Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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Question 18 Points 2 Which of the following is an example of a triadic sentence We operate under a jury system in this country and as much as we complain about it we have to admit that we know of no better system except possibly tipping a coin Dave Barry Dave Barry s Guide to Marriage and or Sex 1987 If a man does not keep pace with his companions perhaps is because he hears a different drummer Henry David Thoreau Walden 1854 when i quote others I do so in order to express my own ideas more clearly Michel de Montagner Every gun that is made every warship launched every rocket tired signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed those who are cold and are not clothed This world in arms is not spending money alone it is spending the sweat of its laborers the genius of its scientists the hopes of its children President Dwight Eisenhower
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Question 18 Points 2 Which of the following is an example of a triadic sentence We operate under a jury system in this country and as much as we complain about it we have to admit that we know of no better system except possibly tipping a coin Dave Barry Dave Barry s Guide to Marriage and or Sex 1987 If a man does not keep pace with his companions perhaps is because he hears a different drummer Henry David Thoreau Walden 1854 when i quote others I do so in order to express my own ideas more clearly Michel de Montagner Every gun that is made every warship launched every rocket tired signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed those who are cold and are not clothed This world in arms is not spending money alone it is spending the sweat of its laborers the genius of its scientists the hopes of its children President Dwight Eisenhower
Question 8 Points 2 Read the following lines from Twelfth Night Orsino Why so I do the noblest that I have O when mine eyes did see Olivia first Methought she purg d the air of pestilence That instant was I turn d into a hart What is the figurative language used in the lines above Simile O Metaphor
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 8 Points 2 Read the following lines from Twelfth Night Orsino Why so I do the noblest that I have O when mine eyes did see Olivia first Methought she purg d the air of pestilence That instant was I turn d into a hart What is the figurative language used in the lines above Simile O Metaphor
Question 7 Choose the correct answer Points 1 Every author has a unique Olanguage O accent modulation O style that is reflected in the words that the author uses
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 7 Choose the correct answer Points 1 Every author has a unique Olanguage O accent modulation O style that is reflected in the words that the author uses
Question 5 Choose the correct answer Points 2 The language of a play may use many of the same devices writers use in metaphors and imagery to communicate ideas O poetry O costume design literature man you want to do q None of the choices like sir
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 5 Choose the correct answer Points 2 The language of a play may use many of the same devices writers use in metaphors and imagery to communicate ideas O poetry O costume design literature man you want to do q None of the choices like sir
My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Question 3 Points 2 Read the selection and answer the question that follows Ted trudged slowly home his head hanging low a football helmet dangling from his hands It was late in the afternoon school had been out for hours But today was tryout day for the football team and Ted s dad expected him to try out The trouble was Ted s dad also expected him to make the team He was always telling Ted that he was going to be the star player How was Ted going to tell him he didn t make the team at all Ted felt sadness disappointment and anxiety swirl together inside him as he neared his house He was really upset that he didn t make the team But even more than that he was scared about how his dad would react Ted saw his dad in the front yard tossing a football around He searched the words to break the news gently but came up blank But it didn t matter As soon as his dad saw him he knew But the anger and frustration Ted expected didn t happen Instead his dad smiled warmly and put his arms around Ted and gave him a hug Then he asked his son Want to toss the ball around
Anatomy and Physiology
My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Question 3 Points 2 Read the selection and answer the question that follows Ted trudged slowly home his head hanging low a football helmet dangling from his hands It was late in the afternoon school had been out for hours But today was tryout day for the football team and Ted s dad expected him to try out The trouble was Ted s dad also expected him to make the team He was always telling Ted that he was going to be the star player How was Ted going to tell him he didn t make the team at all Ted felt sadness disappointment and anxiety swirl together inside him as he neared his house He was really upset that he didn t make the team But even more than that he was scared about how his dad would react Ted saw his dad in the front yard tossing a football around He searched the words to break the news gently but came up blank But it didn t matter As soon as his dad saw him he knew But the anger and frustration Ted expected didn t happen Instead his dad smiled warmly and put his arms around Ted and gave him a hug Then he asked his son Want to toss the ball around
Question 6 Choose the correct answer Points 2 refers to the playwright or director s attitude toward their audience O Tone Mood Soliloquy Language
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Question 6 Choose the correct answer Points 2 refers to the playwright or director s attitude toward their audience O Tone Mood Soliloquy Language
Course Porttest Question 2 Points 2 Which of the following can be inferred on the commonalities between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth Dimmesdale and Chillingworth claim that Hester belongs to them Dimmesdale and Chillingworth conceal their relationship with Hester and make her the sole sufferer O Dimmesdale and Chillingworth revealed their guilt and proved that Hester is innocent Dimmesdale and Chillingworth were ready to suffer any punishment for Hester
Anatomy and Physiology
