Anatomy and Physiology Questions

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What is the best explaination of the microvilli on the apical surface of the proximal convoluted tubule O They increase the surface area that comes in contact with the blood s plasma to help actively excrete toxins They increase the surface area and allow for greater volume of filtrate components to be reabsorbed They hold on to enzymes that cleanse the filtration before reabsorption O Their movements propel the filtration through the tubule
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What is the best explaination of the microvilli on the apical surface of the proximal convoluted tubule O They increase the surface area that comes in contact with the blood s plasma to help actively excrete toxins They increase the surface area and allow for greater volume of filtrate components to be reabsorbed They hold on to enzymes that cleanse the filtration before reabsorption O Their movements propel the filtration through the tubule
How did it affect Trevor Noah about the case of racism explain why
Anatomy and Physiology
How did it affect Trevor Noah about the case of racism explain why
What is racism and how is it today explain why
Anatomy and Physiology
What is racism and how is it today explain why
say to your favorite
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
say to your favorite
10 20 30 35 50 60 Amount of ethylene in Age of the tree in years 10 15 20 30 35 Wine sap Apples Days to Maturity 14 12 11 10 8 8 A Ethylene is a plant hormone that causes fruit to mature The data above concerns the amount of time it takes for fruit to mature from the time of the first application of ethylene by spraying a field of trees B Make a line graph of the data Problem 3 Golden Apples Days to Maturity Average thickness of the annual rings in cm Forest A 2 0 2 2 3 5 3 0 4 5 4 3 14 12 9 7 7 7 Gala Apples Days to Maturity 15 13 10 9 8 7 Average thickness of the annual rings in cm Forest B 2 2 2 5 3 6 3 8 4 0 4 5 A The thickness of the annual rings indicate what type of environmental situation was occurring at the time of its development A thin ring usually indicates a rough period of development Lack of water forest fires or a major insect infestation On the other hand a thick ring indicates just the opposite Make a line graph of the data What was the average thickness of the annual rings of 40 year old trees in Forest A Based on this data what can you conclude about Forest A and Forest Title
Anatomy and Physiology
10 20 30 35 50 60 Amount of ethylene in Age of the tree in years 10 15 20 30 35 Wine sap Apples Days to Maturity 14 12 11 10 8 8 A Ethylene is a plant hormone that causes fruit to mature The data above concerns the amount of time it takes for fruit to mature from the time of the first application of ethylene by spraying a field of trees B Make a line graph of the data Problem 3 Golden Apples Days to Maturity Average thickness of the annual rings in cm Forest A 2 0 2 2 3 5 3 0 4 5 4 3 14 12 9 7 7 7 Gala Apples Days to Maturity 15 13 10 9 8 7 Average thickness of the annual rings in cm Forest B 2 2 2 5 3 6 3 8 4 0 4 5 A The thickness of the annual rings indicate what type of environmental situation was occurring at the time of its development A thin ring usually indicates a rough period of development Lack of water forest fires or a major insect infestation On the other hand a thick ring indicates just the opposite Make a line graph of the data What was the average thickness of the annual rings of 40 year old trees in Forest A Based on this data what can you conclude about Forest A and Forest Title
Animal Frog Front Leg Whole Flipper Horse Front Leg Lion Front Leg Human Arm Bat Wing Bird Wing Shape of Limb Click to odd text Click to add heat Click to add text Click to add teat Click to add test Click to odd Na Click to add tea of Bones in Upper Limb Click to add tast Click to add hast Click to add taxt Click to add test Click to odd text Click to add tast Click to of Bones in Lower Limb Click to add text Click to add f xt X Click to add test Click to odd NOST Click to acid text Click to Function of the Limb What does it help the organism do Click to add text Click to add text Click to add text Click to odd fest Click to odd text Click to odd text
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Animal Frog Front Leg Whole Flipper Horse Front Leg Lion Front Leg Human Arm Bat Wing Bird Wing Shape of Limb Click to odd text Click to add heat Click to add text Click to add teat Click to add test Click to odd Na Click to add tea of Bones in Upper Limb Click to add tast Click to add hast Click to add taxt Click to add test Click to odd text Click to add tast Click to of Bones in Lower Limb Click to add text Click to add f xt X Click to add test Click to odd NOST Click to acid text Click to Function of the Limb What does it help the organism do Click to add text Click to add text Click to add text Click to odd fest Click to odd text Click to odd text
What motivates you Why
Anatomy and Physiology
What motivates you Why
What are your thoughts about trevor noah
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
What are your thoughts about trevor noah
What is a hero
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What is a hero
What are your thoughts about the reverse outline
Anatomy and Physiology
What are your thoughts about the reverse outline
What is plagiarism
Anatomy and Physiology
