weighing 2 5005 g was dissolved in water and diluted to a total volume of 100 mL A 10 mL aliquot of this solution was then passed through an acid form cation exchange column It Required 28 1mL of 0 1032 M NaOH to titrate the resultant solution coming through the column Calculate the percentage of KCI and the total percentage of Cl in the mixture
Physical Chemistry
A NaCl KCl mixture weighing 2 5005 g was dissolved in water and diluted to a total volume of 100 mL A 10 mL aliquot of this solution was then passed through an acid form cation exchange column It Required 28 1mL of 0 1032 M NaOH to titrate the resultant solution coming through the column Calculate the percentage of KCI and the total percentage of Cl in the mixture
4 The equation of state for one mole of a gas is PV RT BP where B is a constant independent of temperature The internal energy of fixed amount of gas is the function of temperature only If one mole of the above gas is isothermally expanded from 12 L to 22 L at a constant external pressure of 1 bar at 400 K then the change in enthalpy of the gas is approximately B 2 L mol a 0 b 3 32 J c 332 J d 166 J
Physical Chemistry
4 The equation of state for one mole of a gas is PV RT BP where B is a constant independent of temperature The internal energy of fixed amount of gas is the function of temperature only If one mole of the above gas is isothermally expanded from 12 L to 22 L at a constant external pressure of 1 bar at 400 K then the change in enthalpy of the gas is approximately B 2 L mol a 0 b 3 32 J c 332 J d 166 J
5 moles of N and 20 moles of H are allowed to react to form NH3 as the only product The correct information s is are At t 0 average molar mass of gaseous mixture 7 2 gm mol After complete reaction average molar mass of gaseous mixture 12 gm mol After 50 reaction of N gas average molecular mass of gaseous mixture 9 gm mol At any stage of reaction 90 of H may be consumed
Physical Chemistry
5 moles of N and 20 moles of H are allowed to react to form NH3 as the only product The correct information s is are At t 0 average molar mass of gaseous mixture 7 2 gm mol After complete reaction average molar mass of gaseous mixture 12 gm mol After 50 reaction of N gas average molecular mass of gaseous mixture 9 gm mol At any stage of reaction 90 of H may be consumed
56 75 V 500 ml H O at S T P solution is kept in an open container due to which some H O2 is decomposed and evolves 8 gm O2 If 20 volume of total solution is lost due to decomposition of H O vapourisation of H O Find final volume strength of H O aq Fill your answer as sum of digits excluding decimal places till you get the single digit answer
Physical Chemistry
56 75 V 500 ml H O at S T P solution is kept in an open container due to which some H O2 is decomposed and evolves 8 gm O2 If 20 volume of total solution is lost due to decomposition of H O vapourisation of H O Find final volume strength of H O aq Fill your answer as sum of digits excluding decimal places till you get the single digit answer
0 An ideal gas at 650 Torr occupies a bulb of unknown volume A certain amount of gas is withdrawn and found to occupy 1 52 cm at one atmp The pressure of the gas remaining in the bulb is 600 Torr Calculate the volume of the bulb taking temperature constant 3 ent
Physical Chemistry
0 An ideal gas at 650 Torr occupies a bulb of unknown volume A certain amount of gas is withdrawn and found to occupy 1 52 cm at one atmp The pressure of the gas remaining in the bulb is 600 Torr Calculate the volume of the bulb taking temperature constant 3 ent
In a period of 1 00 s 5 00 10 nitrogen molecules strike a wall with an area of 8 00 cm If the molecules move with a speed of 300 m s and strike the wall head on in the elastic collisions determine the pressure exerted on the wall The mass of one N molecule is 4 68 10 26 kg
Physical Chemistry
In a period of 1 00 s 5 00 10 nitrogen molecules strike a wall with an area of 8 00 cm If the molecules move with a speed of 300 m s and strike the wall head on in the elastic collisions determine the pressure exerted on the wall The mass of one N molecule is 4 68 10 26 kg
3 10 4 100 How many coulomb are required for the 62 oxidation of 1 mol of H O to O 1 9 65 10 C 3 1 93 10 C Al infinite dilutions the equivalent conductances 63 3 3 10 2 93000 C 4 19 3 10 C H 0 1 9 65 10 C X 3 1 93 10 C 4 100 0 fang 2 93000 C 4 19 3 107 C
Physical Chemistry
3 10 4 100 How many coulomb are required for the 62 oxidation of 1 mol of H O to O 1 9 65 10 C 3 1 93 10 C Al infinite dilutions the equivalent conductances 63 3 3 10 2 93000 C 4 19 3 10 C H 0 1 9 65 10 C X 3 1 93 10 C 4 100 0 fang 2 93000 C 4 19 3 107 C
10 Copper has two naturally occurring isotopes 63 Cu and 65Cu If the average atomic mass of copper is 63 546 u then natural abundance of lighter isotope of Cu will be NCERT Pg 17 1 46 4 2 27 3