Course Porttest Question 2 Points 2 Which of the following can be inferred on the commonalities between Dimmesdale and Chillingworth Dimmesdale and Chillingworth claim that Hester belongs to them Dimmesdale and Chillingworth conceal their relationship with Hester and make her the sole sufferer O Dimmesdale and Chillingworth revealed their guilt and proved that Hester is innocent Dimmesdale and Chillingworth were ready to suffer any punishment for Hester
GradeResults bath House JU 1 Row Diamond W My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Question 4 Points 3 Which of the following statements about theme is true Theme is a statement about life O Theme is the same in every story O Each story has one major and one minor theme Themes are found only in Romantic literature 101 Dalmatia
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
GradeResults bath House JU 1 Row Diamond W My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Question 4 Points 3 Which of the following statements about theme is true Theme is a statement about life O Theme is the same in every story O Each story has one major and one minor theme Themes are found only in Romantic literature 101 Dalmatia
Course Posttest Question 11 Points 1 What physical deformity did Hester s husband have He does not have one foot One of his shoulders was higher than the other He does not have fingers in his one hand His nose was crooked
Anatomy and Physiology
Course Posttest Question 11 Points 1 What physical deformity did Hester s husband have He does not have one foot One of his shoulders was higher than the other He does not have fingers in his one hand His nose was crooked
Question 28 IS Points 2 My Activities Tell me what you want to do a Read the following extract from Federalist Paper 10 by James Madison and answer the question that follows AMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice He will not fail therefore to set a due value on any plan which without violating the principles to which he is attached provides a proper cure for it The instability injustice and confusion introduced into the public councils have in truth been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished as they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious declamations In Federalist Paper 10 Madison explores only the majority rule
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Question 28 IS Points 2 My Activities Tell me what you want to do a Read the following extract from Federalist Paper 10 by James Madison and answer the question that follows AMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction The friend of popular governments never finds himself so much alarmed for their character and fate as when he contemplates their propensity to this dangerous vice He will not fail therefore to set a due value on any plan which without violating the principles to which he is attached provides a proper cure for it The instability injustice and confusion introduced into the public councils have in truth been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have everywhere perished as they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from which the adversaries to liberty derive their most specious declamations In Federalist Paper 10 Madison explores only the majority rule
What is the conclusion of the following argument Premise 1 The person with the lowest handicap is the best bowler on the team Premise 2 Charlie has the lowest handicap on the team Conclusion Charlie is the best bowler on the team O Invalid and unsound O Invalid Valid and unsound Sound and valid
Anatomy and Physiology
What is the conclusion of the following argument Premise 1 The person with the lowest handicap is the best bowler on the team Premise 2 Charlie has the lowest handicap on the team Conclusion Charlie is the best bowler on the team O Invalid and unsound O Invalid Valid and unsound Sound and valid
Following is the sentence taken from a letter Read the lines and identify its point of view I hope you are doing well At the outset I would first want to share my note of thanks for providing me an opportunity to think over a business initiative that has not struck me so far First person point of view O Second person point of view Third person limited point of view O Third person omniscient point of view
Anatomy and Physiology
Following is the sentence taken from a letter Read the lines and identify its point of view I hope you are doing well At the outset I would first want to share my note of thanks for providing me an opportunity to think over a business initiative that has not struck me so far First person point of view O Second person point of view Third person limited point of view O Third person omniscient point of view
O Invalid and sound Question 29 Points 2 Which of the following is not a possible outcome of an argument analysis O Invalid and unsound O Valid and sound My Activities O Valid and unsound Tell me what you want to do Q
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
O Invalid and sound Question 29 Points 2 Which of the following is not a possible outcome of an argument analysis O Invalid and unsound O Valid and sound My Activities O Valid and unsound Tell me what you want to do Q
GradeResults My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Question 27 Points 2 Read the following extract from Federalist Paper 10 by James Madison and answer the question that follows The smaller the society the fewer probably will be the distinct parties and interests composing it the fewer the distinct parties and interests the more frequently will a majority be found of the same party and the smaller the number of individuals composing a majority and the smaller the compass within which they are placed the more easily will they concert and execute their plans of oppression The use of double comparative is to O emphasize that smaller areas fight against a faction emphasize how larger areas will protect against motives of infringement emphasize the importance of faction
Anatomy and Physiology
GradeResults My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Question 27 Points 2 Read the following extract from Federalist Paper 10 by James Madison and answer the question that follows The smaller the society the fewer probably will be the distinct parties and interests composing it the fewer the distinct parties and interests the more frequently will a majority be found of the same party and the smaller the number of individuals composing a majority and the smaller the compass within which they are placed the more easily will they concert and execute their plans of oppression The use of double comparative is to O emphasize that smaller areas fight against a faction emphasize how larger areas will protect against motives of infringement emphasize the importance of faction
