Probability Questions and Answers

Car inspection: Of all the registered automobiles in Colorado, 5% fail the state emissions test. Twelve automobiles are selected at random to undergo emissions test. Round the answers to at least four decimal places.
(a) Find the probability that exactly three of them fail the test.
The probability that exactly three of them fail the test is 
(b) Find the probability that fewer than three of them fail the test.
The probability that fewer than three of them fail the test is
(c) Find the probability that more than two of them fail the test.
The probability that more than two of them fail the test is
Car inspection: Of all the registered automobiles in Colorado, 5% fail the state emissions test. Twelve automobiles are selected at random to undergo emissions test. Round the answers to at least four decimal places. (a) Find the probability that exactly three of them fail the test. The probability that exactly three of them fail the test is (b) Find the probability that fewer than three of them fail the test. The probability that fewer than three of them fail the test is (c) Find the probability that more than two of them fail the test. The probability that more than two of them fail the test is
Each of two parents has the genotype green/brown, which consists of the pair of alleles that determine
eye color, and each parent contributes one of those alleles to a child. Assume that if the child has at least one green allele, that color will dominate and the child's eye color will be green.
a. List the different possible outcomes. Assume that these outcomes are equally likely.
b. What is the probability that a child of these parents will have the brown/brown genotype?
c. What is the probability that the child will have green eye color?
a. List the possible outcomes.
A. green/green, green/brown, and brown/brown
B. green/brown and brown/green
C. green/green, green/brown, brown/green, and brown/brown
D. green/green and brown/brown
b. The probability that a child of these parents will have the brown/brown genotype is 0.25
(Round to two decimal places as needed.)
c. The probability that the child will have green eye color is.
(Round to two decimal places as needed.)
Each of two parents has the genotype green/brown, which consists of the pair of alleles that determine eye color, and each parent contributes one of those alleles to a child. Assume that if the child has at least one green allele, that color will dominate and the child's eye color will be green. a. List the different possible outcomes. Assume that these outcomes are equally likely. b. What is the probability that a child of these parents will have the brown/brown genotype? c. What is the probability that the child will have green eye color? *** a. List the possible outcomes. A. green/green, green/brown, and brown/brown B. green/brown and brown/green C. green/green, green/brown, brown/green, and brown/brown D. green/green and brown/brown b. The probability that a child of these parents will have the brown/brown genotype is 0.25 (Round to two decimal places as needed.) c. The probability that the child will have green eye color is. (Round to two decimal places as needed.)
Blood types: The blood type O negative is called the "universal donor" type, because it is the only blood type that may safely be transfused into any person. Therefore, when someone needs a transfusion in an emergency and their blood type cannot be determined, they are given type O negative blood. For this reason, donors with this blood type are crucial to blood banks. Unfortunately, this blood type is fairly rare; according to the Red Cross, only 5% of U.S. residents have type O negative blood. Assume that a blood bank has recruited 20 donors. Round the answers to at least four decimal places.

 (a) What is the probability that two or more of them have type O negative blood? The probability that two or more of them have type O negative blood is 0.2642 
 (b) What is the probability that fewer than four of them have type O negative blood? The probability that fewer than four of them have type O negative blood is 0.9841 

 (c) Would it be unusual if none of the donors had type O negative blood? Use a cutoff of 0.05.
Blood types: The blood type O negative is called the "universal donor" type, because it is the only blood type that may safely be transfused into any person. Therefore, when someone needs a transfusion in an emergency and their blood type cannot be determined, they are given type O negative blood. For this reason, donors with this blood type are crucial to blood banks. Unfortunately, this blood type is fairly rare; according to the Red Cross, only 5% of U.S. residents have type O negative blood. Assume that a blood bank has recruited 20 donors. Round the answers to at least four decimal places. (a) What is the probability that two or more of them have type O negative blood? The probability that two or more of them have type O negative blood is 0.2642 (b) What is the probability that fewer than four of them have type O negative blood? The probability that fewer than four of them have type O negative blood is 0.9841 (c) Would it be unusual if none of the donors had type O negative blood? Use a cutoff of 0.05.