What is plagiarism
What are signal phrases
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What are signal phrases
How do you like English
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
How do you like English
24 25 26 27 22 23 QUESTIONS 17 27 In the following diagram identify the labeled structures 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Anatomy and Physiology
24 25 26 27 22 23 QUESTIONS 17 27 In the following diagram identify the labeled structures 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
tify the female reproductive organ that is shown in each of the following photos
Anatomy and Physiology
tify the female reproductive organ that is shown in each of the following photos
15 What would happen if fertilization occurred normally but the corpus luteum did not produce progesterone
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
15 What would happen if fertilization occurred normally but the corpus luteum did not produce progesterone
QUESTIONS 3 14 Match the structure in column A with the correct description in column B B A 3 Uterine tube 4 Clitoris 5 Vestibule 6 Ovary 7 Vagina 8 Labia minora 9 Suspensory ligaments 10 Urogenital triangle 11 Cervix 12 Broad ligament 13 Greater vestibular glands 14 Lactiferous ducts a A Pap smear is a test for detecting cancer of this structure b This structure passes posterior to the urinary bladder and urethra and anterior to the rectum c Milk produced by the mammary glands drains into these structures d The external genitalia are located in this region e Fertilization usually occurs in the ampulla of this structure DS f This structure supports the internal female reproductive organs in the pelvic cavity g Secretions from these structures moisten the area near the vaginal orifice during sexual intercourse h Like the penis this structure has corpora cavernosa i This structure encloses the vestibule j During fetal development primordial follicles are produced by this structure k The vaginal and urethral openings are located in this region 1 These structures provide support for the mammary glands
Anatomy and Physiology
QUESTIONS 3 14 Match the structure in column A with the correct description in column B B A 3 Uterine tube 4 Clitoris 5 Vestibule 6 Ovary 7 Vagina 8 Labia minora 9 Suspensory ligaments 10 Urogenital triangle 11 Cervix 12 Broad ligament 13 Greater vestibular glands 14 Lactiferous ducts a A Pap smear is a test for detecting cancer of this structure b This structure passes posterior to the urinary bladder and urethra and anterior to the rectum c Milk produced by the mammary glands drains into these structures d The external genitalia are located in this region e Fertilization usually occurs in the ampulla of this structure DS f This structure supports the internal female reproductive organs in the pelvic cavity g Secretions from these structures moisten the area near the vaginal orifice during sexual intercourse h Like the penis this structure has corpora cavernosa i This structure encloses the vestibule j During fetal development primordial follicles are produced by this structure k The vaginal and urethral openings are located in this region 1 These structures provide support for the mammary glands
2 Predict what might happen if the broad ligament and other supporting ligaments were damaged by infection or injury
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
2 Predict what might happen if the broad ligament and other supporting ligaments were damaged by infection or injury
10 71569 1 An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the early embryo implants at a location outside the uterus A common site for an ectopic pregnancy is in a uterine tube Explain why an ectopic pregnancy that occurs in a uterine tube will not be successful
Anatomy and Physiology
10 71569 1 An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the early embryo implants at a location outside the uterus A common site for an ectopic pregnancy is in a uterine tube Explain why an ectopic pregnancy that occurs in a uterine tube will not be successful
a Identify the structure that is shown in each of the following photos LM X 140
Anatomy and Physiology
a Identify the structure that is shown in each of the following photos LM X 140
Homo floresiensis shares several traits with Select or and likely represents a relict stranded population that experienced island dwarfism over time the population became smaller This is an example of Select
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Homo floresiensis shares several traits with Select or and likely represents a relict stranded population that experienced island dwarfism over time the population became smaller This is an example of Select
Humans can be easily grouped into biologically discreet as in separate categories using check your answer in section 2 O brain size and intelligence genetics O None of these skin color
Anatomy and Physiology
Humans can be easily grouped into biologically discreet as in separate categories using check your answer in section 2 O brain size and intelligence genetics O None of these skin color
1029 The hominin pictured above had a cranial capacity between 750 1250 cm relatively small molars and premolars and a fully bipedal skeleton It has been found in both Asia and Africa What is this species check you answer in Section 5 O Sahalenthropus tchadensis Homo erectus O Homo habiluspusmush
Anatomy and Physiology