GradeResulls Question 26 Points 2 Monarchy Read the following extract from Common Sense by Thomas Paine and answer the question that follows that it preserves a nation from civil wars and were this true it would be weighty whereas it is the most barefaced falsity ever imposed upon mankind it refers to Hereditary succession Rule by a few My Activities O Democracy Tell me what you want to do Q
Anatomy and Physiology
GradeResulls Question 26 Points 2 Monarchy Read the following extract from Common Sense by Thomas Paine and answer the question that follows that it preserves a nation from civil wars and were this true it would be weighty whereas it is the most barefaced falsity ever imposed upon mankind it refers to Hereditary succession Rule by a few My Activities O Democracy Tell me what you want to do Q
2 Excerpt from the Book Your Dream Job and How to Find It You will see that there are more jobs in the world than you ever thought possible Many of these jobs may be right for you The whole world beckons to you Don t be afraid to dream Consider the endless possibilities Do you love the beach There are professional sand sculptors Do your friends scold you for being nosy You could be a private investigator You can train animals design roller coasters or become a daredevil stunt double You can direct movies perform stunts fly planes or tame lions Here s something to make you think if you start working when you re 21 and work until you re 65 you could spend over 85 000 hours working If work is going to take up so much of your life you may as well love what you do What does this excerpt strongly encourage O Choosing your dream job
Anatomy and Physiology
2 Excerpt from the Book Your Dream Job and How to Find It You will see that there are more jobs in the world than you ever thought possible Many of these jobs may be right for you The whole world beckons to you Don t be afraid to dream Consider the endless possibilities Do you love the beach There are professional sand sculptors Do your friends scold you for being nosy You could be a private investigator You can train animals design roller coasters or become a daredevil stunt double You can direct movies perform stunts fly planes or tame lions Here s something to make you think if you start working when you re 21 and work until you re 65 you could spend over 85 000 hours working If work is going to take up so much of your life you may as well love what you do What does this excerpt strongly encourage O Choosing your dream job
Fill in the blank To infer a detail in a text you should O read the last part of the text read between the lines O analyze the introduction O read the summary of the text Complete Later Complete
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Fill in the blank To infer a detail in a text you should O read the last part of the text read between the lines O analyze the introduction O read the summary of the text Complete Later Complete
eResulls Points 2 Question 32 Read the excerpt from the poem The Brooke by Alfred Lord Tennyson and answer the question that follows With many a curve my banks I fret By many a field and fallow And many a fairy foreland set With willow weed and mallow My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Which among the following phrases words help identify the point of view of this excerpt By many
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
eResulls Points 2 Question 32 Read the excerpt from the poem The Brooke by Alfred Lord Tennyson and answer the question that follows With many a curve my banks I fret By many a field and fallow And many a fairy foreland set With willow weed and mallow My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Which among the following phrases words help identify the point of view of this excerpt By many
GradeResults My Activities Points 2 Read the following extract from the essay Common Sense by Thomas Paine and answer the question that follows The sun never shined on a cause of greater worth The word cause here refers to Question 25 Othe Declaration of Independence the continental union faith and honor end of monarchial rule O the Republican government Tell me what you want to do Q
Anatomy and Physiology
GradeResults My Activities Points 2 Read the following extract from the essay Common Sense by Thomas Paine and answer the question that follows The sun never shined on a cause of greater worth The word cause here refers to Question 25 Othe Declaration of Independence the continental union faith and honor end of monarchial rule O the Republican government Tell me what you want to do Q
GradeResults Question 24 Points 2 What type of statement is used in the following sentence from the essay Society and Solitude by Ralph Waldo Emerson A man must be clothed with society or we shall feel a certain bareness and poverty O Metaphorical statement Rhetorical statement My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Factual statement O None of the choices
Anatomy and Physiology
GradeResults Question 24 Points 2 What type of statement is used in the following sentence from the essay Society and Solitude by Ralph Waldo Emerson A man must be clothed with society or we shall feel a certain bareness and poverty O Metaphorical statement Rhetorical statement My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q Factual statement O None of the choices
GradeResulls Question 20 My Activities tell me what you want Points 2 Read the text and answer the question that follows Human beings can hear sound frequencies ranging from 20Hz to 20 000Hz However the upper limit generally decreases with age Other animals can perceive vibrations higher than 20 000 Hz For example a dog s frequency range extends higher than 20 000 Hz Which among the following cannot be concluded from the above paragraph O Hearing ability differs among the animal kingdom Many animals can hear more sounds than a human does O Hearing ability is not the same during one s lifetime O Animals can hear things that humans can t hear
Anatomy and Physiology
GradeResulls Question 20 My Activities tell me what you want Points 2 Read the text and answer the question that follows Human beings can hear sound frequencies ranging from 20Hz to 20 000Hz However the upper limit generally decreases with age Other animals can perceive vibrations higher than 20 000 Hz For example a dog s frequency range extends higher than 20 000 Hz Which among the following cannot be concluded from the above paragraph O Hearing ability differs among the animal kingdom Many animals can hear more sounds than a human does O Hearing ability is not the same during one s lifetime O Animals can hear things that humans can t hear
