Equilibrium Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium1 lonisation constant of CH3COOH is 1 7 x 10 5 and concentration of H ions is 3 4 x 10 4 Then fin out initial concentration of CH3COOH molecules 1 3 4 x 10 4 2 3 4 x 10 3 3 6 8 x 10 4 4 6 8 10 3

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumIn what mole ratio a mixture of N and NH gases should be taken such that the mole fraction of N at any instant remains constant even after dissociation of NH into N and H A 1 1 B 1 2 C 1 3 D 3 2

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium4 g of solid NaOH was dissolved in water and th solution was made up to 1000 ml The whole this will neutralized completely 1 100 ml of 1 M H SO4 2 20 ml of 2 5 M H SO4 3 20 ml of 1 5 M H SO4 mal

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumFor the reaction N2O4 g 2NO2 g if initially only 4 atm N2O4 is present and at equilibrium total pressure of equilibrium mixture is 6 atm then the value of Kp is 1 2 atm 3 8 atm NCERT Pg 208 2 4 atm 4 16 atm

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium4 0 75 0 25 The dissociation constants for acetic acid and HCN at 25 C are 1 5x10 5 and 4 5x10 10 respectively The equilibrium constant for the equilibrium CN CH3COOHHCN CH COO would be 1 3 0 x 10 5 30 104 Prelims 2009 AIPMT 2 3 0 10 4 4 3 0 105 ont

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumEqual volumes of following solutions are mixed in which case the pH of resulting solution will be average value of pH of two solutions A pH 2 HCl and pH 12 NaOH B pH 2 HCl and pH 4 HC1 C pH 2 HCN and pH 12 NaOH Ka of HCN 10 0 D pH 5 CH3COOH and pH 9 NH3 aq Ka CH3COOH Kb NH3 aq

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium2 An ideal gas in a thermally insulated vessel at internal pressure P volume V and absolute temperature T expands irreversibly against zero external pressure as shown in the diagram The final internal pressure volume and absolute temperature of gas are P2 V and T2 respectively For this expansion Pext 0 P V T Irreversible Thermal insulation Pext 0 P2 V2 T2

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumThe solubility product of BaCl2 is 4 x 109 what will be solubility in mol litre 1 3 4 Correct Answer 3 Your Answer 4 Status incorrect 4x10 3 3 2 10 9 1 10 3 1 10 9 Add to Bookmark List Volume of solution by mixing 40 ml CC14 and 50 ml benzene will be Your Answer 3

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumDensity of aqueous solution of 4 by strength NaOH solution is 1 04g mL then molality or solution is 1 04g mL aferer 4 1 1 m 2 1m 3 1m 4 Can t predic NaOH

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumThermal decomposition of gaseous HI obey following rate law 2HI g H g 1 g Rate kP If the reaction starts with PHI 150 torr then total pressure at half life of the reaction will be in torr

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumView In English A buffer solution of pH 9 80 is to be prepared from 1M NH4Cl and 1M NH3 solution pKb of NH3 is 4 74 In 1 litre of the buffer solution volume of NH4Cl is log 0 28 0 54 1 2 3 orrect Answer 4 200 ml 775 ml 500 ml 225 ml

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriumblz explain this the given answer was 6 Out of following how many mixtures are buffers solution i NaCN 0 5 mole ii NaCN 0 5 moles HCN 0 5 moles iii NH3 1 mole NH4Cl 1 mole iv CH3COOH 1 mole NaOH 0 75 moles v NH4Cl 1 mole NaOH 0 75 moles vi CH3COONa 0 5 moles HCI 0 25 mole vii H CO3 1 mole NaOH 1 5 moles

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium133 The value of equilibrium constant of the reaction HI g H g 1 is 8 Then find equilibrium constant of the reaction H g 1 9 2HI g 1 3 18 2 16 4 1 16

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumFor the reaction 2HI g H g 1 g The degree of dissociation a of HI g is related to equilibrium constant Kp by the expression Question Type Single Correct Type 1 2 1 2 Kp 2 1 2Kp 2 2Kp

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumA mixture of N and H is caused to react in a closed container to form NH3 The reaction ceases before either reactant has been totally consumed At this stage 2 moles each of N H and NH3 are present Then the weight of N and H present originally were respectively 1 112 g and 8 g 3 84 g and 8 g 2 84 g and 10 g 4 112 g and 10 g

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumAn ammonia ammonium chloride buffer has a pH value of 9 with NH3 0 25M What will be the new pH if 500 ml 0 1 M KOH is added to 200 ml buffer solution K 2 105 log2 0 3 A 8 4 B 9 6 C 5 6 D 4 4

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriumen B and B 4 All the above statements are correct 4 70 If the concentration of Cro ion in a saturated solution 70 fe faca of silver chromate is 2 x 10 M Find solubility product of silver chromate 1 4 x 10 8 2 8 x 10 12 3 32 x 10 12 4 6 x 10 12 When white phosphorus faca Croa 2 10 Mat fan it factual 1 4 x 10 8 2 8 x 10 12 3 32 x 10 12 4 6 x 10 12

