Infex Questions and Answers

Which of the following is a civic responsibility accepting consequences of one s actions caring for and educating children understanding public issues to vote on O living a moral life
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is a civic responsibility accepting consequences of one s actions caring for and educating children understanding public issues to vote on O living a moral life
Which of the following is true about the Prairie House style of Frank Lloyd Wright? (select all that apply)
(A) Houses sat close to the ground
(B) Houses seemed to be tied organically to the landscape
(C)Used brick and wood cut to standard sizes
(D) Houses had broad overhanging eaves
(E) Living spaces flow smoothly from one area to another
(F) Houses sat high above ground
(G) Very small windows
(H) Roofs with no eaves
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is true about the Prairie House style of Frank Lloyd Wright? (select all that apply) (A) Houses sat close to the ground (B) Houses seemed to be tied organically to the landscape (C)Used brick and wood cut to standard sizes (D) Houses had broad overhanging eaves (E) Living spaces flow smoothly from one area to another (F) Houses sat high above ground (G) Very small windows (H) Roofs with no eaves
The patella tendon reflex involves stretch of the muscle.
Anatomy and Physiology
The patella tendon reflex involves stretch of the muscle.
Which perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans.
Gestalt psychology
Anatomy and Physiology
Which perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans. Humanism Structuralism Gestalt psychology Behaviorism
The development of gender and gender identity is likewise an interaction among social, biological, and representational influences. Young children learn about gender from parents, peers, and others in society, and develop their own conceptions of the attributes associated with maleness or femaleness called:
No answer text provided.
gender identification
gender schemas
Anatomy and Physiology
The development of gender and gender identity is likewise an interaction among social, biological, and representational influences. Young children learn about gender from parents, peers, and others in society, and develop their own conceptions of the attributes associated with maleness or femaleness called: gender No answer text provided. gender identification gender schemas
Sergio needs to reach the bowls on the top shelf, which are slightly out of reach. Which type of movement below would give him the greatest chance of success in reaching the bowls?
Select one:

a. dorsiflexion
b. plantar flexion
c. inversion
d. eversion
e. circumduction
Anatomy and Physiology
Sergio needs to reach the bowls on the top shelf, which are slightly out of reach. Which type of movement below would give him the greatest chance of success in reaching the bowls? Select one: a. dorsiflexion b. plantar flexion c. inversion d. eversion e. circumduction
How does the following passage contribute to readers' understanding of Maggie? "Aunt Dee's first husband whittled the dash,' said Maggie so low you almost couldn't hear her. "His name was Henry, but they called him Stash." (Paragraph 52)
Anatomy and Physiology
How does the following passage contribute to readers' understanding of Maggie? "Aunt Dee's first husband whittled the dash,' said Maggie so low you almost couldn't hear her. "His name was Henry, but they called him Stash." (Paragraph 52)
What is the conclusion of the following argument?
Premise 1: The person with the lowest handicap is the best bowler on the team.
Premise 2: Charlie has the lowest handicap on the team.
Conclusion: Charlie is the best bowler on the team.
Invalid and unsound
Valid and unsound
Sound and valid
Anatomy and Physiology
What is the conclusion of the following argument? Premise 1: The person with the lowest handicap is the best bowler on the team. Premise 2: Charlie has the lowest handicap on the team. Conclusion: Charlie is the best bowler on the team. Invalid and unsound Invalid Valid and unsound Sound and valid
If a nerve is carrying sensory information about the leg or carrying commands to leg muscles, it is probably a __nerve; if a nerve is carrying sensory information about the face or carrying commands to face muscles, it is probably a__ nerve.
a) cranial; spinal
b)parasympathetic; spinal
c)spinal; cranial
d) cranial; autonomic
Anatomy and Physiology
If a nerve is carrying sensory information about the leg or carrying commands to leg muscles, it is probably a __nerve; if a nerve is carrying sensory information about the face or carrying commands to face muscles, it is probably a__ nerve. a) cranial; spinal b)parasympathetic; spinal c)spinal; cranial d) cranial; autonomic
Which of the following statements is false?