Paraphrasing inferring and summarizing Ohelp in writing an informational text Ohelp in comprehending informational texts O help in concluding informational texts O help in understanding the meaning of difficult words
Anatomy and Physiology
Paraphrasing inferring and summarizing Ohelp in writing an informational text Ohelp in comprehending informational texts O help in concluding informational texts O help in understanding the meaning of difficult words
questio that folloW 1 Excerpt from the Book Which Way Now Creative Career Choices a Flowchart Start Here High School Internships Art School College Service Industry Personal Services Animals Visual Arts Performing Arts Fashionvinterior Sciences Engineering Humanbos H Food Health Fitness Events Administration Animal care Animal Training Scupture Graphic Design Fim Fashion Design Christy Engineering An History Chef Cake decorator Food Stylat Personal Trainer Massage Therapist Fitness Instructor Event Planner Wedding Consultant Personal Assistant Dog Groomer Kennel Staff Dog Cat Handler Wid Animal Trainer Sand Sculptor loe Scuptor Graphic Designer Web Designer Actor Director Cinematographer Costume Designer Window Dresser Personal Stylist Pytotechnics Engineer Aeronautical Engineer Demctbonist Architect Museum Curador Spots ter Restaurant Cmx
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
questio that folloW 1 Excerpt from the Book Which Way Now Creative Career Choices a Flowchart Start Here High School Internships Art School College Service Industry Personal Services Animals Visual Arts Performing Arts Fashionvinterior Sciences Engineering Humanbos H Food Health Fitness Events Administration Animal care Animal Training Scupture Graphic Design Fim Fashion Design Christy Engineering An History Chef Cake decorator Food Stylat Personal Trainer Massage Therapist Fitness Instructor Event Planner Wedding Consultant Personal Assistant Dog Groomer Kennel Staff Dog Cat Handler Wid Animal Trainer Sand Sculptor loe Scuptor Graphic Designer Web Designer Actor Director Cinematographer Costume Designer Window Dresser Personal Stylist Pytotechnics Engineer Aeronautical Engineer Demctbonist Architect Museum Curador Spots ter Restaurant Cmx
Reader the following sentence and choose the correct answer The beam of light was as bright as the sun This is an example of a n O persuasive writing O onomatopoeia O analogy allusion
Anatomy and Physiology
Reader the following sentence and choose the correct answer The beam of light was as bright as the sun This is an example of a n O persuasive writing O onomatopoeia O analogy allusion
Question 35 Points 2 Before President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 he said which of these statements We believe that all men are created equal yet many are denied equal treatment We believe that all men have O certain inalienable rights We believe that all men are entitled to the blessings of liberty yet millions are being deprived of those blessings not because of their own failures but because of the color of their skins This bill will strike away the last major shackle of African Americans ancient bonds That elections ought to be free and that all men have the right of suffrage and cannot be taxed or deprived of their property for public uses without their own consent Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 35 Points 2 Before President Lyndon B Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 he said which of these statements We believe that all men are created equal yet many are denied equal treatment We believe that all men have O certain inalienable rights We believe that all men are entitled to the blessings of liberty yet millions are being deprived of those blessings not because of their own failures but because of the color of their skins This bill will strike away the last major shackle of African Americans ancient bonds That elections ought to be free and that all men have the right of suffrage and cannot be taxed or deprived of their property for public uses without their own consent Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal
17 The spindle apparatus and centrioles are made of A Mocrofilaments B DNA C Ribosomal RNA D Microtubules 9 Which of the following proteins form the icrofilaments A Actin B myosin C dynein D tubulin 18 Cell membrane receptors are usually what type of molecule A Phospholipid B Integral protein C Cholesterol DPeripheral protein 20 Which of the following proteins form the intermediate filaments Actin B desmin tubulin kinezin
Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System
17 The spindle apparatus and centrioles are made of A Mocrofilaments B DNA C Ribosomal RNA D Microtubules 9 Which of the following proteins form the icrofilaments A Actin B myosin C dynein D tubulin 18 Cell membrane receptors are usually what type of molecule A Phospholipid B Integral protein C Cholesterol DPeripheral protein 20 Which of the following proteins form the intermediate filaments Actin B desmin tubulin kinezin
87 Which of the following processes is presented on the histologic slide below A cleavege B gastrulation fertilization D ovulation 88 Which of the following fibers are shown on the histologic slide below collagen fibers Breticular fibers Cellastic fibers Dmuscle fibers 2 Match the following structures with the appropriate label on the scanning electron micrograph below B 89 somites C 90 paraxial mesoderm8 91 notochord A idk
Anatomy and Physiology
87 Which of the following processes is presented on the histologic slide below A cleavege B gastrulation fertilization D ovulation 88 Which of the following fibers are shown on the histologic slide below collagen fibers Breticular fibers Cellastic fibers Dmuscle fibers 2 Match the following structures with the appropriate label on the scanning electron micrograph below B 89 somites C 90 paraxial mesoderm8 91 notochord A idk
91 Which of the following cells is presented on the SEM below A primary oocyte secondary oocyte C oogonia D mature ovum D 92 Which of the following fibers is presented on the histologic slide below A collagen fiber B myelinated nerve fiber C unmylinated nerve fiber D skeletal muscle fiber
Anatomy and Physiology
91 Which of the following cells is presented on the SEM below A primary oocyte secondary oocyte C oogonia D mature ovum D 92 Which of the following fibers is presented on the histologic slide below A collagen fiber B myelinated nerve fiber C unmylinated nerve fiber D skeletal muscle fiber