(a) Make the logarithmic transformations x' log (x) and y'= log (y). Then make a scatter plot of the (x, y) values. Does a linear equation seem to be a good fit to this plot?
The transformed data does not fit a straight line well. The data seem to explode as x decreases.
The transformed data does not fit a straight line well. The data seem to explode as x increases.
The transformed data fit a straight line well.
The transformed data does not fit a straight line well. The data seem to have a parabolic shape.

(b) Use the (x, y) data points and a calculator with regression keys to find the least-squares equation y'= a + bx'. What is the correlation coefficient? (Use 4 decimal places.)
y' =
(c) Use the results of part (b) to find estimates for a and ß in the power law y = ax. Write the power equation for the relationship between steam pressure and sheer strength of boiler plate
steel. (Use 4 decimal places.)
B =
(a) Make the logarithmic transformations x' log (x) and y'= log (y). Then make a scatter plot of the (x, y) values. Does a linear equation seem to be a good fit to this plot? The transformed data does not fit a straight line well. The data seem to explode as x decreases. The transformed data does not fit a straight line well. The data seem to explode as x increases. The transformed data fit a straight line well. The transformed data does not fit a straight line well. The data seem to have a parabolic shape. (b) Use the (x, y) data points and a calculator with regression keys to find the least-squares equation y'= a + bx'. What is the correlation coefficient? (Use 4 decimal places.) y' = r= (c) Use the results of part (b) to find estimates for a and ß in the power law y = ax. Write the power equation for the relationship between steam pressure and sheer strength of boiler plate steel. (Use 4 decimal places.) R= B = ŷ= 11
The patient recovery time from a particular surgical procedure is normally distributed with a mean of 5.3 days and standard deviation of 2.1 days. Use your graphing calculator to answer the following questions.
Write your answers in percent form. Round your answers to the nearest tenth of a percent.
a) What is the probability of spending less than 8 days in recovery?
b) What is the probability of spending more than 5 days in recovery?
c) What is the probability of spending between 5 days and 8 days in recovery?
The patient recovery time from a particular surgical procedure is normally distributed with a mean of 5.3 days and standard deviation of 2.1 days. Use your graphing calculator to answer the following questions. Write your answers in percent form. Round your answers to the nearest tenth of a percent. a) What is the probability of spending less than 8 days in recovery? b) What is the probability of spending more than 5 days in recovery? c) What is the probability of spending between 5 days and 8 days in recovery?
Sara draws the 10 of hearts from a standard deck of 52 cards. Without replacing the first card, she then proceeds to draw a second card.
a. Determine the probability that the second card is another 10.
P(10 | 10 of hearts) =
b. Determine the probability that the second card is another heart.
P(heart |10 of hearts) =
c. Determine the probability that the second card is a club.
P(club |10 of hearts) =
d. Determine the probability that the second card is a 8
P(8 | 10 of hearts) =
Sara draws the 10 of hearts from a standard deck of 52 cards. Without replacing the first card, she then proceeds to draw a second card. a. Determine the probability that the second card is another 10. P(10 | 10 of hearts) = b. Determine the probability that the second card is another heart. P(heart |10 of hearts) = c. Determine the probability that the second card is a club. P(club |10 of hearts) = d. Determine the probability that the second card is a 8 P(8 | 10 of hearts) =
In a class of students, the following data table summarizes how many students have a brother or a sister. What is the probability that a student has a brother given that they do not have a sister?
                                                Has a brother              Does not have a brother
Has a sister                                   3                                     14
Does not have a sister                 7                                        2
In a class of students, the following data table summarizes how many students have a brother or a sister. What is the probability that a student has a brother given that they do not have a sister? Has a brother Does not have a brother Has a sister 3 14 Does not have a sister 7 2
A computer password consists of fifteen characters. Replications are allowed.
A computer password consists of fifteen characters. Replications are allowed.
A committee consists of eight women and ten men. Four committee members will be chosen as officers.
A committee consists of eight women and ten men. Four committee members will be chosen as officers.
39.8% of consumers believe that cash will be obsolete in the next 20 years. Assume that 7 consumers are randomly selected. Find the probability that fewer than 3 of the selected consumers believe that cash will be obsolete in the next 20 years.