A). The obturator nerve comes from the lumbar plexus.
B). The radial nerve innervates muscles in the posterior upper limb.
C). The sciatic nerve comes from the lumbar plexus.
D). The median nerve comes from the brachial plexus.
E.) The ulnar nerve comes from the brachial plexus.
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following statements is false? A). The obturator nerve comes from the lumbar plexus. B). The radial nerve innervates muscles in the posterior upper limb. C). The sciatic nerve comes from the lumbar plexus. D). The median nerve comes from the brachial plexus. E.) The ulnar nerve comes from the brachial plexus.
It's 2011, and the U.S. economy is not in good shape. Amanda, a community college graduate, is struggling to find a job wherd she can make enough money. She's frustrated with herself, but starts to think about the state of the economy, and how her work history at a restaurant is not valued by other potential employers. Moreover, given that she grew up in a poor community, she doesn't have connections that could help her get a well-paying job. As she reflects on her personal experience and the broader social forces influencing her life, she's: 
Reflecting on the division of labor
Engaging in social action
Considering social facts
Using her sociological imagination
Anatomy and Physiology
It's 2011, and the U.S. economy is not in good shape. Amanda, a community college graduate, is struggling to find a job wherd she can make enough money. She's frustrated with herself, but starts to think about the state of the economy, and how her work history at a restaurant is not valued by other potential employers. Moreover, given that she grew up in a poor community, she doesn't have connections that could help her get a well-paying job. As she reflects on her personal experience and the broader social forces influencing her life, she's: Reflecting on the division of labor Engaging in social action Considering social facts Using her sociological imagination
The Abductor Hallucis
Abducts the first toe
Extends the first toe
Abducts toes 1-5
Abducts the subtalar joint
Abducts the little toe
Anatomy and Physiology
The Abductor Hallucis Abducts the first toe Extends the first toe Abducts toes 1-5 Abducts the subtalar joint Abducts the little toe
Ladonna is overweight and loves fast food. Which is the best diet for Ladonna to adopt?
a diet high in protein and low in fat and sugar
a diet high in calcium and low in fiber
a diet high in fiber and low in fat and sugar
Anatomy and Physiology
Ladonna is overweight and loves fast food. Which is the best diet for Ladonna to adopt? a diet high in protein and low in fat and sugar a diet high in calcium and low in fiber a diet high in fiber and low in fat and sugar
Alice suffered a minor electrical shock as she switched on her bathroom light. She is concerned and wants to prevent it from happening again.
What should Alice do to prevent getting an electrical shock again?
A Always wear rubber-soled slippers around the house.
B. Cover the bathroom outlets with safety switches.
C. Call an electrician to repair or replace the switch.
Anatomy and Physiology
Alice suffered a minor electrical shock as she switched on her bathroom light. She is concerned and wants to prevent it from happening again. What should Alice do to prevent getting an electrical shock again? A Always wear rubber-soled slippers around the house. B. Cover the bathroom outlets with safety switches. C. Call an electrician to repair or replace the switch.
Locating secondary data on the Internet is relatively easy and as a result researchers can easily determine the source of the data.
Anatomy and Physiology
Locating secondary data on the Internet is relatively easy and as a result researchers can easily determine the source of the data. True False
Of the following sources of secondary data, the least accurate would likely be:
Syndicated Data Providers
Educational Institutions
Blogs and Microsites
Trade Organizations
Anatomy and Physiology
Of the following sources of secondary data, the least accurate would likely be: Syndicated Data Providers Educational Institutions Blogs and Microsites Trade Organizations
Which of the following enzymes are required to build dopamine from tyrosine.
A. monoamine oxidase
B. tyrosine hydroxylase
C. dopa decarboxylase
D. phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase
E. dopamine beta-hydroxylase
Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following enzymes are required to build dopamine from tyrosine. A. monoamine oxidase B. tyrosine hydroxylase C. dopa decarboxylase D. phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase E. dopamine beta-hydroxylase
The key for the caregiver is to be always alert to the physical and mental condition of the client and to report changes and unusual conditions to the supervisor regularly and promptly 
Anatomy and Physiology
The key for the caregiver is to be always alert to the physical and mental condition of the client and to report changes and unusual conditions to the supervisor regularly and promptly True False
Explain how to develop a Win-Win in a team.
Anatomy and Physiology
Explain how to develop a Win-Win in a team.
in the movement from the first picture to the second what is the action at the ankle joint of the foot on top?
Supination of the foot
None of the included answers is correct
Pronation of the foot
Anatomy and Physiology
in the movement from the first picture to the second what is the action at the ankle joint of the foot on top? Supination of the foot inverison None of the included answers is correct Pronation of the foot eversion
Compare the function of a bursa to a meniscus.
A bursa reduces the friction of moving muscles around a joint, a meniscus cushions the joint between
two bones.
A bursa is part of a muscle ligament that connects bones to skeletal muscle.
A meniscus is a fluid-filled bag found in all synovial joints.
A meniscus reduces the friction of moving muscles around a joint, a bursa cushions the joint between two bones.
Anatomy and Physiology
Compare the function of a bursa to a meniscus. A bursa reduces the friction of moving muscles around a joint, a meniscus cushions the joint between two bones. A bursa is part of a muscle ligament that connects bones to skeletal muscle. A meniscus is a fluid-filled bag found in all synovial joints. A meniscus reduces the friction of moving muscles around a joint, a bursa cushions the joint between two bones.