79 An infant is born with a sacrococcygeal teratoma Biopsy and histologic analysis reveal that it contains intestinal epithelia cardiac muscle cartilage and integument tissue You counsel the mother that the tumor is benign and recommend surgical removal This tumor was caused by which developmental anomaly failure of somite formation B failure of primitive streak formation failure of primitive streak regression D failure of notochord formation 81 Which of the following cells is indicated by the arrow on the histologic slide below A macrophage B mast cell goblet cell D basal cell 80 A 25 year old female pre obstetrican after taking a home pregnancy test with a positive results She states that twins run in her family and would like an ultrasound to determine if she has a twin pregnancy Radiographic studies confirm that the embryo has split at the blastocyst stage Splitting of the embryo at the blastocyst stage results in which of the following conjoined twins B dizygotic twins monozygotic twins D faternal twins 82 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Simple squamous Simple cuboidal C Simple columnar D Pseudostratified DROGE
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
79 An infant is born with a sacrococcygeal teratoma Biopsy and histologic analysis reveal that it contains intestinal epithelia cardiac muscle cartilage and integument tissue You counsel the mother that the tumor is benign and recommend surgical removal This tumor was caused by which developmental anomaly failure of somite formation B failure of primitive streak formation failure of primitive streak regression D failure of notochord formation 81 Which of the following cells is indicated by the arrow on the histologic slide below A macrophage B mast cell goblet cell D basal cell 80 A 25 year old female pre obstetrican after taking a home pregnancy test with a positive results She states that twins run in her family and would like an ultrasound to determine if she has a twin pregnancy Radiographic studies confirm that the embryo has split at the blastocyst stage Splitting of the embryo at the blastocyst stage results in which of the following conjoined twins B dizygotic twins monozygotic twins D faternal twins 82 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Simple squamous Simple cuboidal C Simple columnar D Pseudostratified DROGE
85 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Loose connective B Dense connective irregular C Dense connective regular D nerve tissue 86 On the electronmicrograph below which labe indicates the glycocalix OLANKA
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
85 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Loose connective B Dense connective irregular C Dense connective regular D nerve tissue 86 On the electronmicrograph below which labe indicates the glycocalix OLANKA
55 What is the mature cell in cartilage called Chondrocyte Chondroblast C Ostrocyte D Osteoclast 57 resorb bone produce new bone while A osteoclasts osteocytes osteoblasts osteoclasts C osteoclasts osteoblasts D ostrocytes osteoblasts 59 What is the cylindrical structure in the compact bone A osteold osteon C diploe D bundle 1 What is the outer covering of the bone A parish 56 Functions of bone include all of the following except A storage of mineral and energy reserves B transport of materials production of blood cells D support and protection S8 Which of the following cells is placed in the lacuna A osteoblast osteocyte fibroblast Ebrocyte D 60 What is the newly formed matrix of the bone called 62 A osteon osteold osteoclast woven bone
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
55 What is the mature cell in cartilage called Chondrocyte Chondroblast C Ostrocyte D Osteoclast 57 resorb bone produce new bone while A osteoclasts osteocytes osteoblasts osteoclasts C osteoclasts osteoblasts D ostrocytes osteoblasts 59 What is the cylindrical structure in the compact bone A osteold osteon C diploe D bundle 1 What is the outer covering of the bone A parish 56 Functions of bone include all of the following except A storage of mineral and energy reserves B transport of materials production of blood cells D support and protection S8 Which of the following cells is placed in the lacuna A osteoblast osteocyte fibroblast Ebrocyte D 60 What is the newly formed matrix of the bone called 62 A osteon osteold osteoclast woven bone
83 Which of the following strucutres indicated on the schematic drawing forms glycocalix 2 84 Which of the following types of connective tissue is presented on the histologic slide below A dense regular B reticular D adipose areolar low which labe
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
83 Which of the following strucutres indicated on the schematic drawing forms glycocalix 2 84 Which of the following types of connective tissue is presented on the histologic slide below A dense regular B reticular D adipose areolar low which labe
97 Which of the following organs are lined by 98 The structu the epithelial tissue presented on the histologic histologic slide below is slide below A stomach B trachea bladder oesophagus 99 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Simple squamous B Simple cuboidal Simple columnar D Pseudostratified sta A Mitochondria B Neurofilaments Nissle bodies D Golgi complex 100 Which of the following structures ar shown on the histologic slide below A intersticial lamellae Haversion system C outer generalized lamellae D inner generalized lamellae
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
97 Which of the following organs are lined by 98 The structu the epithelial tissue presented on the histologic histologic slide below is slide below A stomach B trachea bladder oesophagus 99 Which of the following tissues is presented on the histologic slide below A Simple squamous B Simple cuboidal Simple columnar D Pseudostratified sta A Mitochondria B Neurofilaments Nissle bodies D Golgi complex 100 Which of the following structures ar shown on the histologic slide below A intersticial lamellae Haversion system C outer generalized lamellae D inner generalized lamellae
D collagen elastic and reticular fibers 37 Which of the following connective tissue cells produces the organic components of the ground substance A fibroblast B plasma cell C mast cell D macrophage 39 What type of tissue is a ligament composed of A mucous connective tissue B dense irregular connective tissue C dense regular connective tissue D cartilage 38 The only type of cell seen in a dense connective tissue is A muscle fibers B reticular cells C collagenous cells D fibroblasts 40 Which of the following cells produces the antibodies A fibroblast B fibrocyte C plasma cell mast cell