Physical Chemistry
10 Copper has two naturally occurring isotopes 63 Cu and 65Cu If the average atomic mass of copper is 63 546 u then natural abundance of lighter isotope of Cu will be NCERT Pg 17 1 46 4 2 27 3
A vessel contains 0 25 moles of Helium and 0 15 moles of neon at 298K and 2 4 atmosphere pressure Calculate the partia pressure of each gas in the mixture 1 5 atm 0 9 atm 2 5 atm 0 9 atm 3 5 atm 1 5 atm 1 5 atm 1 5 atm Clear Response
Physical Chemistry
A vessel contains 0 25 moles of Helium and 0 15 moles of neon at 298K and 2 4 atmosphere pressure Calculate the partia pressure of each gas in the mixture 1 5 atm 0 9 atm 2 5 atm 0 9 atm 3 5 atm 1 5 atm 1 5 atm 1 5 atm Clear Response
Question No 59 Single Correct A A If 1 mole A and 4 mole B on mixing have total pressure is 75 torr vapour pressure of pure A is 200 torr and vapour pressure of pure B is 50 torr Which of the following is correct C D A5 mix ve AHmix ve AGmix ve AVmix ve Marks 4 00 1 00 71
Physical Chemistry
Question No 59 Single Correct A A If 1 mole A and 4 mole B on mixing have total pressure is 75 torr vapour pressure of pure A is 200 torr and vapour pressure of pure B is 50 torr Which of the following is correct C D A5 mix ve AHmix ve AGmix ve AVmix ve Marks 4 00 1 00 71
Determination of Ksp of sparingly soluble salts can be done by measuring conductivity of saturated solutions of the salts In one such experiment the conductivity of saturated aqueous MA solution was found to be 3 6 x 10 4 S m 1 If the conductivity of water is 6 x 10 5 S m 1 and the equivalent conductivity of M and A2 ions in this solution are 6 4 10 3 and 8 6 10 3 S m eq 1 respectively the value of Ksp of MA is 1 10 10 3 4 x 10 12 2 9 10 14 4 2 5 10 7
Physical Chemistry
Determination of Ksp of sparingly soluble salts can be done by measuring conductivity of saturated solutions of the salts In one such experiment the conductivity of saturated aqueous MA solution was found to be 3 6 x 10 4 S m 1 If the conductivity of water is 6 x 10 5 S m 1 and the equivalent conductivity of M and A2 ions in this solution are 6 4 10 3 and 8 6 10 3 S m eq 1 respectively the value of Ksp of MA is 1 10 10 3 4 x 10 12 2 9 10 14 4 2 5 10 7
Using R calculate Kendall s tau and the Pearson s correlation coefficient between Weight and Sodium in Data and test whether each is different from 0 at a 0 05 What is the p value for Kendall s tau Answer in the exact form in R e g 0 00e 00 What is the p value for the Pearson s correlation coefficient Answer in the exact form in R e g 0 00e 00
Physical Chemistry
Using R calculate Kendall s tau and the Pearson s correlation coefficient between Weight and Sodium in Data and test whether each is different from 0 at a 0 05 What is the p value for Kendall s tau Answer in the exact form in R e g 0 00e 00 What is the p value for the Pearson s correlation coefficient Answer in the exact form in R e g 0 00e 00
Use the basic facts to add hundreds 1 5 2 5 hundreds 2 hundreds 500 200 2 4 5 4 hundreds 5 hundreds 400 500 3 2 6 2 hundreds 6 hundreds 200 600 hundreds hundreds hundreds 4 If you add 2 to me I will become 3 less than 40 W
Physical Chemistry
Use the basic facts to add hundreds 1 5 2 5 hundreds 2 hundreds 500 200 2 4 5 4 hundreds 5 hundreds 400 500 3 2 6 2 hundreds 6 hundreds 200 600 hundreds hundreds hundreds 4 If you add 2 to me I will become 3 less than 40 W
A 2 5 g impure sample containing weak monoacidic base Mol wt 45 u is dissolved in 100 mL water and titrated with 0 5 M HCI When 1 4 th of the base was neutralised the pH was found to be 9 and at equivalence point pH of solution is 4 5 Select correct statement s A K of base is less than 10 6 B Concentration of salt C at equivalent point is 0 25 M C Volume of HCI used at equivalent point is 100 mL D Weight percentage of a base in given sample is 80
Physical Chemistry
A 2 5 g impure sample containing weak monoacidic base Mol wt 45 u is dissolved in 100 mL water and titrated with 0 5 M HCI When 1 4 th of the base was neutralised the pH was found to be 9 and at equivalence point pH of solution is 4 5 Select correct statement s A K of base is less than 10 6 B Concentration of salt C at equivalent point is 0 25 M C Volume of HCI used at equivalent point is 100 mL D Weight percentage of a base in given sample is 80
Problem On a humid day in summer the mole fraction of gaseous H O water vapor in the air at 25 C can be as high as 0 0287 Assuming a total pressure of 0 977 atm what is the partial pressure in atm of H O in the air
Physical Chemistry
Problem On a humid day in summer the mole fraction of gaseous H O water vapor in the air at 25 C can be as high as 0 0287 Assuming a total pressure of 0 977 atm what is the partial pressure in atm of H O in the air