1029 The hominin pictured above had a cranial capacity between 750 1250 cm relatively small molars and premolars and a fully bipedal skeleton It has been found in both Asia and Africa What is this species check you answer in Section 5 O Sahalenthropus tchadensis Homo erectus O Homo habiluspusmush
Prompt Your textbook describes gender performances as learned through complex interactions with other people This includes interaction both with people whose structural positions differ from ours e g children interacting with their parents and people whose positions are relatively similar e g interactions with peers What does the complexity of these interactions and the multiple sources of this learning suggest about the likely effectiveness of attempts to shift the norms of gender performance
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Prompt Your textbook describes gender performances as learned through complex interactions with other people This includes interaction both with people whose structural positions differ from ours e g children interacting with their parents and people whose positions are relatively similar e g interactions with peers What does the complexity of these interactions and the multiple sources of this learning suggest about the likely effectiveness of attempts to shift the norms of gender performance
The benefits of social living in primates tend to outweigh the costs Among other benefits social living in humans allows us to check your answer in sections 3 4 and 5 O independently invent tools rather than learning from or copying another O avoid contagious diseases pathogens O grow up more slowly O hide from predators more easily
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
The benefits of social living in primates tend to outweigh the costs Among other benefits social living in humans allows us to check your answer in sections 3 4 and 5 O independently invent tools rather than learning from or copying another O avoid contagious diseases pathogens O grow up more slowly O hide from predators more easily
Prompt This chapter explores research on the similarities and differences between men and women There is a sense in which framing the chapter that way at all could be seen as reinforcing the gender binary which assumes that men and women are discrete groups and that an individual s place in one group offers important information about them Do you see this potential reinforcement of the gender binary as justified in the context of this chapter Why or why not
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Prompt This chapter explores research on the similarities and differences between men and women There is a sense in which framing the chapter that way at all could be seen as reinforcing the gender binary which assumes that men and women are discrete groups and that an individual s place in one group offers important information about them Do you see this potential reinforcement of the gender binary as justified in the context of this chapter Why or why not
The development of modern behaviors appears to have occurred when prehistoric populations congregated arou resource rich areas during times of prolonged drought Where is the earliest evidence for personal decorations shell beads and jewelry in early modern humans check your answer in section 5 O East Africa 30 kya O South Africa 75 55 kya O Eurasia 1 85 mya O France 45 kya
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The development of modern behaviors appears to have occurred when prehistoric populations congregated arou resource rich areas during times of prolonged drought Where is the earliest evidence for personal decorations shell beads and jewelry in early modern humans check your answer in section 5 O East Africa 30 kya O South Africa 75 55 kya O Eurasia 1 85 mya O France 45 kya
The probable hominins are only considered probably on our linages because of several issues related to their study Those issues include all of the following EXCEPT check your answer in section 5 The ring species concept is not testable here O The fossil record during the hypothesized time period for the chimp human linages split is sparse O Some specimens are no longer available to study because they are missing O We expect to see a lot of mosaic evolution making evolutionary relationships harder to reconstruct
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
The probable hominins are only considered probably on our linages because of several issues related to their study Those issues include all of the following EXCEPT check your answer in section 5 The ring species concept is not testable here O The fossil record during the hypothesized time period for the chimp human linages split is sparse O Some specimens are no longer available to study because they are missing O We expect to see a lot of mosaic evolution making evolutionary relationships harder to reconstruct
Most primates have a very generalized and flexible body plan However humans are more derived in our specialized bipedal locomotion Which of the following is NOT a skeletal adaptation for bipedalism Check your answer in section 5 O Long thin innominates pelvis for longer thinner and weaker gluteal muscles O Valgus knee Robust hallux or big toe for supporting weight O A more central foramen magnum