Anatomy and Physiology
D collagen elastic and reticular fibers 37 Which of the following connective tissue cells produces the organic components of the ground substance A fibroblast B plasma cell C mast cell D macrophage 39 What type of tissue is a ligament composed of A mucous connective tissue B dense irregular connective tissue C dense regular connective tissue D cartilage 38 The only type of cell seen in a dense connective tissue is A muscle fibers B reticular cells C collagenous cells D fibroblasts 40 Which of the following cells produces the antibodies A fibroblast B fibrocyte C plasma cell mast cell
41 Which of the flowing can be characterized as a connective the propert A Alpose cage C be 43 which lowing types of the is rich in proteoglycan repation A Loose denne regular Chole cartilage 45 thach type of the collagen is found in the membrane IN V 42 which of the following cells stor A fibroblast hrocyte adipocyte Dmast cell 8 44 Which of the following types of the connective tissue is involved in nutrition A Loose B dense regular C dense irregular Dadipose 46 Functions of cartilage include which of the following A supporting soft tissues providing a gliding surface at articulations C providing a model of most bones D all of the above 18 Which type of cartilage is characterized by Lah bundles of collagen
Anatomy and Physiology
41 Which of the flowing can be characterized as a connective the propert A Alpose cage C be 43 which lowing types of the is rich in proteoglycan repation A Loose denne regular Chole cartilage 45 thach type of the collagen is found in the membrane IN V 42 which of the following cells stor A fibroblast hrocyte adipocyte Dmast cell 8 44 Which of the following types of the connective tissue is involved in nutrition A Loose B dense regular C dense irregular Dadipose 46 Functions of cartilage include which of the following A supporting soft tissues providing a gliding surface at articulations C providing a model of most bones D all of the above 18 Which type of cartilage is characterized by Lah bundles of collagen
D Repair of cell membrane damage 7 Which of the following structure function pairs is correct A Microtubule low resistence pathway between adjacent cells B Ribosome location of steroid synthesis C Inner mitochondrial membrane site of electron transport system D Golgi apparatus mitochondrial formation D Which of the following is not true of the lasma membrane A contains receptors for communication B forms intercellular connections C is a rigid sheet of molecules with little flexibility D regulates material movement into and out of the cell D lysosomes 8 Which of the following events occurs during telophase of mitosis A Chromatids separate R Chromosomes coil Nuclear envelope disappears Chromosomes uncoil OR A 10 Which of the following structure function pairs is correct A SER ribosome formation B Golgi apparatus protein synthesis C Microtubule electron transport system D lysosomes intracellular digestion
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
D Repair of cell membrane damage 7 Which of the following structure function pairs is correct A Microtubule low resistence pathway between adjacent cells B Ribosome location of steroid synthesis C Inner mitochondrial membrane site of electron transport system D Golgi apparatus mitochondrial formation D Which of the following is not true of the lasma membrane A contains receptors for communication B forms intercellular connections C is a rigid sheet of molecules with little flexibility D regulates material movement into and out of the cell D lysosomes 8 Which of the following events occurs during telophase of mitosis A Chromatids separate R Chromosomes coil Nuclear envelope disappears Chromosomes uncoil OR A 10 Which of the following structure function pairs is correct A SER ribosome formation B Golgi apparatus protein synthesis C Microtubule electron transport system D lysosomes intracellular digestion
13 Oxytocin is hormone of A Adenohypophysis B Adrenal cortex Neurohypophysis D Thyroid gland 5 choose one correct answer thyroid gland A is composed of rounded epithelial structures called thyroid follicles B synthesizethyroxine tetra iodothyronine or T4 and tri iodothyronine T3 C a central lumen is filled with a gelatinous substance called colloid 9 all of them are correct 14 Steroid hormone secreting cells do not store their product in granules is description of A Adenohypophysis Adrenal cortex C Neurohypophysis D Parathyroid gland 16 Two types of cells presented in parathyroid glands are A chief cells and oxyphilic cells B Follicular and parafollicular cells C chromophils and chromophobes D basophils and acidophils
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
13 Oxytocin is hormone of A Adenohypophysis B Adrenal cortex Neurohypophysis D Thyroid gland 5 choose one correct answer thyroid gland A is composed of rounded epithelial structures called thyroid follicles B synthesizethyroxine tetra iodothyronine or T4 and tri iodothyronine T3 C a central lumen is filled with a gelatinous substance called colloid 9 all of them are correct 14 Steroid hormone secreting cells do not store their product in granules is description of A Adenohypophysis Adrenal cortex C Neurohypophysis D Parathyroid gland 16 Two types of cells presented in parathyroid glands are A chief cells and oxyphilic cells B Follicular and parafollicular cells C chromophils and chromophobes D basophils and acidophils
9 all of them are correct 17 vascular middle layer of eye consists of A choroid B ciliary body C iris D cornea 9 organ of Corti is located in cochlear duct B semicircular duct C utricle D saccule 18 Fibrous tunicof eye is composed of dense connective tissue B loose connective tissue C smooth muscle D epithelial tissue 20 choose one incorrect answer for maintaining upright posture and balance receptors are locatec in Asemicircular duct B utricle C cochlear duct D saccule
Anatomy and Physiology
9 all of them are correct 17 vascular middle layer of eye consists of A choroid B ciliary body C iris D cornea 9 organ of Corti is located in cochlear duct B semicircular duct C utricle D saccule 18 Fibrous tunicof eye is composed of dense connective tissue B loose connective tissue C smooth muscle D epithelial tissue 20 choose one incorrect answer for maintaining upright posture and balance receptors are locatec in Asemicircular duct B utricle C cochlear duct D saccule