39.8% of consumers believe that cash will be obsolete in the next 20 years. Assume that 7 consumers are randomly selected. Find the probability that fewer than 3 of the selected consumers believe that cash will be obsolete in the next 20 years.
When randomly selecting adults, let M denote the event of randomly selecting a male and let B denote the event of randomly selecting someone with blue eyes. What does P(MIB) represent? Is P(MIB) the same as P(BIM)?
What does P(MIB) represent?
A. The probability of getting a male or getting someone with blue eyes.
B. The probability of getting a male and getting someone with blue eyes.
C. The probability of getting a male, given that someone with blue eyes has been selected.
D. The probability of getting someone with blue eyes, given that a male has been selected.
When randomly selecting adults, let M denote the event of randomly selecting a male and let B denote the event of randomly selecting someone with blue eyes. What does P(MIB) represent? Is P(MIB) the same as P(BIM)? What does P(MIB) represent? A. The probability of getting a male or getting someone with blue eyes. B. The probability of getting a male and getting someone with blue eyes. C. The probability of getting a male, given that someone with blue eyes has been selected. D. The probability of getting someone with blue eyes, given that a male has been selected.
A classic counting problem is to determine the number of different ways that the letters of "occurrence" can be arranged. Find that number. If the letters are mixed up in a random sequence, what is the probability that the letters will be in alphabetical order?
A classic counting problem is to determine the number of different ways that the letters of "occurrence" can be arranged. Find that number. If the letters are mixed up in a random sequence, what is the probability that the letters will be in alphabetical order?
In a certain study, the chances of encountering a car crash on the road are stated as "7 in 20." Express the indicated degree of likelihood as a probability value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
In a certain study, the chances of encountering a car crash on the road are stated as "7 in 20." Express the indicated degree of likelihood as a probability value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
Multiple-choice questions each have four possible answers (a, b, c, d), one of which is correct. Assume that you guess the answers to three such questions.
a. Use the multiplication rule to find P(CWW), where C denotes a correct answer and W denotes a wrong answer.
P(CWW) =
b. Beginning with CWW, make a complete list of the different possible arrangements of one correct answer and two wrong answers, then find the probability for each entry in the list.
P(CWW)- see above
P(WWC) =
P(WCW) =
Multiple-choice questions each have four possible answers (a, b, c, d), one of which is correct. Assume that you guess the answers to three such questions. a. Use the multiplication rule to find P(CWW), where C denotes a correct answer and W denotes a wrong answer. P(CWW) = b. Beginning with CWW, make a complete list of the different possible arrangements of one correct answer and two wrong answers, then find the probability for each entry in the list. P(CWW)- see above P(WWC) = P(WCW) =
Determine whether the value is a discrete random variable, continuous random variable, or not a random variable.
a. The amount of snowfall in December in City A
b. The number of fish caught during a fishing tournament
c. The eye color of people on commercial aircraft flights
d. The distance a baseball travels in the air after being hit
e. The amount of rain in City B during April
f. The weight of a T-bone steak
a. Is the amount of snowfall in December in City A a discrete random variable, a continuous random variable, or not a
random variable?
A. It is a continuous random variable.
B. It is a discrete random variable.
C. It is not a random variable.
Determine whether the value is a discrete random variable, continuous random variable, or not a random variable. a. The amount of snowfall in December in City A b. The number of fish caught during a fishing tournament c. The eye color of people on commercial aircraft flights d. The distance a baseball travels in the air after being hit e. The amount of rain in City B during April f. The weight of a T-bone steak *** a. Is the amount of snowfall in December in City A a discrete random variable, a continuous random variable, or not a random variable? A. It is a continuous random variable. B. It is a discrete random variable. C. It is not a random variable.
Jared buys a bag of cookies that contains 6 chocolate chip cookies, 6 peanut butter cookies, 6 sugar cookies and 6 oatmeal raisin cookies. What is the probability that Jared randomly selects a sugar cookie from the bag, eats it, then randomly selects another sugar cookie? Express your answer as a reduced fraction.