20 Out of the following incorrect statement s is are A Cv is independent of T for a perfect gas A process in which final temperature equals initial temperature must be an isothermal process e AT 0 for every adiabatic process in a closed system D All of these B foot gas at
Physical Chemistry
20 Out of the following incorrect statement s is are A Cv is independent of T for a perfect gas A process in which final temperature equals initial temperature must be an isothermal process e AT 0 for every adiabatic process in a closed system D All of these B foot gas at
43 When completely protonated form of glycine is titrated with NaOH which of the following represents the pH Vs conc NaOH plot Chemical formula of glycine is H NCH COOH pH B A C pH pH NaOH added NaOH added D pH NaOH added NaOH added
Physical Chemistry
43 When completely protonated form of glycine is titrated with NaOH which of the following represents the pH Vs conc NaOH plot Chemical formula of glycine is H NCH COOH pH B A C pH pH NaOH added NaOH added D pH NaOH added NaOH added
Zero Marks An organic compound CxH2yOy molar mass 150 gm mol was burnt with twice the amount of oxygen needed for complete combustion to CO and H O The hot gases when cooled to 0 C and 1 atm pressure measur x 2y 2 24 litres The water collected during cooling weighed 0 9 g Find the value of 2
Physical Chemistry
Zero Marks An organic compound CxH2yOy molar mass 150 gm mol was burnt with twice the amount of oxygen needed for complete combustion to CO and H O The hot gases when cooled to 0 C and 1 atm pressure measur x 2y 2 24 litres The water collected during cooling weighed 0 9 g Find the value of 2
Standard electrode potential for Cr Cr couple is 0 74 V and tha for Fe Fe couple is 0 77 V These two couples in their standar state are connected to make a cell The cell potential will be 0 81 V O 0 03 V O 1 51 V O 1 21 V
Physical Chemistry
Standard electrode potential for Cr Cr couple is 0 74 V and tha for Fe Fe couple is 0 77 V These two couples in their standar state are connected to make a cell The cell potential will be 0 81 V O 0 03 V O 1 51 V O 1 21 V
Consider the given situation David was walking through a subway station that was highly crowded He took out his handgun and fired it randomly because he liked the sound made by the firing Even though David has no intent to shot anyone in the crowd the shot fired by him injured Susan David will be held liable for which type of tort a Negligence b Strict liability c Intentional tort d Recklessness nswer LA
Physical Chemistry
Consider the given situation David was walking through a subway station that was highly crowded He took out his handgun and fired it randomly because he liked the sound made by the firing Even though David has no intent to shot anyone in the crowd the shot fired by him injured Susan David will be held liable for which type of tort a Negligence b Strict liability c Intentional tort d Recklessness nswer LA
The resistance of 0 0025 M solution of K SO4 is 326 ohm The specific conductance of the solution if cell constant is 4 4 1 4 997 x 10 4 2 5 997 x 10 7 3 6 997 10 4 4 1 20 x 10 as
Physical Chemistry
The resistance of 0 0025 M solution of K SO4 is 326 ohm The specific conductance of the solution if cell constant is 4 4 1 4 997 x 10 4 2 5 997 x 10 7 3 6 997 10 4 4 1 20 x 10 as
7 If x gm of steam at 100 C is mixed with 5x gm of ice at 0 C calculate the final temperature of resulting mixture in C The heat of vaporisation and fusion are 540 cal gm and 80 cal gm respectively OFO row is availabl
Physical Chemistry
7 If x gm of steam at 100 C is mixed with 5x gm of ice at 0 C calculate the final temperature of resulting mixture in C The heat of vaporisation and fusion are 540 cal gm and 80 cal gm respectively OFO row is availabl
13 In a period of 1 sec 5 00 x 1023 nitrogen molecules strike a wall with an area of 8 00 cm If the molecules move with a speed of 300 m s and strike the wall head on in the elastic collision determine the pressure exerted on the wall The mass of one N molecule is 4 68 10 kg Ans 17 6 KPa
Physical Chemistry
13 In a period of 1 sec 5 00 x 1023 nitrogen molecules strike a wall with an area of 8 00 cm If the molecules move with a speed of 300 m s and strike the wall head on in the elastic collision determine the pressure exerted on the wall The mass of one N molecule is 4 68 10 kg Ans 17 6 KPa
1 1 5 NA 3 1 5 10 NA 4 150 NA 68 g sample of a compound containing carbon and oxygen only contains 47 05 oxygen by mass The empirical formula of the compound is 1 CO 2 CO 3 C 0 4 C O
Physical Chemistry
1 1 5 NA 3 1 5 10 NA 4 150 NA 68 g sample of a compound containing carbon and oxygen only contains 47 05 oxygen by mass The empirical formula of the compound is 1 CO 2 CO 3 C 0 4 C O