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Most primates have a very generalized and flexible body plan However humans are more derived in our specialized bipedal locomotion Which of the following is NOT a skeletal adaptation for bipedalism Check your answer in section 5 O Long thin innominates pelvis for longer thinner and weaker gluteal muscles O Valgus knee Robust hallux or big toe for supporting weight O A more central foramen magnum
All humans today descend from check your answers in section 5 Neanderthals in Europe O Early modern humans who evolved in Africa approximately 300 kya Paranthropus Rentable
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
All humans today descend from check your answers in section 5 Neanderthals in Europe O Early modern humans who evolved in Africa approximately 300 kya Paranthropus Rentable
Sexual differentiation is often observable in a fetal morphology around midway through normal pregnancy However there can be much variability between traditional binary ideas of male and female due to the processe by which gonads and external genitalia develop check your answer in section 4 True O False
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Sexual differentiation is often observable in a fetal morphology around midway through normal pregnancy However there can be much variability between traditional binary ideas of male and female due to the processe by which gonads and external genitalia develop check your answer in section 4 True O False
Humans and chimpanzees share a last common ancestor LCA that was likely check your answer in Section 5 and Section 1 O Ardipithecus An old world monkey like a gelada more similar to modern chimpanzees than humans but neither human nor chimp
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Humans and chimpanzees share a last common ancestor LCA that was likely check your answer in Section 5 and Section 1 O Ardipithecus An old world monkey like a gelada more similar to modern chimpanzees than humans but neither human nor chimp
Sexual reproduction is costly in many ways and yet it persists across many taxa This suggests it is an adaptation with benefits outweighing costs What is the most important benefit of sexual reproduction as opposed to asexual reproduction check your answer in section 4 O You are more likely to pass on harmful mutations O It s fun O It offers an opportunity for increased genetic diversity in offspring making it harder for rapidly evolving pathogens to adapt You are safe from predation during sexual reproduction
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Sexual reproduction is costly in many ways and yet it persists across many taxa This suggests it is an adaptation with benefits outweighing costs What is the most important benefit of sexual reproduction as opposed to asexual reproduction check your answer in section 4 O You are more likely to pass on harmful mutations O It s fun O It offers an opportunity for increased genetic diversity in offspring making it harder for rapidly evolving pathogens to adapt You are safe from predation during sexual reproduction
If a behavior is to be an adaptation then it must be check your answer in section 1 and sections 3 4 or 5 O learned O lead to a longer life regardless of reproduction O inheritable O culturally influenced
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
If a behavior is to be an adaptation then it must be check your answer in section 1 and sections 3 4 or 5 O learned O lead to a longer life regardless of reproduction O inheritable O culturally influenced
Lemurs Lorises ancient ancestral primate examine the cladogram above Which of the following is true check your answer in Section 3 New World Monkeys Tarsiers O Lemurs are extinct O Apes and Tarsiers share a last common ancestor LCA O Old World Monkeys evolved from New World Monkeys Old World Monkeys Apes and Humans
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Lemurs Lorises ancient ancestral primate examine the cladogram above Which of the following is true check your answer in Section 3 New World Monkeys Tarsiers O Lemurs are extinct O Apes and Tarsiers share a last common ancestor LCA O Old World Monkeys evolved from New World Monkeys Old World Monkeys Apes and Humans
Are humans still evolving Explain your answer 2 points Check your answer in Section 5 and or Section 1
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Are humans still evolving Explain your answer 2 points Check your answer in Section 5 and or Section 1
What is an example of the naturalist fallacy check your answer in Section 1 O Australopithecus one of our ancestors mostly ate harder plant foods with minimal processes and fruits therefor v also follow this diet as it is healthier and better O Is it amoral to bring your genes into the next generation Sometimes it is evolutionarily benefitable for male lions to kill the offspring of lionesses that are not his own O Sexual behaviors in animals are only occur between males and females
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
What is an example of the naturalist fallacy check your answer in Section 1 O Australopithecus one of our ancestors mostly ate harder plant foods with minimal processes and fruits therefor v also follow this diet as it is healthier and better O Is it amoral to bring your genes into the next generation Sometimes it is evolutionarily benefitable for male lions to kill the offspring of lionesses that are not his own O Sexual behaviors in animals are only occur between males and females