Jared buys a bag of cookies that contains 6 chocolate chip cookies, 6 peanut butter cookies, 6 sugar cookies and 6 oatmeal raisin cookies. What is the probability that Jared randomly selects a sugar cookie from the bag, eats it, then randomly selects another sugar cookie? Express your answer as a reduced fraction.
A thief steals an ATM card and must randomly guess the correct four-digit pin code from a 9-key keypad. Repetition of digits is allowed. What is the probability of a correct guess on the first try?

The number of possible codes is
(Type an integer or fraction. Simplify your answer.)
The probability that the correct code is given on the first try is
(Type an integer or fraction. Simplify your answer.)
A thief steals an ATM card and must randomly guess the correct four-digit pin code from a 9-key keypad. Repetition of digits is allowed. What is the probability of a correct guess on the first try? The number of possible codes is (Type an integer or fraction. Simplify your answer.) The probability that the correct code is given on the first try is (Type an integer or fraction. Simplify your answer.)
How many different ways can the letters of "attract" be arranged?
The number of different ways that the letters of "attract" can be arranged is.
How many different ways can the letters of "attract" be arranged? The number of different ways that the letters of "attract" can be arranged is.
Based on a survey, assume that 41% of consumers are comfortable having drones deliver their purchases. Suppose that we want to find the probability that when four consumers are randomly selected, exactly two of them are comfortable with delivery by drones. Identify the values of n, x, p, and q.
Based on a survey, assume that 41% of consumers are comfortable having drones deliver their purchases. Suppose that we want to find the probability that when four consumers are randomly selected, exactly two of them are comfortable with delivery by drones. Identify the values of n, x, p, and q.
Assume that different groups of couples use a particular method of gender selection and each couple gives birth to one baby. This method is designed to increase the likelihood that each baby will be a girl, but assume that the method has no effect, so the probability of a girl is 0.5. Assume that the groups consist of 22 couples. Complete parts (a) through (c) below. 
a. Find the mean and the standard deviation for the numbers of girls in groups of 22 births. 
The value of the mean is µ = 11. 
(Type an integer or a decimal. Do not round.) 

The value of the standard deviation is o = 2.3. 
(Round to one decimal place as needed.) 

b. Use the range rule of thumb to find the values separating results that are significantly low or significantly high
Assume that different groups of couples use a particular method of gender selection and each couple gives birth to one baby. This method is designed to increase the likelihood that each baby will be a girl, but assume that the method has no effect, so the probability of a girl is 0.5. Assume that the groups consist of 22 couples. Complete parts (a) through (c) below. a. Find the mean and the standard deviation for the numbers of girls in groups of 22 births. The value of the mean is µ = 11. (Type an integer or a decimal. Do not round.) The value of the standard deviation is o = 2.3. (Round to one decimal place as needed.) b. Use the range rule of thumb to find the values separating results that are significantly low or significantly high
You are certain to get 3 jacks when selecting 51 cards from a shuffled deck. Express the indicated degree of likelihood as a probability value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
You are certain to get 3 jacks when selecting 51 cards from a shuffled deck. Express the indicated degree of likelihood as a probability value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
A research center poll showed that 77% of people believe that it is morally wrong to not report all income on tax returns What is the probability that someone does not have this belief?
A research center poll showed that 77% of people believe that it is morally wrong to not report all income on tax returns What is the probability that someone does not have this belief?
For a certain horse race, the odds in favor of a certain horse finishing in second place are given as 7 to 93. Express the indicated degree of likelihood as a probability value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
For a certain horse race, the odds in favor of a certain horse finishing in second place are given as 7 to 93. Express the indicated degree of likelihood as a probability value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
A research center poll showed that 78% of people believe that it is morally wrong to not report all income on tax returns. What is the probability that someone does not have this belief?
A research center poll showed that 78% of people believe that it is morally wrong to not report all income on tax returns. What is the probability that someone does not have this belief?
Which word is associated with multiplication when computing probabilities?
Choose the correct answer below.
Which word is associated with multiplication when computing probabilities? Choose the correct answer below. Disjoint And Or Not
Let A = the event of getting at least one defective calculator when four are randomly selected with replacement from a batch. Write a statement describing event Ā.