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumWhen 1 mol of A g is introduced in a closed rigid 1 litre vessel maintained at constant temperature the following equilibria are established A g B g C g C g D g B g The pressure K K at equilibrium is twice the initial pressure Calculate the value of if

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumFor the reaction A g B g at 495 K A Go 9 478 kJ mol 1 If we start the reaction in a closed container at 495 K with 22 millimoles of A the amount of B is the equilibrium mixture is millimoles Round off to the Nearest Integer R 8 314 J mol 1 K 1 ln 10 2 3031

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium4 glucose and galactose in equimolar amounts 4 si T 141 40 mL sample of 0 1 M solution of nitric acid is added to 20 141 40 mL 0 1 M 20 mL 0 3 Malf fac mL of 0 3 M aqueous ammonia What is the pH of the face pH resulting soution pKb of NH OH 4 74 1 5 05 2 9 95 3 8 95 4 8 56 NH OH pk 4 74 1 5 05 2 9 95 3 8 95 4 8 56

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumIn the Kjeldahl s method of estimation of nitrogen NH3 evolved from 0 25 g of organic compound neutralized 50 mL of 0 2 M HCI The percentage of nitrogen in the organic compound is 1 28 2 56 3 67 4 72

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumHow many mL of a 0 175 M FeCl solution are needed to make 250 mL of a solution that is 0 300 M in CH ion A 0 429 mL B 143 mL C 429 mL D It is not possible to make a more concentrated solution from a less concentrated solution igit

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium86 What is the pH of a solution of 0 28 M acid and 0 84 M of its conjugate base if the ionization constant of acid is 4 x 10 4 a 3 88 b 3 34 c 7 d 10 12 87 The toxic compound 2 4 dinitrophenol has K 104 In an experiment a buffer solution

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium9 56 c 8 96 d 9 26 84 H CO3 NaHCO 3 found in blood helps in maintaining pH of the blood close to 7 4 An exce of acid entering the blood stream is removed by a HCO3 b H CO3 d CO ion 85 100 mL of 0 02 M benzoic acid nk c H ion

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriumb 3 4 75 What will be the pH and a degree of hydrolysis respectively for the salt BA of 0 1 M concentration Given K for HA 10 6 and K for BOH 106 a a 5 1 7 10 c 9 0 01 d 7 0 01 6 The percentage degree of hydrolysis of a salt of weak acid HA and weak base BOH in its

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium1 H PO4 is a weak triprotic acid approximate pH of 0 1 M Na HPO4 aq is calculated by d pK pK a2 c pK PK 3 42 0 pK PK2 b pK a PK 3 Which of the following is a buffer solution

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriumc d 10 12 87 The toxic compound 2 4 dinitrophenol has K 104 In an experiment a buffer solution of 2 4 dinitrophenol was prepared with the pH adjusted to 5 Calculate the ratio of th concentrations of the dissociated ion to the undissociated acid a 0 01 b 0 1 c 10 d 100 88 Equilibrium constant for the followi

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriuma 1M NaA b 1M NaB c 1M NaC 72 Calculate H at equivalent point between titration of 0 1 M 25 mL of weak acid HA Ka HA 10 5 with 0 05 M NaOH solution b 1 732 x 10 a 3 10 c 8 d 10 3 When a salt of weak and and work baco is dissolved in water at 25 C the pH of the resultin

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium79 Calculate the pH at 25 C of a solution that is 0 10 M in Fe NO3 3 The acid dissociatio constant for the reaction given below is 1 0 x 10 3 Fe H O 6 H O l b 2 02 a 2 00 H3O aq Fe H O 5 OH c 2 30 d 2 50

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium7 What is the hydronium ion concentration of a 0 02 M solution of Cu2 solution of copper II perchlorate The acidity constant of the following reaction is 5 10 9 Cu OH aq H3O aq c 5 x 10 4 a 1x 10 5 2 Cu aq 2H O 1 b 7 10 4 d 1x 10 4

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriumc be less than 7 depend upon Ka and K value 74 What will be the pH of an aqueous solution of 1 0 M ammonium formate Given pK 3 8 and pK 4 8 a b a 7 5 b 3 4 c 6 5 d 10 2 5 What will be the pH and a degree of hydrolysis respectively for the salt 6 10 concentrati TT DOTT 6

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium78 What is the acidity constant for the following reaction given that the hydronium ion of a 0 04 M solution of Ni2 solution of nickel II perchlorate is 4 5 10 concentration Ni 2 aq 2H O l b 4x10 6 70 a 2x10 12 Calculate the IT rec of leati Ni OH aq H3O aq c 5 x 10 12 in 0 10 Min Fa NO 5x10 10 The s 1 dissociati

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium6 For the reaction A g 2B g Kp 8 atm if initially 4 atm of gas A is present then total pressure at equilibrium is 1 2 atm 3 6 atm 2 4 atm 4 8 atm