For this first Free Writing let s establish a baseline of your understanding of the concepts you will learn in this course With your answer to this prompt explain your concept of gender What is gender How do you know
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
For this first Free Writing let s establish a baseline of your understanding of the concepts you will learn in this course With your answer to this prompt explain your concept of gender What is gender How do you know
Anatomy and Physiology
Muscles paper 10 3390 ijms222111874 10 points https www mdpi com 1422 0067 22 21 11874 1 Name at least 5 changes in the shape or activity of the heart that is caused by DM1 2 The gene SCN5A which encodes the a subunit of the cardiac voltage gated Na channel often mentioned as a possible cause for DM1 phenotypes Why is Na important to normal cardiac function
Anatomy and Physiology
Muscles paper 10 3390 ijms222111874 10 points https www mdpi com 1422 0067 22 21 11874 1 Name at least 5 changes in the shape or activity of the heart that is caused by DM1 2 The gene SCN5A which encodes the a subunit of the cardiac voltage gated Na channel often mentioned as a possible cause for DM1 phenotypes Why is Na important to normal cardiac function
PARKS Gordon Untitled 1947 D Here Parks tackles issues of race in a visibly bold manner reminiscent of his work Washington D C Government charwoman American Gothic Parks took this picture on assignment for Ebony magazine in 1947 for an article called Problem Kids New Harlem clinic rescues ghetto youth from emotional short circuit The article featured the work of psychiatrists Mamie and Kenneth Clark whose doll test research investigated issues of segregation and self esteem in black children African America children in segregated schools were shown a black doll and a white doll and then asked to choose one The majority picked the white doll indicating that segregation impacted th children s feelings of self worth Their research while not wholly scientific was used in school desegregation lawsuits including Brown v Board of Education 1954 Imagine you are the editor of Ebony magazine Would you have chosen to include this image in your story Why or why not Gordon Parks Untitled Harlem New York 1947 gelatin silver print image 17 78 x 17 46 cm 7 x 6 7 8 in sheet 20 32 x 18 42 cm 8 x 7 1 4 in The Gordon Parks Foundation GP04135 Courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation
Anatomy and Physiology
PARKS Gordon Untitled 1947 D Here Parks tackles issues of race in a visibly bold manner reminiscent of his work Washington D C Government charwoman American Gothic Parks took this picture on assignment for Ebony magazine in 1947 for an article called Problem Kids New Harlem clinic rescues ghetto youth from emotional short circuit The article featured the work of psychiatrists Mamie and Kenneth Clark whose doll test research investigated issues of segregation and self esteem in black children African America children in segregated schools were shown a black doll and a white doll and then asked to choose one The majority picked the white doll indicating that segregation impacted th children s feelings of self worth Their research while not wholly scientific was used in school desegregation lawsuits including Brown v Board of Education 1954 Imagine you are the editor of Ebony magazine Would you have chosen to include this image in your story Why or why not Gordon Parks Untitled Harlem New York 1947 gelatin silver print image 17 78 x 17 46 cm 7 x 6 7 8 in sheet 20 32 x 18 42 cm 8 x 7 1 4 in The Gordon Parks Foundation GP04135 Courtesy of and copyright The Gordon Parks Foundation
Craig planned his career to the T He worked with his company for 25 years saving as much as he could in his 401K so that he could retire at 50 Then the stock market tanked in 2009 so his retirement savings took a big hit To offset this he now does some part time contract work for his old company to supplement his smaller retirement income Which term best applies to Craig s situation O work family conflict O boomerang employee syndrome age discrimination sexual harassment
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Craig planned his career to the T He worked with his company for 25 years saving as much as he could in his 401K so that he could retire at 50 Then the stock market tanked in 2009 so his retirement savings took a big hit To offset this he now does some part time contract work for his old company to supplement his smaller retirement income Which term best applies to Craig s situation O work family conflict O boomerang employee syndrome age discrimination sexual harassment
Judy adds s to every noun to make it plural whether she should or not e g tooths instead of teeth What aspect of preschoolers language development best applies to this situation O referential communication skills O leaving out articles O leaving out grammatical markers
Anatomy and Physiology
Judy adds s to every noun to make it plural whether she should or not e g tooths instead of teeth What aspect of preschoolers language development best applies to this situation O referential communication skills O leaving out articles O leaving out grammatical markers
When Tucker is at the playground with his mom and she walks from the sandbox to the water fountain to get a drink he barely notices that she s left and he doesn t get upset about it When she comes back he keeps going about his business in the sandbox even going as far as playing with Toby s mom whom Tucker doesn t really know What attachment style best applies to Tucker O insecure disorganized disoriented attachment O secure attachment O insecure avoidant attachment