Choose the correct answer below.
A. The event of getting no defects among the 4 calculators.
B. The event of getting 4 defects among the 4 calculators.
C. The event of getting at least 1 defect among the 4 calculators.
D. The event f getting more than 1 defect among the 4 calculators.
Let A = the event of getting at least one defective calculator when four are randomly selected with replacement from a batch. Write a statement describing event Ā. Choose the correct answer below. A. The event of getting no defects among the 4 calculators. B. The event of getting 4 defects among the 4 calculators. C. The event of getting at least 1 defect among the 4 calculators. D. The event f getting more than 1 defect among the 4 calculators.
Let event A = subject is telling the truth and event B = polygraph test indicates that the subject is lying. Use your own words to translate the notation P(BIA) into a verbal statement.
Choose the correct option below.
A. The probability that the polygraph indicates lying given that the subject is actually lying.
B. The probability that the polygraph indicates lying given that the subject is actually telling the truth.
C. The probability that the polygraph indicates truthfulness given that the subject is actually telling the truth.
D. The probability that the polygraph indicates truthfulness given that the subject is actually lying.
Let event A = subject is telling the truth and event B = polygraph test indicates that the subject is lying. Use your own words to translate the notation P(BIA) into a verbal statement. Choose the correct option below. A. The probability that the polygraph indicates lying given that the subject is actually lying. B. The probability that the polygraph indicates lying given that the subject is actually telling the truth. C. The probability that the polygraph indicates truthfulness given that the subject is actually telling the truth. D. The probability that the polygraph indicates truthfulness given that the subject is actually lying.
Assume that boys and girls are equally likely. Find the probability that when a couple has three children, there is exactly 1 boy.
Assume that boys and girls are equally likely. Find the probability that when a couple has three children, there is exactly 1 boy.
When randomly selecting an adult, A denotes the event of selecting someone with blue eyes. What do P(A) and P (Ā) represent?.
When randomly selecting an adult, A denotes the event of selecting someone with blue eyes. What do P(A) and P (Ā) represent?.
For a standard normal distribution, find:
A(z > -2.01)
Round to 4 decimal places.
For a standard normal distribution, find: A(z > -2.01) Round to 4 decimal places.
In a particular survey of internet users, 3663 respondents say that they use social networking sites and 1330 respondents say that they do not use social networking sites. What is the probability that a randomly selected person uses a social networking site? Does that result suggest that it is likely (with a probability of 0.5 or greater) for someone to use social networking sites?
In a particular survey of internet users, 3663 respondents say that they use social networking sites and 1330 respondents say that they do not use social networking sites. What is the probability that a randomly selected person uses a social networking site? Does that result suggest that it is likely (with a probability of 0.5 or greater) for someone to use social networking sites?
Let A denote the event of placing a $1 straight bet on a certain lottery and winning. Suppose that, for this particular lottery, there are 5,400 different ways that you can select the four digits (with repetition allowed) in this lottery, and only one of those four-digit numbers will be the winner. What is the value of P(A)? What is the value of P(A)? What is the value of P(A)?
Let A denote the event of placing a $1 straight bet on a certain lottery and winning. Suppose that, for this particular lottery, there are 5,400 different ways that you can select the four digits (with repetition allowed) in this lottery, and only one of those four-digit numbers will be the winner. What is the value of P(A)? What is the value of P(A)? What is the value of P(A)?
Find the probability that when a couple has six children, at least one of them is a girl. (Assume that boys and girls are equally likely.)
Find the probability that when a couple has six children, at least one of them is a girl. (Assume that boys and girls are equally likely.)
For 100 births, P(exactly 55 girls) = 0.0485 and P(55 or more girls) = 0.184. Is 55 girls in 100 births a significantly high number of girls? Which probability is relevant to answering that question? Consider a number of girls to be significantly high if the appropriate probability is 0.05 or less.
For 100 births, P(exactly 55 girls) = 0.0485 and P(55 or more girls) = 0.184. Is 55 girls in 100 births a significantly high number of girls? Which probability is relevant to answering that question? Consider a number of girls to be significantly high if the appropriate probability is 0.05 or less.