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumDivide your answer by 10 60 Enthalpy for the reaction Ag aq Br aq AgBr s is 90 kJ Magnitude of enthalpy of formation of Ag aq and Br aq are in the ratio 5 6 Formation of Ag aq is an endothermic process whereas formation of Br is an exothermic process Enthalpy of formation of AgBr is 110 kJ mol The enthalpy of formation of Ag aq will be kJ mol

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumFor the given equilibrium ENOCI g 2NO g Cl g The value of the equilibrium constant Ke at 100 K is 3 x 10 The value of K for the satur reaction at 1000 K is 10 25 2 0 025 3 2 5 4 25 HGEO03 Question Type MCQ Question 10 190012 Optu 110 1902885 Option 210 15000 Option 310 15000 Op 01900091 States Answered Chosen Oefen 1

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumSuppose we have the following chemical reactions B X 2X occurs at rate k1 X Y 2Y occurs at rate k2 Y D occurs at rate k3 where B is a constant reactant and the production of X is density dependent carrying capacity C What is the system of ODEs that describes these reactions

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumQ 30 75 A very dilute saturated solution of a sparingly soluble salt AB has a vapour pressure of 20 mm of Hg at temperature T while pure water exerts a pressure of 20 0108 mm Hg at the same temperature Calculate the solubility product constant of AB 2 at the same temperature 10 10 4x10 6

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium33 The equilibriurn constants for the following reactions at 1400 K are given 2H O g 2H2 g O g K 2 1 10 13 2CO2 g 2CO g 0 g K 1 4 10 12 Then the equilibrium constant K for the reaction H2 g CO2 g CO g H O is A 2 04 B 20 5 C 2 6 D 8 4 ADITYA TALENT SCHOO

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumA groundwater sample 1 liter with a pH 8 3 and an alkalinity of 100 mg CaCO3 L is titrated with 0 1 M HCl to a measured pH of 6 0 What is the alkalinity of the titrated groundwater at a pH 6 0

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumDefine Le Chatelier s Principle in your words What will happen if A we increase the amount of reactants B decrease the overall pressure of the reaction mixture at equilibrium Give examples to explain that

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumWhich of the following is INCORRECT statement O In adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas temperature of system always decrease O In isothermal expansion of an ideal gas temperature of a gas always remains constant O In a reversible adiabatic compression of an ideal gas change in entropy of system is zero In an irreversible adiabatic compression of an ideal gas change in entropy of system is positive

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriuma 6 90 When a 20 mL of 0 08 M weak base BOH is titrated with 0 08 M HCl the pH of the solution at the end point is 5 What will be the pOH if 10 mL of 0 04 M NaOH is added to the resulting solution 10 log 0 30 and log 3 0 48

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumThe reaction below has an equilibrium constant of K 4 253 x 10 What is the concentration of Cleq at equilibrium when the initial concentrations are A 1 00 M B 2 00 M and C 0 00M A B 2C

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium58 For following two gaseous reactions SO g O g SO3 g K 2SO3 g 2SO g O g K If K 4 x 10 3 then K will be A 8 x 10 3 C 6 25 x 108 B 6 25 x 104 D 8 x 104

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium9 K and K are equilibrium constant for reactions i and ii N2 g O2 g NO g a K K c K 1 7 2 2NO g N2 g 0 0 O2 g b K K d K K i ii 1989

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium4 A H 0 and AS 0 3 If equilibrium constant is 2 atm at 300 K then the standard free energy change at 300 K and 1 atm pressure is NCERT Pg 187 1 1728 9 J mol 2 1728 9 J mol 3 309 J mol 1 4 309 J mol In which of the following entropy decreases NCERT Pg 183 1 CaCO3 s CaO s CO2 g 2 2H a H g 2 Entropy 3 Internal en 4 Enthalpy 13 10 mol of id isothermally f work done du 1 1 91 kJ 3 19 1 kJ 14 If ArH of A

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium1 94 At 80 C distilled water has H3O concentration equal to 1 x 10 6 mole litre The value of K at this temperature will be a 1 10 2 c 1 x 10 6 b 1 10 15 d 1 10 1994 9 J 95 According to Le Chatelier s principle adding heat to a solid and liquid in equilibrium will reac a

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumJ Asp 1 Which is are correct statement s about the solubility of AgCl s Given Ksp AgCl 10 0 K Ag NH3 2 108 a Solubility of AgCl in pure water is 10 5 gm litre b Solubility of AgCl in 2 M KBr is 10 5 mol litre c Solubility of AgCl in 2 M AgNO3 is 5 10 M d Solubility of AgCl in 2M NH 3 is 0 166 M 1 toujor Istra a l Til M

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium3 The solubility product of CuS Ag2S and H are 1031 104 and 10 54 respectively Th solubilities of these sulphides are in the orde a HgS Ag S CuS b CuS Ag S HgS c Ag S CuS HgS d AgS HgS CuS 1997 4 The equilibrium constant for the reaction N 3H ONLL