Anatomy and Physiology
When Tucker is at the playground with his mom and she walks from the sandbox to the water fountain to get a drink he barely notices that she s left and he doesn t get upset about it When she comes back he keeps going about his business in the sandbox even going as far as playing with Toby s mom whom Tucker doesn t really know What attachment style best applies to Tucker O insecure disorganized disoriented attachment O secure attachment O insecure avoidant attachment
Dr Henry wants to study the development of spatial reasoning in early childhood She decides to test one set of 2 year olds one set of 3 year olds and one set of 4 year olds in Spring Semester 2016 by giving them a task where they have to guess the final location of a ball that moved through an opaque diagonal tube What developmental research design is this O sequential O cross sectional O longitudinal O microgenetic
Anatomy and Physiology
Dr Henry wants to study the development of spatial reasoning in early childhood She decides to test one set of 2 year olds one set of 3 year olds and one set of 4 year olds in Spring Semester 2016 by giving them a task where they have to guess the final location of a ball that moved through an opaque diagonal tube What developmental research design is this O sequential O cross sectional O longitudinal O microgenetic
Helen just moved into an assisted living facility and she s hoping to make a few friends with some of the ladies who already live there Based on socioemotional selectivity theory which of the following is most likely the reason why Helen would seek out new friends O developing self concept emotional regulation informational gain financial assistance
Anatomy and Physiology
Helen just moved into an assisted living facility and she s hoping to make a few friends with some of the ladies who already live there Based on socioemotional selectivity theory which of the following is most likely the reason why Helen would seek out new friends O developing self concept emotional regulation informational gain financial assistance
I go to the 3rd grade classrooms at Blue Ash Elementary and ask the students to explain to me how they do their 2 digit subtraction problems then I am doing research using O self reports in a natural observation setting O performance measures in a natural observation setting O performance measures in a laboratory observation setting self reports in a laboratory observation setting
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
I go to the 3rd grade classrooms at Blue Ash Elementary and ask the students to explain to me how they do their 2 digit subtraction problems then I am doing research using O self reports in a natural observation setting O performance measures in a natural observation setting O performance measures in a laboratory observation setting self reports in a laboratory observation setting
Stan is 95 years old and still going strong No one would guess he s a year over 80 so he can definitely be considered a successful ager Which of the following is LEAST likely to apply to Stan O He has no close relationships with friends or family O He goes to church every Sunday O He volunteers at an animal shelter two afternoons a week O He likes to watch TED Talks on the internet
Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology
Stan is 95 years old and still going strong No one would guess he s a year over 80 so he can definitely be considered a successful ager Which of the following is LEAST likely to apply to Stan O He has no close relationships with friends or family O He goes to church every Sunday O He volunteers at an animal shelter two afternoons a week O He likes to watch TED Talks on the internet
Even though Lila is 90 years old she still lives at home because she still gets out to walk 5 miles a day can see and hear quite well and is sharp as a tack mentally Which contributor to successful aging best applies to this situation competence O spirituality environmental press O integrity
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Even though Lila is 90 years old she still lives at home because she still gets out to walk 5 miles a day can see and hear quite well and is sharp as a tack mentally Which contributor to successful aging best applies to this situation competence O spirituality environmental press O integrity
Steve is turning 80 this year He s been thinking a lot about how his life went his successful career this 55 year marriage to his lovely wife and how amazing his children and grandchildren turned out If he died tomorrow he would die a happy man Which of Erikson s psychosocial stages best applies here O identity vs identity confusion O generativity vs stagnation O intimacy vs isolation O integrity vs despair
Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy
Steve is turning 80 this year He s been thinking a lot about how his life went his successful career this 55 year marriage to his lovely wife and how amazing his children and grandchildren turned out If he died tomorrow he would die a happy man Which of Erikson s psychosocial stages best applies here O identity vs identity confusion O generativity vs stagnation O intimacy vs isolation O integrity vs despair