You are certain to get a number or a face card when selecting cards from a shuffled deck. Express the indicated degree of likelihood as a probability value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
You are certain to get a number or a face card when selecting cards from a shuffled deck. Express the indicated degree of likelihood as a probability value between 0 and 1 inclusive.
According to a report of the Nielsen Company, 60% of internet searches used the Google search engine. Assume that a sample of 23 searches is studied. Round the answers to at least four decimal places.
According to a report of the Nielsen Company, 60% of internet searches used the Google search engine. Assume that a sample of 23 searches is studied. Round the answers to at least four decimal places.
Suppose the mean IQ score of people in a certain country is 102. Suppose the director of a college obtains a simple random sample of 43 students from that country
and finds the mean IQ is 105.6 with a standard deviation of 13.1. Complete parts (a) through (d) below. conclusion for the test.

Explain what the director is testing. Choose the correct answer below.

A.The director is testing if the sample provided sufficient evidence that the population mean IQ score is actually equal to 103.
B. The director is testing if the sample provided sufficient evidence that the population mean IQ score is actually greater than 103.
C. The director is testing if the sample provided sufficient evidence that the population mean IQ score is actually not greater than 103.
D.The director is testing if the sample provided sufficient evidence that the population mean IQ score is actually not equal to 103.

Find the test statistic for this hypothesis test.
 (Round to two decimal places as needed.)
Find the P-value for this hypothesis test.
(Round to three decimal places as needed.)
Suppose the mean IQ score of people in a certain country is 102. Suppose the director of a college obtains a simple random sample of 43 students from that country and finds the mean IQ is 105.6 with a standard deviation of 13.1. Complete parts (a) through (d) below. conclusion for the test. Explain what the director is testing. Choose the correct answer below. A.The director is testing if the sample provided sufficient evidence that the population mean IQ score is actually equal to 103. B. The director is testing if the sample provided sufficient evidence that the population mean IQ score is actually greater than 103. C. The director is testing if the sample provided sufficient evidence that the population mean IQ score is actually not greater than 103. D.The director is testing if the sample provided sufficient evidence that the population mean IQ score is actually not equal to 103. Find the test statistic for this hypothesis test. (Round to two decimal places as needed.) Find the P-value for this hypothesis test. (Round to three decimal places as needed.)
The data in the accompanying table represent the number of corn plants in randomly sampled rows (a 17-foot by 5-inch strip) for various types of plots. An agricultural researcher wants to know whether the mean numbers of plants for each plot type are equal. Complete parts (a) through (e) below.
Click the icon to view the data table.
Click the icon to view the table of critical values for the correlation coefficient.
(a) Write the null and alternative hypotheses. Choose the correct answer below.
A. Ho: Hsludge = Hspring="no till and H₁: at least one of the means is different
B. Ho: at least one of the means is different and H₁: Hsludge = Hspring Hno till
C. Ho: Hsludge = spring and H₁: the means are different
D. Ho: Hsludge = spring = Hno till and H₁ Hsludge Hspring <Hno till
(b) State the requirements that must be satisfied to use the one-way ANOVA procedure. Select all that apply.
A. The k samples must be independent of each other.
B. There must be k simple random samples, one from each of k populations.
C. There must be k simple random samples, each from the same population.
D. The populations must be normally distributed.
The data in the accompanying table represent the number of corn plants in randomly sampled rows (a 17-foot by 5-inch strip) for various types of plots. An agricultural researcher wants to know whether the mean numbers of plants for each plot type are equal. Complete parts (a) through (e) below. Click the icon to view the data table. Click the icon to view the table of critical values for the correlation coefficient. (a) Write the null and alternative hypotheses. Choose the correct answer below. A. Ho: Hsludge = Hspring="no till and H₁: at least one of the means is different B. Ho: at least one of the means is different and H₁: Hsludge = Hspring Hno till C. Ho: Hsludge = spring and H₁: the means are different D. Ho: Hsludge = spring = Hno till and H₁ Hsludge Hspring <Hno till (b) State the requirements that must be satisfied to use the one-way ANOVA procedure. Select all that apply. A. The k samples must be independent of each other. B. There must be k simple random samples, one from each of k populations. C. There must be k simple random samples, each from the same population. D. The populations must be normally distributed.