17 The mitotic spindle and centrioles are made of 18 DNA is replicated during the G phase of interphase A microfilaments B intermediate filaments B the S phase of interphase C lamins C anaphase of mitosis D microtubules D prophase of mitosis 19 Which of the following is not a membraneous 20 Which organelle contains digestive enzymes organelle Alysosomes A lysosomes B peroxisomes ribosomes D mitochondria B peroxisomes C mitochondria D endoplasmic reticulum
Anatomy and Physiology
17 The mitotic spindle and centrioles are made of 18 DNA is replicated during the G phase of interphase A microfilaments B intermediate filaments B the S phase of interphase C lamins C anaphase of mitosis D microtubules D prophase of mitosis 19 Which of the following is not a membraneous 20 Which organelle contains digestive enzymes organelle Alysosomes A lysosomes B peroxisomes ribosomes D mitochondria B peroxisomes C mitochondria D endoplasmic reticulum
5 Which of the following cells is presented on the electron micrograph bellow A Steroid secreting cell Cell involved in protein synthesis C Cell involved in transport of ions D Dividing cell 6 Which of the following proteins forms the structure presented on the electron micrograph below Myosin Tubulin C Actin D Kinesin
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
5 Which of the following cells is presented on the electron micrograph bellow A Steroid secreting cell Cell involved in protein synthesis C Cell involved in transport of ions D Dividing cell 6 Which of the following proteins forms the structure presented on the electron micrograph below Myosin Tubulin C Actin D Kinesin
67 In compact bone blood vessels and nerves are 68 Which of the following is true about found in the osteoclasts A lamellae B canaliculi CHaversian canal osteon D lacunae 69 Hyaline cartilage is characterized by A the absence of perichondrium B the presensee of reticular fibers C presence of elastic fibers D transparent matrix A are undifferentiated cells B develop from the osteoblasts C build the bone matrix D break down the bone matrix 70 Connective tissue proper includes all of the following types except A dense regular B dense irregular C cartilage D loose
Anatomy and Physiology
67 In compact bone blood vessels and nerves are 68 Which of the following is true about found in the osteoclasts A lamellae B canaliculi CHaversian canal osteon D lacunae 69 Hyaline cartilage is characterized by A the absence of perichondrium B the presensee of reticular fibers C presence of elastic fibers D transparent matrix A are undifferentiated cells B develop from the osteoblasts C build the bone matrix D break down the bone matrix 70 Connective tissue proper includes all of the following types except A dense regular B dense irregular C cartilage D loose
20 Which structure Actrite al body Jer hasis of the cli D
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
20 Which structure Actrite al body Jer hasis of the cli D
61 What is the outer covering of the bone A perichondrium Bperiosteum C endosteum D capsule 63 Which of the following provide a pathway for the diffusion of nutrients within compact bone A lamellae CB canaliculi C periosteum D endosteum 55 The spaces of the spongy bone are lined by A endosteum B periosteum C perichondrium D capsule woven bone 62 What forms the skeleton of the fetus A bone Bhyaline cartilage C dense connective tissue D fibrocartilage 64 Which is the type of the collagen present in bone A 1 B II C III D IV 66 The processes of which bone cell are placed in the canaliculi A osteoblasts B osteocytes Costeoclasts
Anatomy and Physiology
61 What is the outer covering of the bone A perichondrium Bperiosteum C endosteum D capsule 63 Which of the following provide a pathway for the diffusion of nutrients within compact bone A lamellae CB canaliculi C periosteum D endosteum 55 The spaces of the spongy bone are lined by A endosteum B periosteum C perichondrium D capsule woven bone 62 What forms the skeleton of the fetus A bone Bhyaline cartilage C dense connective tissue D fibrocartilage 64 Which is the type of the collagen present in bone A 1 B II C III D IV 66 The processes of which bone cell are placed in the canaliculi A osteoblasts B osteocytes Costeoclasts
Match the following structures with the appropriate label on the scanning electron micro below 92 myelin sheath 93 Axon A 94 Shwann cell cytoplasm C 95 The contraction of the muscle fiber shown 96 Which of the following structures below is controled by the presented on the histologic slide bela A cardiac muscle fiber motor neurons of the CNS B hormones C interneurons D sensory neurons B collagen fiber C unmylinated nerve fiber myelinated nerve fiber
Anatomy and Physiology
Match the following structures with the appropriate label on the scanning electron micro below 92 myelin sheath 93 Axon A 94 Shwann cell cytoplasm C 95 The contraction of the muscle fiber shown 96 Which of the following structures below is controled by the presented on the histologic slide bela A cardiac muscle fiber motor neurons of the CNS B hormones C interneurons D sensory neurons B collagen fiber C unmylinated nerve fiber myelinated nerve fiber
1 All the followings are common for both mitochondria and peroxisome except A Double membrane B Oxidative enzymes Heat production division The stage in which the daughter hromosomes move towards the poles of the itotic spindle is A Prophase 1 B Anaphase 2 C Telophase D Metaphase 2 Mirosis The function of nucleolus is thought to be Generation of ATP Production of ribosomal RNA Production of vesicles for exocytosis D Renair of call memb 2 How many molecules of the DNA form chromosome in nondividing cell A One B Two C Three D four 4 Which of the following organelles is involved in sorting and packaging of proteins A Endoplasmic reticulum B Golgi apparatus C Mitochondria D ribosomes 6 Lysosomal enzymes are produced in A Golgi apparatus B rough endoplasmic reticulum C smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Anatomy and Physiology
1 All the followings are common for both mitochondria and peroxisome except A Double membrane B Oxidative enzymes Heat production division The stage in which the daughter hromosomes move towards the poles of the itotic spindle is A Prophase 1 B Anaphase 2 C Telophase D Metaphase 2 Mirosis The function of nucleolus is thought to be Generation of ATP Production of ribosomal RNA Production of vesicles for exocytosis D Renair of call memb 2 How many molecules of the DNA form chromosome in nondividing cell A One B Two C Three D four 4 Which of the following organelles is involved in sorting and packaging of proteins A Endoplasmic reticulum B Golgi apparatus C Mitochondria D ribosomes 6 Lysosomal enzymes are produced in A Golgi apparatus B rough endoplasmic reticulum C smooth endoplasmic reticulum