A sample of 250 internet users was selected. Find the complements of the following events.
A sample of 250 internet users was selected. Find the complements of the following events.
Sick computers: Let V be the event that a computer contains a virus, and let W be the event that a computer contains a worm. Suppose
P(V)=0.31, P (W)=0.4, P (V and W) = 0.07.
(a) Find the probability that the computer contains either a virus or a worm or both.
(b) Find the probability that the computer does not contain a worm.
Sick computers: Let V be the event that a computer contains a virus, and let W be the event that a computer contains a worm. Suppose P(V)=0.31, P (W)=0.4, P (V and W) = 0.07. (a) Find the probability that the computer contains either a virus or a worm or both. (b) Find the probability that the computer does not contain a worm.
Visit your local library: On a recent Saturday, a total of 1231 people visited a local library. Of these people, 253 were under age 10, 468 were aged 10-18,
158 were aged 19-30, and the rest were more than 30 years old. One person is sampled at random.
(a) What is the probability that the person is less than 19 years old?
(b) What is the probability that the person is more than 30 years old?
Visit your local library: On a recent Saturday, a total of 1231 people visited a local library. Of these people, 253 were under age 10, 468 were aged 10-18, 158 were aged 19-30, and the rest were more than 30 years old. One person is sampled at random. (a) What is the probability that the person is less than 19 years old? (b) What is the probability that the person is more than 30 years old?
Paving stones: 150 paving stones were examined for cracks, and 9 were found to be cracked. The same 150 stones were examined for discoloration, and 23 were found to be discolored. A total of 8 stones were both cracked and discolored. One of the 150 stones is selected at random. Round all answers to four decimal places.
Paving stones: 150 paving stones were examined for cracks, and 9 were found to be cracked. The same 150 stones were examined for discoloration, and 23 were found to be discolored. A total of 8 stones were both cracked and discolored. One of the 150 stones is selected at random. Round all answers to four decimal places.
Of the 62 students enrolled in a statistics class last semester, 35 worked during the semester and 33 received a high grade.
Report answers accurate to 4 decimal places.
If two students were selected from the class, one after the other and without replacement, what is the probability that:
a. the second student worked during the semester given the first student also did?
b. both students received a high grade?
c. only the first student received a high grade (the second student did not)?
d. neither of the two students worked during the semester?
Of the 62 students enrolled in a statistics class last semester, 35 worked during the semester and 33 received a high grade. Report answers accurate to 4 decimal places. If two students were selected from the class, one after the other and without replacement, what is the probability that: a. the second student worked during the semester given the first student also did? b. both students received a high grade? c. only the first student received a high grade (the second student did not)? d. neither of the two students worked during the semester?
An enthusiastic shopper is considering 3 products (A, B, and C) that could potentially go on sale soon. The probability that product A will go on sale is 0.9 while that of B and C are 0.7 and 0.3 respectively.
Assume these events are independent.
Do not round results.
What is the probability that
1. all 3 products will go on sale?
2. none of the 3 products will go on sale?
3. only product C will go on sale?
4. at least one product will go on sale?
An enthusiastic shopper is considering 3 products (A, B, and C) that could potentially go on sale soon. The probability that product A will go on sale is 0.9 while that of B and C are 0.7 and 0.3 respectively. Assume these events are independent. Do not round results. What is the probability that 1. all 3 products will go on sale? 2. none of the 3 products will go on sale? 3. only product C will go on sale? 4. at least one product will go on sale?
More pitching: A baseball pitcher threw 3219 pitches during part of a recent season. Of these, 1914 were thrown with no strikes on the batter, 941 were thrown with one strike, and 364 were thrown with two strikes.

(a) What is the probability that a baseball pitch is thrown with no strikes? Round your answer to four decimal places.

P(A baseball pitch thrown with no strikes) =
More pitching: A baseball pitcher threw 3219 pitches during part of a recent season. Of these, 1914 were thrown with no strikes on the batter, 941 were thrown with one strike, and 364 were thrown with two strikes. (a) What is the probability that a baseball pitch is thrown with no strikes? Round your answer to four decimal places. P(A baseball pitch thrown with no strikes) =
Pay Your bills: A company audit showed that of 735 bills that were sent out, 482 were paid on time,153 were paid up to 30 days late, 55 were paid between 31 and 90 days late, and 45 remained unpaid after 90 days. One bill is selected at random.

(a) What is the probability that the bill was paid on time? Round your answer to four decimal places.
The probability that the bill was paid on time is
Pay Your bills: A company audit showed that of 735 bills that were sent out, 482 were paid on time,153 were paid up to 30 days late, 55 were paid between 31 and 90 days late, and 45 remained unpaid after 90 days. One bill is selected at random. (a) What is the probability that the bill was paid on time? Round your answer to four decimal places. The probability that the bill was paid on time is
How are your grades? In a recent semester at a local university, 500 students enrolled in both Statistics I and Psychology I. Of these students, 85 got an A in statistics, 70 got an A in psychology, and 31 got an A in both statistics and psychology. Round the answers to four decimal places, as needed.
(a) Find the probability that a randomly chosen student got an A in statistics or psychology or both.
The probability that a randomly chosen student got an A in statistics or psychology or both is
(b) Find the probability that a randomly chosen student did not get an A in statistics.
The probability that a randomly chosen student did not get an A in statistics is
How are your grades? In a recent semester at a local university, 500 students enrolled in both Statistics I and Psychology I. Of these students, 85 got an A in statistics, 70 got an A in psychology, and 31 got an A in both statistics and psychology. Round the answers to four decimal places, as needed. (a) Find the probability that a randomly chosen student got an A in statistics or psychology or both. The probability that a randomly chosen student got an A in statistics or psychology or both is (b) Find the probability that a randomly chosen student did not get an A in statistics. The probability that a randomly chosen student did not get an A in statistics is
More pitching: A baseball pitcher threw 3365 pitches during part of a recent season. Of these, 1836 were thrown with no strikes on the batter, 906 were thrown with one strike, and 623 were thrown with two strikes.
(a) What is the probability that a baseball pitch is thrown with no strikes? Round your answer to four decimal places.
P(A baseball pitch thrown with no strikes)=
More pitching: A baseball pitcher threw 3365 pitches during part of a recent season. Of these, 1836 were thrown with no strikes on the batter, 906 were thrown with one strike, and 623 were thrown with two strikes. (a) What is the probability that a baseball pitch is thrown with no strikes? Round your answer to four decimal places. P(A baseball pitch thrown with no strikes)=
Based on tests of the Chevrolet Cobalt, engineers have found that the miles per gallon in highway driving are normally distributed, with a mean of 32 mpg and a standard deviation of 3.5 mpg. Include a sketch for each part.
a. What is the probability that a randomly selected Cobalt gets more than 34 mpg?
b. Ten Cobalts are randomly selected. What is the probability that the mean is more than 34 mpg?
Based on tests of the Chevrolet Cobalt, engineers have found that the miles per gallon in highway driving are normally distributed, with a mean of 32 mpg and a standard deviation of 3.5 mpg. Include a sketch for each part. a. What is the probability that a randomly selected Cobalt gets more than 34 mpg? b. Ten Cobalts are randomly selected. What is the probability that the mean is more than 34 mpg?
Cards are selected randomly from the set of 10 cards shown below.
Use terms from the list below to complete the sentences.
equally likely
1. Selecting a card with an even number is an example of a(n)
2. The__that a card with a 5 will be randomly  selected can be written as three out of ten, or 3/10
3. Selecting a card labeled with an even number and selecting a card labeled with an odd number are
Cards are selected randomly from the set of 10 cards shown below. 1224535780 Use terms from the list below to complete the sentences. probability outcome equally likely 1. Selecting a card with an even number is an example of a(n) 2. The__that a card with a 5 will be randomly selected can be written as three out of ten, or 3/10 3. Selecting a card labeled with an even number and selecting a card labeled with an odd number are