11 All the following statements are true of Golgi apparatus except A It appears as a group of flat vesicles with peripheral dilations It is involved in the lysosome formation It is involved in the protein synthesis D it has two surfaces called entry face and exit face 12 All the following statements are true of smooth endoplazmic reticulum except A It is abundant in the steroid synthesizing cells B It is well developed in the protein synthesizing cells C Intercommunicates with the RER D Participates in the contaction processes of the muscle cells
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
11 All the following statements are true of Golgi apparatus except A It appears as a group of flat vesicles with peripheral dilations It is involved in the lysosome formation It is involved in the protein synthesis D it has two surfaces called entry face and exit face 12 All the following statements are true of smooth endoplazmic reticulum except A It is abundant in the steroid synthesizing cells B It is well developed in the protein synthesizing cells C Intercommunicates with the RER D Participates in the contaction processes of the muscle cells
13 Organelles that contain enzymes that 14 Endoplasmic reticulum is either smooth destroy materials engulfed by phagocytes are or rough depending on the presence of what A Mitochondria Lisosomes C Ribosomes D Nucleoli S Cells that are active in exocytosis would kely contain many A Nuclei B Lysosomes A Peroxisomes D Golgi apparatus structures on its outher membrane A Mitochondria B Rhospholipids Ribosomes D Golgi apparatus 16 Solid particles are engulfed into a vesicle and brought inside a cell in Phagocytosis B Exocytosis C Pinocytosis D Primary active transport
Anatomy and Physiology
13 Organelles that contain enzymes that 14 Endoplasmic reticulum is either smooth destroy materials engulfed by phagocytes are or rough depending on the presence of what A Mitochondria Lisosomes C Ribosomes D Nucleoli S Cells that are active in exocytosis would kely contain many A Nuclei B Lysosomes A Peroxisomes D Golgi apparatus structures on its outher membrane A Mitochondria B Rhospholipids Ribosomes D Golgi apparatus 16 Solid particles are engulfed into a vesicle and brought inside a cell in Phagocytosis B Exocytosis C Pinocytosis D Primary active transport
Question 47 Points 2 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question Nature has put barriers in the way of any excessive devotion of women to public affairs and it is not necessary that nature s work in that respect should be supplemented by additional barriers invented by men Identify the sentence type Simple Compound complex Compound
Anatomy and Physiology
Question 47 Points 2 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question Nature has put barriers in the way of any excessive devotion of women to public affairs and it is not necessary that nature s work in that respect should be supplemented by additional barriers invented by men Identify the sentence type Simple Compound complex Compound
1 br 1 bath House J 1 Row Diamond W GradeResults My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q veen a man or pure morois ransen he might have been thought merested in protecting the innocence of my aunt but those who knew him will not suspect him of any such virtue Before he commenced whipping Aunt Hester he took her into the kitchen and stripped her from neck to waist leaving her neck shoulders and back entirely naked He then told her to cross her hands calling her at the same time a ddb h After crossing her hands he tied them with a strong rope and led her to a stool under a large hook in the joist put in for the purpose He made her get upon the stool and tied her hands to the hook She now stood fair for his infernal purpose Her arms were stretched up at their full length so that she stood upon the ends of her toes He then said to her Now you d db h I ll learn you how to disobey my orders and after rolling up his sleeves he commenced to lay on the heavy cowskin and soon the warm red blood amid heart rending shrieks from her and horrid oaths from him came dripping to the floor I was so terrified and horror stricken at the sight that I hid myself in a closet and dared not venture out till long after the bloody transaction was over I expected it would be my turn next It was all new to me I had never seen any thing like it before I had always lived with my grandmother on the outskirts of the plantation where she was put to raise the children of the younger women I had therefore been until now out of the way of the bloody scenes that often occurred on the plantation What was the chief offense by Aunt Hester according to th urselD ZENTNOZXN0 gradelD 231xMORc30 typel0 23 101 Dalmatians City 10k Nellow Gold Me
Anatomy and Physiology
1 br 1 bath House J 1 Row Diamond W GradeResults My Activities Tell me what you want to do Q veen a man or pure morois ransen he might have been thought merested in protecting the innocence of my aunt but those who knew him will not suspect him of any such virtue Before he commenced whipping Aunt Hester he took her into the kitchen and stripped her from neck to waist leaving her neck shoulders and back entirely naked He then told her to cross her hands calling her at the same time a ddb h After crossing her hands he tied them with a strong rope and led her to a stool under a large hook in the joist put in for the purpose He made her get upon the stool and tied her hands to the hook She now stood fair for his infernal purpose Her arms were stretched up at their full length so that she stood upon the ends of her toes He then said to her Now you d db h I ll learn you how to disobey my orders and after rolling up his sleeves he commenced to lay on the heavy cowskin and soon the warm red blood amid heart rending shrieks from her and horrid oaths from him came dripping to the floor I was so terrified and horror stricken at the sight that I hid myself in a closet and dared not venture out till long after the bloody transaction was over I expected it would be my turn next It was all new to me I had never seen any thing like it before I had always lived with my grandmother on the outskirts of the plantation where she was put to raise the children of the younger women I had therefore been until now out of the way of the bloody scenes that often occurred on the plantation What was the chief offense by Aunt Hester according to th urselD ZENTNOZXN0 gradelD 231xMORc30 typel0 23 101 Dalmatians City 10k Nellow Gold Me
The other name for claim is thesis statement refutation conclusion
Anatomy and Physiology
The other name for claim is thesis statement refutation conclusion